# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module AST # Provides methods for traversing an AST. # Does not transform an AST; for that, use Parser::AST::Processor. # Override methods to perform custom processing. Remember to call `super` # if you want to recursively process descendant nodes. module Traversal def walk(node) return if node.nil? send(:"on_#{node.type}", node) nil end NO_CHILD_NODES = %i[true false nil int float complex rational str sym regopt self lvar ivar cvar gvar nth_ref back_ref cbase arg restarg blockarg shadowarg kwrestarg zsuper lambda redo retry].freeze ONE_CHILD_NODE = %i[splat kwsplat block_pass not break next preexe postexe match_current_line defined? arg_expr].freeze MANY_CHILD_NODES = %i[dstr dsym xstr regexp array hash pair mlhs masgn or_asgn and_asgn undef alias args super yield or and while_post until_post iflipflop eflipflop match_with_lvasgn begin kwbegin return].freeze SECOND_CHILD_ONLY = %i[lvasgn ivasgn cvasgn gvasgn optarg kwarg kwoptarg].freeze NO_CHILD_NODES.each do |type| module_eval("def on_#{type}(node); end", __FILE__, __LINE__) end ONE_CHILD_NODE.each do |type| module_eval(<<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def on_#{type}(node) if (child = node.children[0]) send(:"on_\#{child.type}", child) end end RUBY end MANY_CHILD_NODES.each do |type| module_eval(<<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def on_#{type}(node) node.children.each { |child| send(:"on_\#{child.type}", child) } nil end RUBY end SECOND_CHILD_ONLY.each do |type| # Guard clause is for nodes nested within mlhs module_eval(<<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def on_#{type}(node) if (child = node.children[1]) send(:"on_\#{child.type}", child) end end RUBY end def on_const(node) return unless (child = node.children[0]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end def on_casgn(node) children = node.children if (child = children[0]) # always const??? send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end return unless (child = children[2]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end def on_class(node) children = node.children child = children[0] # always const??? send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) if (child = children[1]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end return unless (child = children[2]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end def on_def(node) children = node.children on_args(children[1]) return unless (child = children[2]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end def on_send(node) node.children.each_with_index do |child, i| next if i == 1 send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) if child end nil end alias on_csend on_send def on_op_asgn(node) children = node.children child = children[0] send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) child = children[2] send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end def on_defs(node) children = node.children child = children[0] send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) on_args(children[2]) return unless (child = children[3]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end def on_if(node) children = node.children child = children[0] send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) if (child = children[1]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end return unless (child = children[2]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end def on_while(node) children = node.children child = children[0] send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) return unless (child = children[1]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end alias on_until on_while alias on_module on_while alias on_sclass on_while def on_block(node) children = node.children child = children[0] send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) # can be send, zsuper... on_args(children[1]) return unless (child = children[2]) send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) end def on_case(node) node.children.each do |child| send(:"on_#{child.type}", child) if child end nil end alias on_rescue on_case alias on_resbody on_case alias on_ensure on_case alias on_for on_case alias on_when on_case alias on_irange on_case alias on_erange on_case end end end