require 'find' require 'pathname' require 'haml_parser/parser' require_relative 'static_hash_parser' module Faml class Stats Info = :empty_attribute_count, :static_attribute_count, :static_id_or_class_attribute_count, :dynamic_attribute_count, :dynamic_attribute_with_data_count, :dynamic_attribute_with_newline_count, :ruby_attribute_count, :object_reference_count, :multi_attribute_count, :ast_types ) do def initialize(*) super self.ast_types ||= { |h, k| h[k] = 0 } members.each do |k| self[k] ||= 0 end end end def initialize(*paths) @files = find_files(paths) end def report info = @files.each do |file| collect_info(info, file) end report_attribute_stats(info) report_ast_stats(info) end private def find_files(paths) paths.flat_map do |path| if find_haml_files(path) else [path.to_s] end end end def find_haml_files(dir) files = [] Find.find(dir) do |file| if File.extname(file) == '.haml' files << file end end files end def collect_info(info, file) ast = file).call( walk_ast(info, ast) end def walk_ast(info, ast) info.ast_types[ast.class.to_s.sub(/\A.*::(.+)\z/, '\1')] += 1 case ast when HamlParser::Ast::Root ast.children.each { |c| walk_ast(info, c) } when HamlParser::Ast::Doctype :noop when HamlParser::Ast::Element collect_attribute_info(info, ast) if ast.oneline_child walk_ast(info, ast.oneline_child) end ast.children.each { |c| walk_ast(info, c) } when HamlParser::Ast::Script ast.children.each { |c| walk_ast(info, c) } when HamlParser::Ast::SilentScript ast.children.each { |c| walk_ast(info, c) } when HamlParser::Ast::HtmlComment ast.children.each { |c| walk_ast(info, c) } when HamlParser::Ast::HamlComment ast.children.each { |c| walk_ast(info, c) } when HamlParser::Ast::Text :noop when HamlParser::Ast::Filter :noop when HamlParser::Ast::Empty :noop else raise "InternalError: Unknown ast #{ast.class}: #{ast.inspect}" end end def collect_attribute_info(info, ast) if ast.object_ref info.object_reference_count += 1 return end if !ast.old_attributes && !ast.new_attributes if ast.static_class.empty? && ast.static_id.empty? info.empty_attribute_count += 1 else info.static_id_or_class_attribute_count += 1 end else static_hash_parser = if static_hash_parser.parse("{#{ast.new_attributes}#{ast.old_attributes}}") if static_hash_parser.dynamic_attributes.empty? info.static_attribute_count += 1 else if static_hash_parser.dynamic_attributes.key?('data') || static_hash_parser.dynamic_attributes.key?(:data) info.dynamic_attribute_with_data_count += 1 elsif ast.old_attributes && ast.old_attributes.include?("\n") info.dynamic_attribute_with_newline_count += 1 elsif ast.new_attributes && ast.new_attributes.include?("\n") info.dynamic_attribute_with_newline_count += 1 else info.dynamic_attribute_count += 1 end end else call_ast = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse("call(#{ast.new_attributes}#{ast.old_attributes})") if call_ast.type == :send && call_ast.children[0].nil? && call_ast.children[1] == :call && !call_ast.children[3].nil? info.multi_attribute_count += 1 else info.ruby_attribute_count += 1 end end end end def report_attribute_stats(info) static = info.static_attribute_count dynamic = info.dynamic_attribute_count + info.dynamic_attribute_with_data_count + info.dynamic_attribute_with_newline_count ruby = info.ruby_attribute_count + info.multi_attribute_count + info.object_reference_count total = static + dynamic + ruby puts 'Attribute stats' printf(" Empty attributes: %d\n", info.empty_attribute_count) printf(" Attributes with id or class only: %d\n", info.static_id_or_class_attribute_count) printf(" Static attributes: %d (%.2f%%)\n", static, static * 100.0 / total) printf(" Dynamic attributes: %d (%.2f%%)\n", dynamic, dynamic * 100.0 / total) printf(" with data: %d\n", info.dynamic_attribute_with_data_count) printf(" with newline: %d\n", info.dynamic_attribute_with_newline_count) printf(" Ruby attributes: %d (%.2f%%)\n", ruby, ruby * 100.0 / total) printf(" with multiple arguments: %d\n", info.multi_attribute_count) printf(" with object reference: %d\n", info.object_reference_count) end def report_ast_stats(info) total = info.ast_types.values.inject(0, :+) puts 'AST stats' info.ast_types.keys.sort.each do |type| v = info.ast_types[type] printf(" %s: %d (%.2f%%)\n", type, v, v * 100.0 / total) end end end end