#!/usr/bin/env ruby $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) class HelpNeededError < RuntimeError; end require "optparse" require "ostruct" require "gizzard" require "yaml" DOC_STRINGS = { "create" => "Create shard(s) of a given Java/Scala class. If you don't know the list of available classes, you can just try a bogus class, and the exception will include a list of valid classes.", "wrap" => "Wrapping creates a new (virtual, e.g. blocking, replicating, etc.) shard, and relinks SHARD_ID_TO_WRAP's parent links to run through the new shard.", "inject" => "Inject jobs (as literal json) into the server. Jobs can be linefeed-terminated from stdin, or passed as arguments. Priority is server-defined, but typically lower numbers (like 1) are lower priority." } ORIGINAL_ARGV = ARGV.dup zero = File.basename($0) # Container for parsed options global_options = OpenStruct.new global_options.render = [] subcommand_options = OpenStruct.new # Leftover arguments argv = nil GIZZMO_VERSION = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../VERSION") rescue "unable to read version file" begin YAML.load_file(File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".gizzmorc")).each do |k, v| global_options.send("#{k}=", v) end rescue Errno::ENOENT # Do nothing... rescue => e abort "Unknown error loading ~/.gizzmorc: #{e.message}" end def split(string) return [] unless string a = [] tokens = string.split(/\s+/) a << tokens.shift tokens.each do |token| s = a.last if s.length + token.length + 1 < 80 s << " #{token}" else a << token end end a end def separators(opts, string) opts.separator("") split(string).each do |substr| opts.separator(substr) end opts.separator("") end subcommands = { 'create' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} create [options] CLASS_NAME SHARD_ID [MORE SHARD_IDS...]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["create"]) opts.on("-s", "--source-type=TYPE") do |s| subcommand_options.source_type = s end opts.on("-d", "--destination-type=TYPE") do |s| subcommand_options.destination_type = s end end, 'wrap' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} wrap CLASS_NAME SHARD_ID_TO_WRAP [MORE SHARD_IDS...]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["wrap"]) end, 'report' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} report RUBY_REGEX" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["report"]) end, 'rebalance' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} rebalance" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["rebalance"]) opts.on("-h", "--hosts=list") do |h| subcommand_options.hosts = h end end, 'repair' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} repair MASTER SLAVE [MASTER SLAVE...]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["repair"]) end, 'pair' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} pair" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["pair"]) end, 'subtree' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} subtree SHARD_ID" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["subtree"]) end, 'hosts' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} hosts" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["hosts"]) end, 'deleteforwarding' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} deleteforwarding TABLE_ID BASE_ID SHARD_ID" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["deleteforwarding"]) end, 'delete' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} delete SHARD_ID_TO_DELETE [MORE SHARD_IDS]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["delete"]) end, 'addforwarding' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} addforwarding TABLE_ID BASE_ID SHARD_ID" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["addforwarding"]) end, 'currentforwarding' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} currentforwarding SOURCE_ID [ANOTHER_SOURCE_ID...]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["addforwarding"]) end, 'forwardings' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} forwardings [options]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["forwardings"]) opts.on("-t", "--tables=IDS", "Show only the specified table ids (comma separated)") do |table_ids| subcommand_options.table_ids ||= [] subcommand_options.table_ids += table_ids.split(",").map { |s| s.to_i } end end, 'unwrap' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} unwrap SHARD_ID_TO_REMOVE [MORE SHARD_IDS]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["unwrap"]) end, 'find' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} find [options]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["find"]) opts.on("-t", "--type=TYPE", "Return only shards of the specified TYPE") do |shard_type| subcommand_options.shard_type = shard_type end opts.on("-H", "--host=HOST", "HOST of shard") do |shard_host| subcommand_options.shard_host = shard_host end end, 'links' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} links SHARD_ID [MORE SHARD_IDS...]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["links"]) end, 'info' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} info SHARD_ID [MORE SHARD_IDS...]" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["info"]) end, 'reload' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} reload" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["reload"]) end, 'addlink' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} link PARENT_SHARD_ID CHILD_SHARD_ID WEIGHT" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["addlink"]) end, 'unlink' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} unlink PARENT_SHARD_ID CHILD_SHARD_ID" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["unlink"]) end, 'lookup' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} lookup TABLE_ID SOURCE_ID" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["lookup"]) end, 'copy' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} copy SOURCE_SHARD_ID DESTINATION_SHARD_ID" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["copy"]) end, 'busy' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} busy" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["busy"]) end, 'setup-migrate' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} setup-migrate SOURCE_SHARD_ID DESTINATION_SHARD_ID" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["setup-migrate"]) end, 'finish-migrate' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} finish-migrate SOURCE_SHARD_ID DESTINATION_SHARD_ID" separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["finish-migrate"]) end, 'inject' => OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} inject PRIORITY JOBS..." separators(opts, DOC_STRINGS["inject"]) end } global = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{zero} [global-options] SUBCOMMAND [subcommand-options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Gizzmo is a tool for manipulating the forwardings and replication structure of" opts.separator "Gizzard-based datastores. It can also perform bulk job operations." opts.separator "" opts.separator "You can type `#{zero} help SUBCOMMAND` for help on a specific subcommand. It's" opts.separator "also useful to remember that global options come *before* the subcommand, while" opts.separator "subcommand options come *after* the subcommand." opts.separator "" opts.separator "You may find it useful to create a ~/.gizzmorc file, which is simply YAML" opts.separator "key/value pairs corresponding to options you want by default. A common .gizzmorc" opts.separator "simply contain:" opts.separator "" opts.separator " host: localhost" opts.separator " port: 7917" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Subcommands:" subcommands.keys.compact.sort.each do |sc| base = " #{sc}" if doc = DOC_STRINGS[sc] base += " " * (20 - base.length) base += " -- " base += doc[0..(76 - base.length)] base += "..." end opts.separator base end opts.separator "" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Global options:" opts.on("-H", "--host=HOSTNAME", "HOSTNAME of remote thrift service") do |host| global_options.host = host end opts.on("-P", "--port=PORT", "PORT of remote thrift service") do |port| global_options.port = port end opts.on("--subtree", "Render in subtree mode") do global_options.render << "subtree" end opts.on("--info", "Render in info mode") do global_options.render << "info" end opts.on("-D", "--dry-run", "") do |port| global_options.dry = true end opts.on("-C", "--config=YAML_FILE", "YAML_FILE of option key/values") do |file| YAML.load(File.open(file)).each do |k, v| global_options.send("#{k}=", v) end end opts.on("-L", "--log=LOG_FILE", "Path to LOG_FILE") do |file| global_options.log = file end opts.on("-f", "--force", "Don't display confirmation dialogs") do |force| global_options.force = force end opts.on_tail("-v", "--version", "Show version") do puts GIZZMO_VERSION exit end end # Print banner if no args if ARGV.length == 0 STDERR.puts global exit 1 end # This def process_nested_parsers(global, subcommands) begin global.order!(ARGV) do |subcommand_name| # puts args.inspect subcommand = subcommands[subcommand_name] argv = subcommand ? subcommand.parse!(ARGV) : ARGV return subcommand_name, argv end rescue => e STDERR.puts e.message exit 1 end end subcommand_name, argv = process_nested_parsers(global, subcommands) # Print help sub-banners if subcommand_name == "help" STDERR.puts subcommands[argv.shift] || global exit 1 end unless subcommands.include?(subcommand_name) STDERR.puts "Subcommand not found: #{subcommand_name}" exit 1 end log = global_options.log || "./gizzmo.log" while !$stdin.tty? && line = STDIN.gets argv << line.strip end begin Gizzard::Command.run(subcommand_name, global_options, argv, subcommand_options, log) rescue HelpNeededError => e if e.class.name != e.message STDERR.puts("=" * 80) STDERR.puts e.message STDERR.puts("=" * 80) end STDERR.puts subcommands[subcommand_name] exit 1 rescue ThriftClient::Simple::ThriftException, Gizzard::Thrift::ShardException, Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e STDERR.puts e.message exit 1 rescue Errno::EPIPE # This is just us trying to puts into a closed stdout. For example, if you pipe into # head -1, then this script will keep running after head closes. We don't care, and # seeing the backtrace is annoying! rescue Interrupt exit 1 end