function SingleFileUploader(xfile_element) { this.$el = $(xfile_element); this.$form = this.$el.closest("form"); this.bind_events(); } // // Handle file // SingleFileUploader.prototype.handle_file = function(file) { var $image; file.$el = this.$el; file.el = file.$el.get(0); // make & add thumbnail image = file.$el.find(".content .image").get(0); image.innerHTML = ""; if (file.type.indexOf("image") == -1) { var fake_thumb = document.createElement("div"); fake_thumb.className = "thumb no-image"; image.appendChild(fake_thumb); } else { file.readThumbnailData(58, 38, function(canvas) { image.appendChild(canvas); }); } // bind events file.on("start", this.file_start_handler); file.on("progress", this.file_progess_handler); file.on("err", this.file_err_handler); file.on("done:uploading", this.file_done_uploading_handler); file.on("done:processing", this.file_done_processing_handler); file.on("done", this.file_done_handler); }; // // Events - File handlers // // -> this = file // SingleFileUploader.prototype.file_start_handler = function(e) { this.$el.removeClass("waiting"); this.$el.addClass("uploading"); }; SingleFileUploader.prototype.file_progess_handler = function(e) { var $el = this.$el; // check if ($el.hasClass("error")) { return; } // if there are no transform -> upload percentage if (this.transforms === 0) { $el.find(".upload-bar").css("width", this.upload_percentage + "%"); // if there are -> transform percentage } else { $el.find(".process-bar").css("width", this.transforms_percentage + "%"); } }; SingleFileUploader.prototype.file_err_handler = function(e) { console.error("Error", this); this.$el.addClass("error"); this.$el.find(".upload-bar").css("width", "100%"); this.$el.find(".process-bar").css("width", "100%"); }; SingleFileUploader.prototype.file_done_uploading_handler = function(e) { this.$el.find(".upload-bar").addClass("done"); this.$el.removeClass("uploading"); this.$el.addClass("processing"); }; SingleFileUploader.prototype.file_done_processing_handler = function(e) { this.$el.find(".process-bar").addClass("done"); }; SingleFileUploader.prototype.file_done_handler = function(e) { var name = this.$el.closest("x-files").attr("name"); var pairs = format_asset_metadata(this.metadata, name); // remove any old inputs this.$el.find('input').remove(); for (var i in pairs) { var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "hidden"; = pairs[i].name; input.value = pairs[i].value; this.el.appendChild(input); } this.$el.removeClass("processing"); this.$el.addClass("uploaded"); this.$el.find(".content > .title > .name").html(this.metadata.file_name); this.$el.find(".actions").show(); }; // // Events - General // SingleFileUploader.prototype.bind_events = function() { // show the actions if there is file if (this.$el.find('.content > .title > .name').text().trim().length > 0) { this.$el.find(".actions").show(); } var choose_handler = $.proxy(this.choose_click_handler, this); var delete_handler = $.proxy(this.delete_click_handler, this); this.$el.on("click", ".choose", choose_handler); this.$el.on("click", "[data-action]", delete_handler); // when processing/uploading files -> disable form Haraway.on("busy", $.proxy(function() { this.$form.on("submit", this.defer_submit); }, this)); // when not processing/uploading files -> resume default behaviour Haraway.on("idle", $.proxy(function() { this.$"submit", this.defer_submit); }, this)); }; SingleFileUploader.prototype.choose_click_handler = function(e) { var accept = this.$el.attr("accept").split(","); var profile = this.$el.attr("profile"); // prevent default e.preventDefault(); // show choose dialog Haraway.choose(accept, false, profile, $.proxy(this.handle_file, this)); }; SingleFileUploader.prototype.delete_click_handler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.$el.find(".actions").hide(); this.$el.find('input').remove(); var name = this.$el.closest("x-files").attr("name"); var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "hidden"; = name+"[_destroy]"; input.value = "1"; this.$el.append(input); } SingleFileUploader.prototype.defer_submit = function(e) { var $form = $(e.currentTarget); // prevent default behaviour e.preventDefault(); // disable submit button $form.find("input[type=\"submit\"]").attr("disabled", "disabled"); // once processing/uploading is complete // enable submit button and submit form Haraway.once("idle", function() { $form.find("input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", null); $form.submit(); }); }; // // Extra's // function format_asset_metadata(value, prefix) { var results = [], i; if (value instanceof Array) { for (i in value) { results = results.concat(format_asset_metadata(value[i], prefix + "[]")); } return results; } if (value === Object(value)) { for (i in value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty(i)) { results = results.concat(format_asset_metadata(value[i], prefix + "[" + i + "]")); } } return results; } return [{ name: prefix, value: value }]; } // // -> EXPORT // module.exports = SingleFileUploader;