## # FILTER UC FILE BY MIN SAMPLES # require 'set' module Lederhosen class CLI desc "uc_filter", "filter UCLUST output to remove small, infrequent clusters" method_option :input, :type => :string, :required => true method_option :output, :type => :string, :required => true method_option :reads, :type => :numeric, :required => true method_option :samples, :type => :numeric, :required => true def uc_filter input = options[:input] output = options[:output] reads = options[:reads].to_i samples = options[:samples].to_i ohai "filtering #{input} to #{output}, reads = #{reads} & samples = #{samples}" # load UC file clstr_info = Helpers.load_uc_file input clstr_counts = clstr_info[:clstr_counts] # clstr_counts[:clstr][sample.to_i] = reads # filter survivors = clstr_counts.reject do |a, b| b.reject{ |i, j| j < reads }.length < samples end surviving_clusters = survivors.keys.to_set # print filtered uc file out = File.open(output, 'w') kept, total = 1, 0 lines = `wc -l #{input}`.split.first.to_i pbar = ProgressBar.new 'saving', lines File.open(input) do |handle| handle.each do |line| pbar.inc if line =~ /^#/ out.print line next end total += 1 if surviving_clusters.include? line.split[1].to_i out.print line kept += 1 end end end pbar.finish out.close ohai "Survivors" ohai "clusters: #{surviving_clusters.length}/#{clstr_counts.keys.length} = #{100*surviving_clusters.length/clstr_counts.keys.length.to_f}%" ohai "reads: #{kept}/#{total} = #{100*kept/total.to_f}%" end end end