Feature: Searching on a single model In order to use Thinking Sphinx's core functionality A developer Should be able to search on a single model Scenario: Searching using a basic query Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I search for James Then I should get 3 results Scenario: Searching on a specific field Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I search for James on first_name Then I should get 2 results Scenario: Searching on multiple fields Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I search for James on first_name And I search for Chamberlain on last_name Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Searching on association content Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on posts When I search for "Waffles" Then I should get 1 result When I search for "Turtle" Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Searching with a filter Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on alphas When I filter by 1 on value Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Searching with multiple filters Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on boxes When I filter by 2 on width And I filter by 2 on length Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Searching with a ranged time filter Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I filter by birthday between 1975 and 1976 Then I should get 16 results Scenario: Searching to filter multiple values on an MVA Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on boxes When I filter by 11 and 12 on dimensions Then I should get 2 results When I clear existing filters And I filter by both 11 and 12 on dimensions Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Filtering on timestamp MVAs Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on posts When I filter by 978307200 on comments_created_at Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Searching by NULL/0 values in MVAs Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on boxes When I filter by 0 on dimensions Then I should get 1 result Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on developers When I clear existing filters And I filter by 0 on tag_ids Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Searching on a MVA configured as ranged_query Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on posts When I filter by 1 on comment_ids Then I should get 1 result When I clear existing filters And I filter by both 1 and 2 on comment_ids Then I should get 1 results When I clear existing filters And I filter by 10 on comment_ids Then I should get 0 results Scenario: Searching with ordering by attribute Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on alphas When I order by value Then I should get 10 results And the value of each result should indicate order Scenario: Searching with ordering on a sortable field Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people And I order by first_name Then I should get 20 results And the first_name of each result should indicate order Scenario: Intepreting Sphinx Internal Identifiers Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people Then I should get 20 results And each result id should match the corresponding sphinx internal id Scenario: Retrieving weightings Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I search for "Ellie Ford" And I set match mode to any Then I can iterate by result and weighting Scenario: Retrieving group counts Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I group results by the birthday attribute Then I can iterate by result and count Scenario: Retrieving group values Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I group results by the birthday attribute Then I can iterate by result and group Scenario: Retrieving both group values and counts Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I group results by the birthday attribute Then I can iterate by result and group and count Scenario: Searching for ids Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I search for Ellie And I am searching for ids Then I should have an array of integers Scenario: Search results should match Sphinx's order Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I search for Ellie And I order by "sphinx_internal_id DESC" Then searching for ids should match the record ids of the normal search results Scenario: Retrieving total result count when total is less than a page Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I search for James And I am retrieving the result count Then I should get a value of 3 Scenario: Retrieving total result count for more than a page Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I am retrieving the result count Then I should get a value of 1000 Scenario: Searching with Unicode Characters Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I search for "José* " Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Searching by fields from HABTM joins Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on posts When I search for "Shakespeare" Then I should get 1 result