Bitcoin.require_dependency :sequel, message: "Note: You will also need an adapter for your database like sqlite3, mysql2, postgresql" require 'bitcoin/storage/sequel_store/sequel_migrations' module Bitcoin::Storage::Backends # Storage backend using Sequel to connect to arbitrary SQL databases. # Inherits from StoreBase and implements its interface. class SequelStore < StoreBase # possible script types SCRIPT_TYPES = [:unknown, :pubkey, :hash160, :multisig, :p2sh] # sequel database connection attr_accessor :db include Bitcoin::Storage::Backends::SequelMigrations # create sequel store with given +config+ def initialize config, *args @config = config connect super config, *args end # connect to database def connect {:sqlite => "sqlite3", :postgres => "pg", :mysql => "mysql", }.each do |adapter, name| if @config[:db].split(":").first == adapter.to_s Bitcoin.require_dependency name, gem: name end end @db = Sequel.connect(@config[:db]) migrate end # reset database; delete all data def reset [:blk, :blk_tx, :tx, :txin, :txout].each {|table| @db[table].delete} end # persist given block +blk+ to storage. def persist_block blk, chain, depth @db.transaction do attrs = { :hash => htb(blk.hash).to_sequel_blob, :depth => depth, :chain => chain, :version => blk.ver, :prev_hash => blk.prev_block.reverse.to_sequel_blob, :mrkl_root => blk.mrkl_root.reverse.to_sequel_blob, :time => blk.time, :bits => blk.bits, :nonce => blk.nonce, :blk_size => blk.to_payload.bytesize, } existing = @db[:blk].filter(:hash => htb(blk.hash).to_sequel_blob) if existing.any? existing.update attrs else block_id = @db[:blk].insert(attrs) blk.tx.each_with_index do |tx, idx| tx_id = store_tx(tx) raise "Error saving tx #{tx.hash} in block #{blk.hash}" unless tx_id @db[:blk_tx].insert({ :blk_id => block_id, :tx_id => tx_id, :idx => idx, }) end end begin @db[:blk].where(:prev_hash => htb(blk.hash).to_sequel_blob, :chain => ORPHAN).each do |b| log.debug { "re-org orphan #{hth(b[:hash])}" } begin store_block(get_block(hth(b[:hash]))) rescue SystemStackError EM.defer { store_block(get_block(hth(b[:hash]))) } if EM.reactor_running? end end rescue p $! end { "block #{blk.hash} (#{depth}, #{['main', 'side', 'orphan'][chain]})" } return depth, chain end end # update +attrs+ for block with given +hash+. def update_blocks updates @db.transaction do updates.each do |blocks, attrs| @db[:blk].filter(:hash =>{|h| htb(h).to_sequel_blob}).update(attrs) end end end # store transaction +tx+ def store_tx(tx) @log.debug { "Storing tx #{tx.hash} (#{tx.to_payload.bytesize} bytes)" } @db.transaction do transaction = @db[:tx][:hash => htb(tx.hash).to_sequel_blob] return transaction[:id] if transaction tx_id = @db[:tx].insert({ :hash => htb(tx.hash).to_sequel_blob, :version => tx.ver, :lock_time => tx.lock_time, :coinbase => &&[0].coinbase?, :tx_size => tx.payload.bytesize, }) {|i, idx| store_txin(tx_id, i, idx)} tx.out.each_with_index {|o, idx| store_txout(tx_id, o, idx)} tx_id end rescue @log.warn { "Error storing tx: #{$!}" } end # store input +txin+ def store_txin(tx_id, txin, idx) @db[:txin].insert({ :tx_id => tx_id, :tx_idx => idx, :script_sig => txin.script_sig.to_sequel_blob, :prev_out => txin.prev_out.to_sequel_blob, :prev_out_index => txin.prev_out_index, :sequence => txin.sequence.unpack("I")[0], }) end # store output +txout+ def store_txout(tx_id, txout, idx) script = txout_id = @db[:txout].insert({ :tx_id => tx_id, :tx_idx => idx, :pk_script => txout.pk_script.to_sequel_blob, :value => txout.value, :type => SCRIPT_TYPES.index(script.type) }) if script.is_hash160? || script.is_pubkey? store_addr(txout_id, script.get_hash160) elsif script.is_multisig? do |pubkey| store_addr(txout_id, Bitcoin.hash160(pubkey.unpack("H*")[0])) end end txout_id end # store address +hash160+ def store_addr(txout_id, hash160) addr = @db[:addr][:hash160 => hash160] addr_id = addr[:id] if addr addr_id ||= @db[:addr].insert({:hash160 => hash160}) @db[:addr_txout].insert({:addr_id => addr_id, :txout_id => txout_id}) end # check if block +blk_hash+ exists def has_block(blk_hash) !!@db[:blk].where(:hash => htb(blk_hash).to_sequel_blob).get(1) end # check if transaction +tx_hash+ exists def has_tx(tx_hash) !!@db[:tx].where(:hash => htb(tx_hash).to_sequel_blob).get(1) end # get head block (highest block from the MAIN chain) def get_head wrap_block(@db[:blk].filter(:chain => MAIN).order(:depth).last) end # get depth of MAIN chain def get_depth return -1 unless get_head @db[:blk][:hash => htb(get_head.hash).to_sequel_blob][:depth] end # get block for given +blk_hash+ def get_block(blk_hash) wrap_block(@db[:blk][:hash => htb(blk_hash).to_sequel_blob]) end # get block by given +depth+ def get_block_by_depth(depth) wrap_block(@db[:blk][:depth => depth, :chain => MAIN]) end # get block by given +prev_hash+ def get_block_by_prev_hash(prev_hash) wrap_block(@db[:blk][:prev_hash => htb(prev_hash).to_sequel_blob]) end # get block by given +tx_hash+ def get_block_by_tx(tx_hash) tx = @db[:tx][:hash => htb(tx_hash).to_sequel_blob] return nil unless tx parent = @db[:blk_tx][:tx_id => tx[:id]] return nil unless parent wrap_block(@db[:blk][:id => parent[:blk_id]]) end # get block by given +id+ def get_block_by_id(block_id) wrap_block(@db[:blk][:id => block_id]) end # get transaction for given +tx_hash+ def get_tx(tx_hash) wrap_tx(@db[:tx][:hash => htb(tx_hash).to_sequel_blob]) end # get transaction by given +tx_id+ def get_tx_by_id(tx_id) wrap_tx(@db[:tx][:id => tx_id]) end # get corresponding Models::TxIn for the txout in transaction # +tx_hash+ with index +txout_idx+ def get_txin_for_txout(tx_hash, txout_idx) tx_hash = htb(tx_hash).reverse.to_sequel_blob wrap_txin(@db[:txin][:prev_out => tx_hash, :prev_out_index => txout_idx]) end # get corresponding Models::TxOut for +txin+ def get_txout_for_txin(txin) tx = @db[:tx][:hash => txin.prev_out.reverse.to_sequel_blob] return nil unless tx wrap_txout(@db[:txout][:tx_idx => txin.prev_out_index, :tx_id => tx[:id]]) end # get all Models::TxOut matching given +script+ def get_txouts_for_pk_script(script) txouts = @db[:txout].filter(:pk_script => script.to_sequel_blob).order(:id){|txout| wrap_txout(txout)} end # get all Models::TxOut matching given +hash160+ def get_txouts_for_hash160(hash160, unconfirmed = false) addr = @db[:addr][:hash160 => hash160] return [] unless addr txouts = @db[:addr_txout].where(:addr_id => addr[:id]) .map{|t| @db[:txout][:id => t[:txout_id]] } .map{|o| wrap_txout(o) } unless unconfirmed!{|o| o.get_tx.get_block.chain == MAIN rescue false } end txouts end # get all unconfirmed Models::TxOut def get_unconfirmed_tx @db[:unconfirmed].map{|t| wrap_tx(t)} end # wrap given +block+ into Models::Block def wrap_block(block) return nil unless block data = {:id => block[:id], :depth => block[:depth], :chain => block[:chain]} blk =, data) blk.ver = block[:version] blk.prev_block = block[:prev_hash].reverse blk.mrkl_root = block[:mrkl_root].reverse blk.time = block[:time].to_i blk.bits = block[:bits] blk.nonce = block[:nonce] parents = db[:blk_tx].filter(:blk_id => block[:id]) .order(:idx) rescue [] parents.each do |parent| transaction = db[:tx][:id => parent[:tx_id]] blk.tx << wrap_tx(transaction) end blk.recalc_block_hash blk end # wrap given +transaction+ into Models::Transaction def wrap_tx(transaction) return nil unless transaction parents = @db[:blk_tx].where(:tx_id => transaction[:id]) parent ={|m|@db[:blk][:id => m[:blk_id]]}.sort_by {|b| b[:chain]}.first block_id = parent ? parent[:id] : nil data = {:id => transaction[:id], :blk_id => block_id} tx =, data) inputs = db[:txin].filter(:tx_id => transaction[:id]).order(:tx_idx) inputs.each { |i| tx.add_in(wrap_txin(i)) } outputs = db[:txout].filter(:tx_id => transaction[:id]).order(:tx_idx) outputs.each { |o| tx.add_out(wrap_txout(o)) } tx.ver = transaction[:version] tx.lock_time = transaction[:lock_time] tx.hash = tx.hash_from_payload(tx.to_payload) tx end # wrap given +input+ into Models::TxIn def wrap_txin(input) return nil unless input data = {:id => input[:id], :tx_id => input[:tx_id], :tx_idx => input[:tx_idx]} txin =, data) txin.prev_out = input[:prev_out] txin.prev_out_index = input[:prev_out_index] txin.script_sig_length = input[:script_sig].bytesize txin.script_sig = input[:script_sig] txin.sequence = [input[:sequence]].pack("I") txin end # wrap given +output+ into Models::TxOut def wrap_txout(output) return nil unless output data = {:id => output[:id], :tx_id => output[:tx_id], :tx_idx => output[:tx_idx], :hash160 => output[:hash160], :type => SCRIPT_TYPES[output[:type]]} txout =, data) txout.value = output[:value] txout.pk_script = output[:pk_script] txout end def hth(bin); bin.unpack("H*")[0]; end def htb(hex); [hex].pack("H*"); end end end