require 'httparty' require 'lockbox_cache' require 'auth-hmac' class LockBox include HTTParty include LockBoxCache @@config = nil def self.config return @@config if @@config if defined?(Rails) root_dir = Rails.root else root_dir = '.' end yaml_config = YAML.load_file(File.join(root_dir,'config','lockbox.yml')) return_config = {} environment = Rails.env if defined? Rails environment ||= ENV['RACK_ENV'] environment ||= 'test' if !environment.nil? if !yaml_config['all'].nil? return_config = yaml_config['all'] return_config.merge!(yaml_config[environment]) else return_config = yaml_config[environment] end end @@config = return_config end base_uri config['base_uri'] def initialize(app) @app = app @cache = end def call(env)!(env) end def protected_paths self.class.config['protect_paths'].map do |path| end end def call!(env) #attempt to authenticate any requests to /api request = path_protected = false protected_paths.each do |path| if env['PATH_INFO'] =~ path path_protected = true authorized = false key = request['key'] if key.blank? key = 'hmac' end auth = auth_response(key,env) authorized = auth[:authorized] auth_headers = auth[:headers] if authorized app_response = app_headers = app_response[1] response_headers = app_headers.merge(auth_headers) return [app_response[0], response_headers, app_response[2]] else message = "Access Denied" return [401, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => "#{message.length}"}, [message]] end end end unless path_protected #pass everything else straight through to app return end end def auth_response(api_key, env={}) if api_key != 'hmac' cached_auth = auth_cache(api_key) if !cached_auth.nil? # currently we don't cache forward headers return {:authorized => cached_auth, :headers => {}} end end auth_response = self.class.get("/authentication/#{api_key}", {:headers => auth_headers(env), :request => {:application_name => LockBox.config['application_name']}}) authorized = (auth_response.code == 200) cache_response_if_allowed(api_key, auth_response) if authorized {:authorized => authorized, :headers => response_headers(auth_response)} end private def cache_response_if_allowed(api_key, auth_response) cache_control = auth_response.headers['Cache-Control'].split(/,\s*/) cache_max_age = 0 cache_public = false cache_control.each do |c| if c =~ /^max-age=\s*(\d+)$/ cache_max_age = $1.to_i elsif c == 'public' cache_public = true end end caching_allowed = (cache_max_age > 0 && cache_public) expiration = + cache_max_age) cache_auth(api_key,expiration) if caching_allowed end def response_headers(auth_response) headers = {} auth_response.headers.each_pair do |h,v| if h =~ /^X-RateLimit-/ headers[h] = v elsif h =~ /^X-LockBox-/ headers[h] = v end end headers end def auth_headers(env) headers = {} headers['Referer'] = "#{env['rack.url_scheme']}://#{env['SERVER_NAME']}#{env['PATH_INFO']}" headers['Referer'] << "?#{env['QUERY_STRING']}" unless env['QUERY_STRING'].blank? {'Content-Type' => 'Content-Type', 'Content-MD5' => 'Content-MD5', 'Date' => 'HTTP_DATE', 'Method' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'Authorization' => 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'}.each_pair do |h,e| headers["X-Referer-#{h}"] = env[e] unless env[e].blank? end headers end def cache_key(api_key) "lockbox_#{api_key}" end def auth_cache(api_key) expiration = return nil if expiration.nil? expiration = if expiration <= @cache.delete(cache_key(api_key)) nil elsif expiration > true end end def cache_auth(api_key,expiration) @cache.write(cache_key(api_key),expiration.to_i) end end