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  • ") .data("item.autocomplete", item) .attr('item_id', .text(item.label) .appendTo(ul); }, activate_on_input_click: true, load_immediately: false, select_first_value: true, autocomplete_options: {}, multiselectOnChange: null // onchange of multiselect input function }, _create: function () { this.selectedValues = this.options.selected; this._createUI(); this.expanded = false; this.valuesLoaded = false; this.afterLoaded = []; if (Array.isArray(this.options.source)) { this.options.preload = true; this._initData(this.options.source); } else if ( (this.options.preload || this.options.select_first_value) && this.options.load_immediately ) { this.load(); } else if (this.selectedValues) { this.setValue(this.selectedValues); } }, _createUI: function () { var that = this; this.element.wrap(''); this.tag = this.element.parent(); this.inputName = this.options.inputName || this.element.prop('name'); if (this.options.multiple) { // multiple values this.valueElement = $(''); this.tag.after(this.valueElement); this.valueElement.entityArray({ inputNames: this.inputName, afterRemove: function (entity) { that.element.trigger('change'); } }); } else { //single value this.valueElement = $('', {type: 'hidden', name: this.inputName}); this.element.after(this.valueElement); } this._createAutocomplete(); if (!this.options.multiple) { this.element.css('margin-right', 0); } }, setMultiselectOnChange: function (fn) { this.options.multiselectOnChange = fn; }, multiselectOnChange: function(select, fn) { if (fn) select.on("change", fn); }, _createAutocomplete: function () { var that = this; that.element.autocomplete($.extend({ source: function (request, response) { if (that.options.preload) { that.load(function () { var matcher = new RegExp($.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term), "i"); response($.grep(that.possibleValues, function (val, i) { return (!request.term || matcher.test(val.value)); })); }, function () { response(); }); } else { // asking server everytime if (typeof that.options.source === 'function') { that.options.source(function (json) { response(that.options.rootElement ? json[that.options.rootElement] : json); }); } else { $.getJSON(that.options.source, { term: request.term }, function (json) { response(that.options.rootElement ? json[that.options.rootElement] : json); }); } } }, minLength: 0, select: function (event, ui) { that.selectValue(ui.item); return false; }, change: function (event, ui) { if (!ui.item) { if (that.options.combo) { $(this).val(that.element.val()); if (!that.options.multiple) { that.valueElement.val(that.element.val()); that.valueElement.change(); } } else { $(this).val(''); if (!that.options.multiple) { that.valueElement.val(''); that.valueElement.change(); } } } }, position: this.options.position, autoFocus: this.options.autofocus }, this.options.autocomplete_options)).data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = this.options.render_item; () { $(this).select(); }); if (this.options.activate_on_input_click) { this.element.on('click', function () { if (!that.options.preload) that.element.focus().val(''); that.element.trigger('keydown'); that.element.autocomplete("search", that.element.val()); }); } $("") .attr("tabIndex", -1) .insertAfter(that.element) .button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s" }, text: false }) .removeClass("ui-corner-all") .addClass("ui-corner-right ui-button-icon") .css('font-size', '10px') .css('margin-left', -1) .click(function () { if (that.element.autocomplete("widget").is(":visible")) { that.element.autocomplete("close"); that.element.blur(); return; } $(this).blur(); that.element.focus().val(''); that.element.trigger('keydown'); that.element.autocomplete("search", that.element.val()); }); }, _formatData: function (data) { return $.map(data, function (elem, i) { var id, value; if (elem instanceof Array) { value = elem[0]; id = elem[1]; } else if (elem instanceof Object) { value = elem.value; id =; } else { id = value = elem; } return {value: value, id: id}; }); }, _initData: function (data) { this.possibleValues = this._formatData(data); this.valuesLoaded = true; this.selectedValues = this.selectedValues ? this.selectedValues : []; if (this.selectedValues.length === 0 && this.options.select_first_value && this.possibleValues.length > 0) { this.selectedValues.push(this.possibleValues[0]['id']); } this.setValue(this.selectedValues); }, load: function (success, fail) { var that = this; if (this.valuesLoaded) { if (typeof success === 'function') success(); return; } if (typeof success === 'function') this.afterLoaded.push(success); if (this.loading) return; this.loading = true; function successFce(json, status, xhr) { var data = that.options.rootElement ? json[that.options.rootElement] : json; if (!data && window.console) { console.warn('Data could not be loaded! Please check the datasource.'); data = []; } that._initData(data); for (var i = that.afterLoaded.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { that.afterLoaded[i].call(that); } that.loading = false; } if (typeof this.options.source === 'function') { this.options.source(successFce); } else { $.ajax(this.options.source, { dataType: 'json', success: successFce, error: fail }).always(function () { that.loading = false; //even if ajax fails }); } }, selectValue: function (value) { if (this.options.multiple) { this.valueElement.entityArray('add', { id:, name: value.value }); this.element.trigger('change'); this.element.val(''); } else { this.element.val(value.value); this.valueElement.val(; this.valueElement.change(); this.element.change(); } }, setValue: function (values) { var that = this; if (typeof values === 'undefined' || !values) return false; if (this.options.preload) { this.load(function () { if (that.options.multiple) { that.valueElement.entityArray('clear'); } that._setValues(values); }); } else { if (that.options.multiple) { that.valueElement.entityArray('clear'); } that._setValues(values); } }, _setValues: function (values) { var selected = []; if (values.length === 0) return false; // allows the combination of only id values and values with label for (var i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (values[i] instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(values[i]) && values[i] !== null) { selected.push(values[i]); } else if (this.options.preload || this.options.select_first_value) { var that = this; if (!Array.isArray(that.possibleValues)) return; for (var j = that.possibleValues.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (values[i] === that.possibleValues[j].id || values[i] === that.possibleValues[j].id.toString()) { selected.push(that.possibleValues[j]); break; } } } else { selected.push({id: values[i], value: values[i]}); } } for (var i = selected.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.options.multiple) { this.valueElement.entityArray('add', {id: selected[i].id, name: selected[i].value}); } else { this.element.val(selected[i].value); this.valueElement.val(selected[i].id); } } }, getValue: function (with_label) { var result; if (this.options.multiple && !this.expanded) { result = this.valueElement.entityArray('getValue'); // entityArray } else if (this.options.multiple) { result = this.valueElement.val(); // select multiple=true } else { result = [this.valueElement.val()]; // hidden field } if (with_label) { result = this.possibleValues.filter(function (el) { return result.indexOf( >= 0; }); } return result; } }); }, 'jQueryUI');