// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Represents a path used with a Graphics implementation. * @author arv@google.com (Erik Arvidsson) * @author glenning@google.com (Anthony Glenning) */ goog.provide('goog.graphics.Path'); goog.provide('goog.graphics.Path.Segment'); goog.require('goog.array'); goog.require('goog.math'); /** * Creates a path object. A path is a sequence of segments and may be open or * closed. Path uses the EVEN-ODD fill rule for determining the interior of the * path. A path must start with a moveTo command. * * A "simple" path does not contain any arcs and may be transformed using * the {@code transform} method. * * @constructor */ goog.graphics.Path = function() { /** * The segment types that constitute this path. * @type {!Array.} * @private */ this.segments_ = []; /** * The number of repeated segments of the current type. * @type {!Array.} * @private */ this.count_ = []; /** * The arguments corresponding to each of the segments. * @type {!Array.} * @private */ this.arguments_ = []; }; /** * The coordinates of the point which closes the path (the point of the * last moveTo command). * @type {Array.?} * @private */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.closePoint_ = null; /** * The coordinates most recently added to the end of the path. * @type {Array.?} * @private */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.currentPoint_ = null; /** * Flag for whether this is a simple path (contains no arc segments). * @type {boolean} * @private */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.simple_ = true; /** * Path segment types. * @enum {number} */ goog.graphics.Path.Segment = { MOVETO: 0, LINETO: 1, CURVETO: 2, ARCTO: 3, CLOSE: 4 }; /** * The number of points for each segment type. * @type {!Array.} * @private */ goog.graphics.Path.segmentArgCounts_ = (function() { var counts = []; counts[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.MOVETO] = 2; counts[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.LINETO] = 2; counts[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.CURVETO] = 6; counts[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.ARCTO] = 6; counts[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.CLOSE] = 0; return counts; })(); /** * Returns the number of points for a segment type. * * @param {number} segment The segment type. * @return {number} The number of points. */ goog.graphics.Path.getSegmentCount = function(segment) { return goog.graphics.Path.segmentArgCounts_[segment]; }; /** * Appends another path to the end of this path. * * @param {!goog.graphics.Path} path The path to append. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} This path. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.appendPath = function(path) { if (path.currentPoint_) { Array.prototype.push.apply(this.segments_, path.segments_); Array.prototype.push.apply(this.count_, path.count_); Array.prototype.push.apply(this.arguments_, path.arguments_); this.currentPoint_ = path.currentPoint_.concat(); this.closePoint_ = path.closePoint_.concat(); this.simple_ = this.simple_ && path.simple_; } return this; }; /** * Clears the path. * * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} The path itself. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.clear = function() { this.segments_.length = 0; this.count_.length = 0; this.arguments_.length = 0; delete this.closePoint_; delete this.currentPoint_; delete this.simple_; return this; }; /** * Adds a point to the path by moving to the specified point. Repeated moveTo * commands are collapsed into a single moveTo. * * @param {number} x X coordinate of destination point. * @param {number} y Y coordinate of destination point. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} The path itself. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.moveTo = function(x, y) { if (goog.array.peek(this.segments_) == goog.graphics.Path.Segment.MOVETO) { this.arguments_.length -= 2; } else { this.segments_.push(goog.graphics.Path.Segment.MOVETO); this.count_.push(1); } this.arguments_.push(x, y); this.currentPoint_ = this.closePoint_ = [x, y]; return this; }; /** * Adds points to the path by drawing a straight line to each point. * * @param {...number} var_args The coordinates of each destination point as x, y * value pairs. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} The path itself. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.lineTo = function(var_args) { var lastSegment = goog.array.peek(this.segments_); if (lastSegment == null) { throw Error('Path cannot start with lineTo'); } if (lastSegment != goog.graphics.Path.Segment.LINETO) { this.segments_.push(goog.graphics.Path.Segment.LINETO); this.count_.push(0); } for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) { var x = arguments[i]; var y = arguments[i + 1]; this.arguments_.push(x, y); } this.count_[this.count_.length - 1] += i / 2; this.currentPoint_ = [x, y]; return this; }; /** * Adds points to the path by drawing cubic Bezier curves. Each curve is * specified using 3 points (6 coordinates) - two control points and the end * point of the curve. * * @param {...number} var_args The coordinates specifiying each curve in sets of * 6 points: {@code [x1, y1]} the first control point, {@code [x2, y2]} the * second control point and {@code [x, y]} the end point. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} The path itself. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.curveTo = function(var_args) { var lastSegment = goog.array.peek(this.segments_); if (lastSegment == null) { throw Error('Path cannot start with curve'); } if (lastSegment != goog.graphics.Path.Segment.CURVETO) { this.segments_.push(goog.graphics.Path.Segment.CURVETO); this.count_.push(0); } for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 6) { var x = arguments[i + 4]; var y = arguments[i + 5]; this.arguments_.push(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1], arguments[i + 2], arguments[i + 3], x, y); } this.count_[this.count_.length - 1] += i / 6; this.currentPoint_ = [x, y]; return this; }; /** * Adds a path command to close the path by connecting the * last point to the first point. * * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} The path itself. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.close = function() { var lastSegment = goog.array.peek(this.segments_); if (lastSegment == null) { throw Error('Path cannot start with close'); } if (lastSegment != goog.graphics.Path.Segment.CLOSE) { this.segments_.push(goog.graphics.Path.Segment.CLOSE); this.count_.push(1); this.currentPoint_ = this.closePoint_; } return this; }; /** * Adds a path command to draw an arc centered at the point {@code (cx, cy)} * with radius {@code rx} along the x-axis and {@code ry} along the y-axis from * {@code startAngle} through {@code extent} degrees. Positive rotation is in * the direction from positive x-axis to positive y-axis. * * @param {number} cx X coordinate of center of ellipse. * @param {number} cy Y coordinate of center of ellipse. * @param {number} rx Radius of ellipse on x axis. * @param {number} ry Radius of ellipse on y axis. * @param {number} fromAngle Starting angle measured in degrees from the * positive x-axis. * @param {number} extent The span of the arc in degrees. * @param {boolean} connect If true, the starting point of the arc is connected * to the current point. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} The path itself. * @deprecated Use {@code arcTo} or {@code arcToAsCurves} instead. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.arc = function(cx, cy, rx, ry, fromAngle, extent, connect) { var startX = cx + goog.math.angleDx(fromAngle, rx); var startY = cy + goog.math.angleDy(fromAngle, ry); if (connect) { if (!this.currentPoint_ || startX != this.currentPoint_[0] || startY != this.currentPoint_[1]) { this.lineTo(startX, startY); } } else { this.moveTo(startX, startY); } return this.arcTo(rx, ry, fromAngle, extent); }; /** * Adds a path command to draw an arc starting at the path's current point, * with radius {@code rx} along the x-axis and {@code ry} along the y-axis from * {@code startAngle} through {@code extent} degrees. Positive rotation is in * the direction from positive x-axis to positive y-axis. * * This method makes the path non-simple. * * @param {number} rx Radius of ellipse on x axis. * @param {number} ry Radius of ellipse on y axis. * @param {number} fromAngle Starting angle measured in degrees from the * positive x-axis. * @param {number} extent The span of the arc in degrees. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} The path itself. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.arcTo = function(rx, ry, fromAngle, extent) { var cx = this.currentPoint_[0] - goog.math.angleDx(fromAngle, rx); var cy = this.currentPoint_[1] - goog.math.angleDy(fromAngle, ry); var ex = cx + goog.math.angleDx(fromAngle + extent, rx); var ey = cy + goog.math.angleDy(fromAngle + extent, ry); this.segments_.push(goog.graphics.Path.Segment.ARCTO); this.count_.push(1); this.arguments_.push(rx, ry, fromAngle, extent, ex, ey); this.simple_ = false; this.currentPoint_ = [ex, ey]; return this; }; /** * Same as {@code arcTo}, but approximates the arc using bezier curves. .* As a result, this method does not affect the simplified status of this path. * The algorithm is adapted from {@code java.awt.geom.ArcIterator}. * * @param {number} rx Radius of ellipse on x axis. * @param {number} ry Radius of ellipse on y axis. * @param {number} fromAngle Starting angle measured in degrees from the * positive x-axis. * @param {number} extent The span of the arc in degrees. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} The path itself. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.arcToAsCurves = function( rx, ry, fromAngle, extent) { var cx = this.currentPoint_[0] - goog.math.angleDx(fromAngle, rx); var cy = this.currentPoint_[1] - goog.math.angleDy(fromAngle, ry); var extentRad = goog.math.toRadians(extent); var arcSegs = Math.ceil(Math.abs(extentRad) / Math.PI * 2); var inc = extentRad / arcSegs; var angle = goog.math.toRadians(fromAngle); for (var j = 0; j < arcSegs; j++) { var relX = Math.cos(angle); var relY = Math.sin(angle); var z = 4 / 3 * Math.sin(inc / 2) / (1 + Math.cos(inc / 2)); var c0 = cx + (relX - z * relY) * rx; var c1 = cy + (relY + z * relX) * ry; angle += inc; relX = Math.cos(angle); relY = Math.sin(angle); this.curveTo(c0, c1, cx + (relX + z * relY) * rx, cy + (relY - z * relX) * ry, cx + relX * rx, cy + relY * ry); } return this; }; /** * Iterates over the path calling the supplied callback once for each path * segment. The arguments to the callback function are the segment type and * an array of its arguments. * * The {@code LINETO} and {@code CURVETO} arrays can contain multiple * segments of the same type. The number of segments is the length of the * array divided by the segment length (2 for lines, 6 for curves). * * As a convenience the {@code ARCTO} segment also includes the end point as the * last two arguments: {@code rx, ry, fromAngle, extent, x, y}. * * @param {function(number, Array)} callback The function to call with each * path segment. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.forEachSegment = function(callback) { var points = this.arguments_; var index = 0; for (var i = 0, length = this.segments_.length; i < length; i++) { var seg = this.segments_[i]; var n = goog.graphics.Path.segmentArgCounts_[seg] * this.count_[i]; callback(seg, points.slice(index, index + n)); index += n; } }; /** * Returns the coordinates most recently added to the end of the path. * * @return {Array.?} An array containing the ending coordinates of the * path of the form {@code [x, y]}. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.getCurrentPoint = function() { return this.currentPoint_ && this.currentPoint_.concat(); }; /** * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} A copy of this path. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.clone = function() { var path = new this.constructor(); path.segments_ = this.segments_.concat(); path.count_ = this.count_.concat(); path.arguments_ = this.arguments_.concat(); path.closePoint_ = this.closePoint_ && this.closePoint_.concat(); path.currentPoint_ = this.currentPoint_ && this.currentPoint_.concat(); path.simple_ = this.simple_; return path; }; /** * Returns true if this path contains no arcs. Simplified paths can be * created using {@code createSimplifiedPath}. * * @return {boolean} True if the path contains no arcs. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.isSimple = function() { return this.simple_; }; /** * A map from segment type to the path function to call to simplify a path. * @type {!Object} * @private * @suppress {deprecated} goog.graphics.Path is deprecated. */ goog.graphics.Path.simplifySegmentMap_ = (function() { var map = {}; map[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.MOVETO] = goog.graphics.Path.prototype.moveTo; map[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.LINETO] = goog.graphics.Path.prototype.lineTo; map[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.CLOSE] = goog.graphics.Path.prototype.close; map[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.CURVETO] = goog.graphics.Path.prototype.curveTo; map[goog.graphics.Path.Segment.ARCTO] = goog.graphics.Path.prototype.arcToAsCurves; return map; })(); /** * Creates a copy of the given path, replacing {@code arcTo} with * {@code arcToAsCurves}. The resulting path is simplified and can * be transformed. * * @param {!goog.graphics.Path} src The path to simplify. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} A new simplified path. * @suppress {deprecated} goog.graphics is deprecated. */ goog.graphics.Path.createSimplifiedPath = function(src) { if (src.isSimple()) { return src.clone(); } var path = new goog.graphics.Path(); src.forEachSegment(function(segment, args) { goog.graphics.Path.simplifySegmentMap_[segment].apply(path, args); }); return path; }; // TODO(chrisn): Delete this method /** * Creates a transformed copy of this path. The path is simplified * {@see #createSimplifiedPath} prior to transformation. * * @param {!goog.graphics.AffineTransform} tx The transformation to perform. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} A new, transformed path. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.createTransformedPath = function(tx) { var path = goog.graphics.Path.createSimplifiedPath(this); path.transform(tx); return path; }; /** * Transforms the path. Only simple paths are transformable. Attempting * to transform a non-simple path will throw an error. * * @param {!goog.graphics.AffineTransform} tx The transformation to perform. * @return {!goog.graphics.Path} The path itself. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.transform = function(tx) { if (!this.isSimple()) { throw Error('Non-simple path'); } tx.transform(this.arguments_, 0, this.arguments_, 0, this.arguments_.length / 2); if (this.closePoint_) { tx.transform(this.closePoint_, 0, this.closePoint_, 0, 1); } if (this.currentPoint_ && this.closePoint_ != this.currentPoint_) { tx.transform(this.currentPoint_, 0, this.currentPoint_, 0, 1); } return this; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the path is empty. */ goog.graphics.Path.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return this.segments_.length == 0; };