module Music module Transcription require 'set' # Abstraction of a musical note. The note can contain zero or more pitches, # with links to a pitches in a following note. The note also has an accent, # which must be one of Note::ACCENTS. # # @author James Tunnell # # @!attribute [rw] duration # @return [Numeric] The duration (in, say note length or time), greater than 0.0. # # @!attribute [r] pitches # @return [Set] The pitches that are part of the note and can link to # pitches in a following note. # # @!attribute [r] links # @return [Hash] Maps pitches in the current note to pitches in the following # note, by some link class, like Link::Slur. # # @!attribute [rw] accent # @return [Accent] The accent type, which must be one of Note::ACCENTS. # class Note attr_reader :duration, :pitches, :links attr_accessor :accent # A new instance of Note. def initialize duration, pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil self.duration = duration @pitches = @links = links self.accent = accent end # Compare the equality of another Note object. def == other return (@duration == other.duration) && (self.pitches == other.pitches) && (@links.to_a.sort == other.links.to_a.sort) && (@accent == other.accent) end # Set the note duration. # @param [Numeric] duration The duration to use. # @raise [ArgumentError] if duration is not greater than 0. def duration= duration raise ValueNotPositiveError if duration <= 0 @duration = duration end # Produce an identical Note object. def clone Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) end def transpose_pitches_only diff self.clone.transpose_pitches! pitch_diff, transpose_link end def transpose_pitches_only! diff self.transpose! diff, false end def transpose_pitches_and_links diff self.clone.transpose_pitches_and_links! diff end def transpose_pitches_and_links! diff self.transpose! diff, true end def transpose diff, transpose_links = true self.clone.transpose! diff, transpose_links end def transpose! diff, transpose_link_targets = true unless diff.is_a?(Pitch) diff = Pitch.make_from_semitone(diff) end @pitches = {|pitch| pitch + diff} new_links = {} @links.each_pair do |k,v| if transpose_link_targets v.target_pitch += diff end new_links[k + diff] = v end @links = new_links return self end def stretch ratio self.clone.stretch! ratio end def stretch! ratio @duration *= ratio end def to_s output = @duration.to_s if @pitches.any? output += "@" @pitches[0...-1].each do |pitch| output += pitch.to_s if @links.has_key? pitch output += @links[pitch].to_s end output += "," end last_pitch = @pitches[-1] output += last_pitch.to_s if @links.has_key? last_pitch output += @links[last_pitch].to_s end end return output end class Sixteenth < Note def initialize pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil super(Rational(1,16),pitches, links: links, accent: accent) end end class DottedSixteenth < Note def initialize pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil super(Rational(3,32),pitches, links: links, accent: accent) end end class Eighth < Note def initialize pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil super(Rational(1,8),pitches, links: links, accent: accent) end end class DottedEighth < Note def initialize pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil super(Rational(3,16),pitches, links: links, accent: accent) end end class Quarter < Note def initialize pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil super(Rational(1,4),pitches, links: links, accent: accent) end end class DottedQuarter < Note def initialize pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil super(Rational(3,8),pitches, links: links, accent: accent) end end class Half < Note def initialize pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil super(Rational(1,2),pitches, links: links, accent: accent) end end class DottedHalf < Note def initialize pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil super(Rational(3,4),pitches, links: links, accent: accent) end end class Whole < Note def initialize pitches = [], links: {}, accent: nil super(Rational(1,1),pitches, links: links, accent: accent) end end end end end