C0 code coverage information

Generated on Wed Dec 24 11:03:27 -0600 2008 with rcov

Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...
and this: this line is also marked as covered.
Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,
and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).
Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.
Name Total lines Lines of code Total coverage Code coverage
lib/context/shared_behavior.rb 98 44
 1 module Context
 2   class SharedBehavior < Module
 3     def self.create_from_behavior(beh) # :nodoc:
 4       mod = self.new
 5       mod._behavior = beh
 7       mod
 8     end
10     def _behavior=(beh) # :nodoc:
11       @_behavior = beh
12     end
14     def included(arg) # :nodoc:
15       @_behavior.call
16     end
17   end
18 end
20 class Test::Unit::TestCase
21   class << self
22     # Share behavior among different contexts.  This creates a module (actually, a Module subclass)
23     # that is included using the +use+ method (or one of its aliases) provided by context or +include+ 
24     # if you know the module's constant name.
25     #
26     # ==== Examples
27     #   
28     #   shared "other things" do
29     #     it "should do things but not some things" do
30     #       # behavior is fun
31     #     end
32     #   end
33     #
34     #   use "other things"
35     #   # or...
36     #   it_should_behave_like "other things"
37     #
38     #   shared :client do
39     #     it "should be a client to our server" do
40     #       # TODO: client behavior here
41     #     end
42     #   end
43     #
44     #   use :client
45     #   # or...
46     #   uses "client"
47     #   behaves_like "client"
48     #
49     def shared(name, &block)
50       case name.class.name
51       when "String"
52         name = name.to_module_name
53       when "Symbol"
54         name = name.to_s.to_module_name
55       else
56         raise ArgumentError, "Provide a String or Symbol as the name of the shared behavior group"
57       end
59       Object.const_set(name, Context::SharedBehavior.create_from_behavior(block))
60     end
62     %w(shared_behavior share_as share_behavior_as shared_examples_for).each {|m| alias_method m, :shared}
64     # Pull in behavior shared by +shared+ or a module.  
65     #
66     # ==== Examples
67     #   
68     #   shared "other things" do
69     #     it "should do things but not some things" do
70     #       # behavior is fun
71     #     end
72     #   end
73     #
74     #   use "other things"
75     #   # or...
76     #   it_should_behave_like "other things"
77     #
78     #   module Things
79     #   end
80     #
81     #   uses Things
82     #
83     def use(shared_name)
84       case shared_name.class.name
85       when "Context::SharedBehavior", "Module"
86         include shared_name
87       when "String"
88         include Object.const_get(shared_name.to_module_name)
89       when "Symbol"
90         include Object.const_get(shared_name.to_s.to_module_name)
91       else
92         raise ArgumentError, "Provide a String or Symbol as the name of the shared behavior group or the module name"
93       end
94     end
96     %w(uses it_should_behave_like behaves_like uses_examples_from).each {|m| alias_method m, :use}
97   end
98 end

Generated using the rcov code coverage analysis tool for Ruby version

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