# Admin Locales extension for Refinery CMS. ## Description This extension adds a locale attribute to dashboard users and a tab to change this locale in each user. The dashboard locale will allways load the user locale instead the selected locale in the views. If the user hasn't locale, the find locale method used will be the default refinery method. This refinery extension solves the locale dashboard conflicts with multiple users who need different locales at the same time. ## How to add this extension to your project ### Refinery 2: #### Add gem to Gemfile gem 'refinerycms-admin-locales', '2.0', :git => 'git_repo/refinerycms-admin-locales' #### Install extension rake refinery_admin_locales:install:migrations rake db:migrate ### Refinery 1: #### Add gem to Gemfile gem 'refinerycms-admin-locales', '1.0', :git => 'git_repo/refinerycms-admin-locales', :branch => 'refinerycms1' #### Install extension rails generate refinerycms_admin_locales rake db:migrate **WARNING: Refinary 1 version, is not test, but it should work**