module TSV class Dumper def self.header(options={}) key_field, fields, sep, header_hash, preamble, unnamed = IndiferentHash.process_options options, :key_field, :fields, :sep, :header_hash, :preamble, :unnamed, :sep => "\t", :header_hash => "#", :preamble => true if fields.nil? fields_str = nil elsif fields.empty? fields_str = "#{header_hash}#{key_field || "Id"}" else fields_str = "#{header_hash}#{key_field || "Id"}#{sep}#{fields*sep}" end if String === preamble preamble_str = preamble elsif preamble && options.values.compact.any? preamble_str = "#: " << IndiferentHash.hash2string(options.merge(serializer: nil)) else preamble_str = nil end preamble_str = preamble_str.strip if preamble_str [preamble_str, fields_str].compact * "\n" end attr_accessor :options, :initialized, :type, :sep, :compact, :filename, :namespace def initialize(options = {}) options = options.options.merge(sep: nil) if TSV::Parser === options || TSV === options @sep, @type = IndiferentHash.process_options options, :sep, :type, :sep => "\t", :type => :double @compact = options[:compact] @options = options @options[:type] = @type @sout, @sin = Open.pipe Log.low{"Dumper pipe #{[Log.fingerprint(@sin), Log.fingerprint(@sout)] * " -> "}"} @initialized = false @filename = options[:filename] @mutex = @namespace = options[:namespace] ConcurrentStream.setup(@sin, pair: @sout) ConcurrentStream.setup(@sout, pair: @sin, filename: filename) end def set_stream(stream) @sin.close @sout.close @sout = @sin = stream end def key_field @options[:key_field] end def fields @options[:fields] end def key_field=(key_field) @options[:key_field] = key_field end def fields=(fields) @options[:fields] = fields end def namespace=(namespace) @options[:namespace] = namespace end def all_fields return nil if fields.nil? [key_field] + fields end def init(preamble: true) header = Dumper.header(@options.merge(type: @type, sep: @sep, preamble: preamble)) @mutex.synchronize do @initialized = true @sin << header << "\n" if header and ! header.empty? end end def add(key, value) @mutex.synchronize do key = key.to_s unless String === key if value.nil? || (Array === value && value.empty?) @sin << key << "\n" else case @type when :single @sin << key + @sep + value.to_s << "\n" when :list, :flat @sin << key + @sep + value * @sep << "\n" when :double @sin << key + @sep + value.collect{|v| Array === v ? (@compact ? v.compact : v) * "|" : v } * @sep << "\n" else if Array === value if Array === value.first @sin << key + @sep + value.collect{|v| Array === v ? (@compact ? v.compact : v) * "|" : v } * @sep << "\n" else @sin << key + @sep + value * @sep << "\n" end else @sin << key + @sep + value.to_s << "\n" end end end end end def close if @sin != @sout @sin.close if @sin.respond_to?(:close) && ! @sin.closed? @sin.join if @sin.respond_to?(:join) && ! @sin.joined? end end def stream @sout end def abort(exception=nil) @sin.abort(exception) if @sin.respond_to?(:abort) end def tsv(*args), *args) end def fingerprint "Dumper:{"<< Log.fingerprint(self.all_fields|| []) << "}" end def digest_str fingerprint end def inspect fingerprint end end def dumper_stream(options = {}) preamble, unmerge, keys, stream = IndiferentHash.process_options options, :preamble, :unmerge, :keys, :stream, :preamble => true, :unmerge => false unmerge = false unless @type === :double dumper = self.annotation_hash.merge(options) dump_entry = do |k,value_list| if unmerge max = value_list.collect{|v| v.length}.max if unmerge == :expand and max > 1 value_list = value_list.collect do |values| if values.length == 1 [values.first] * max else values end end end NamedArray.zip_fields(value_list).each do |values| dumper.add k, values end else dumper.add k, value_list end end self.with_unnamed do if stream.nil? t = do begin Thread.current.report_on_exception = true Thread.current["name"] = "Dumper thread" dumper.init(preamble: preamble) if keys keys.each do |k| k, self[k] end else self.each &dump_entry end dumper.close rescue dumper.abort($!) end end Thread.pass until t["name"] stream = ConcurrentStream.setup(stream, :threads => [t]) stream else dumper.set_stream stream begin dumper.init(preamble: preamble) if keys keys.each do |k| k, self[k] end else self.each &dump_entry end dumper.close rescue dumper.abort($!) end stream end end end def to_s(options = {}) dumper_stream({stream: ''}.merge(options)) end alias stream dumper_stream def write_file(file), mode: 'w') do |f| dumper_stream(stream: f) end end end