(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.vega = global.vega || {})); })(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; function adjustSpatial (item, encode, swap) { let t; if (encode.x2) { if (encode.x) { if (swap && item.x > item.x2) { t = item.x; item.x = item.x2; item.x2 = t; } item.width = item.x2 - item.x; } else { item.x = item.x2 - (item.width || 0); } } if (encode.xc) { item.x = item.xc - (item.width || 0) / 2; } if (encode.y2) { if (encode.y) { if (swap && item.y > item.y2) { t = item.y; item.y = item.y2; item.y2 = t; } item.height = item.y2 - item.y; } else { item.y = item.y2 - (item.height || 0); } } if (encode.yc) { item.y = item.yc - (item.height || 0) / 2; } } var Constants = { NaN: NaN, E: Math.E, LN2: Math.LN2, LN10: Math.LN10, LOG2E: Math.LOG2E, LOG10E: Math.LOG10E, PI: Math.PI, SQRT1_2: Math.SQRT1_2, SQRT2: Math.SQRT2, MIN_VALUE: Number.MIN_VALUE, MAX_VALUE: Number.MAX_VALUE }; var Ops = { '*': (a, b) => a * b, '+': (a, b) => a + b, '-': (a, b) => a - b, '/': (a, b) => a / b, '%': (a, b) => a % b, '>': (a, b) => a > b, '<': (a, b) => a < b, '<=': (a, b) => a <= b, '>=': (a, b) => a >= b, '==': (a, b) => a == b, '!=': (a, b) => a != b, '===': (a, b) => a === b, '!==': (a, b) => a !== b, '&': (a, b) => a & b, '|': (a, b) => a | b, '^': (a, b) => a ^ b, '<<': (a, b) => a << b, '>>': (a, b) => a >> b, '>>>': (a, b) => a >>> b }; var Unary = { '+': a => +a, '-': a => -a, '~': a => ~a, '!': a => !a }; const slice = Array.prototype.slice; const apply = (m, args, cast) => { const obj = cast ? cast(args[0]) : args[0]; return obj[m].apply(obj, slice.call(args, 1)); }; const datetime = (y, m, d, H, M, S, ms) => new Date(y, m || 0, d != null ? d : 1, H || 0, M || 0, S || 0, ms || 0); var Functions = { // math functions isNaN: Number.isNaN, isFinite: Number.isFinite, abs: Math.abs, acos: Math.acos, asin: Math.asin, atan: Math.atan, atan2: Math.atan2, ceil: Math.ceil, cos: Math.cos, exp: Math.exp, floor: Math.floor, log: Math.log, max: Math.max, min: Math.min, pow: Math.pow, random: Math.random, round: Math.round, sin: Math.sin, sqrt: Math.sqrt, tan: Math.tan, clamp: (a, b, c) => Math.max(b, Math.min(c, a)), // date functions now: Date.now, utc: Date.UTC, datetime: datetime, date: d => new Date(d).getDate(), day: d => new Date(d).getDay(), year: d => new Date(d).getFullYear(), month: d => new Date(d).getMonth(), hours: d => new Date(d).getHours(), minutes: d => new Date(d).getMinutes(), seconds: d => new Date(d).getSeconds(), milliseconds: d => new Date(d).getMilliseconds(), time: d => new Date(d).getTime(), timezoneoffset: d => new Date(d).getTimezoneOffset(), utcdate: d => new Date(d).getUTCDate(), utcday: d => new Date(d).getUTCDay(), utcyear: d => new Date(d).getUTCFullYear(), utcmonth: d => new Date(d).getUTCMonth(), utchours: d => new Date(d).getUTCHours(), utcminutes: d => new Date(d).getUTCMinutes(), utcseconds: d => new Date(d).getUTCSeconds(), utcmilliseconds: d => new Date(d).getUTCMilliseconds(), // sequence functions length: x => x.length, join: function () { return apply('join', arguments); }, indexof: function () { return apply('indexOf', arguments); }, lastindexof: function () { return apply('lastIndexOf', arguments); }, slice: function () { return apply('slice', arguments); }, reverse: x => x.slice().reverse(), // string functions parseFloat: parseFloat, parseInt: parseInt, upper: x => String(x).toUpperCase(), lower: x => String(x).toLowerCase(), substring: function () { return apply('substring', arguments, String); }, split: function () { return apply('split', arguments, String); }, replace: function () { return apply('replace', arguments, String); }, trim: x => String(x).trim(), // regexp functions regexp: RegExp, test: (r, t) => RegExp(r).test(t) }; const EventFunctions = ['view', 'item', 'group', 'xy', 'x', 'y']; const DisallowedMethods = new Set([Function, eval, setTimeout, setInterval]); if (typeof setImmediate === 'function') DisallowedMethods.add(setImmediate); const Visitors = { Literal: ($, n) => n.value, Identifier: ($, n) => { const id = n.name; return $.memberDepth > 0 ? id : id === 'datum' ? $.datum : id === 'event' ? $.event : id === 'item' ? $.item : Constants[id] || $.params['$' + id]; }, MemberExpression: ($, n) => { const d = !n.computed, o = $(n.object); if (d) $.memberDepth += 1; const p = $(n.property); if (d) $.memberDepth -= 1; if (DisallowedMethods.has(o[p])) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(`Prevented interpretation of member "${p}" which could lead to insecure code execution`); return; } return o[p]; }, CallExpression: ($, n) => { const args = n.arguments; let name = n.callee.name; // handle special internal functions used by encoders // re-route to corresponding standard function if (name.startsWith('_')) { name = name.slice(1); } // special case "if" due to conditional evaluation of branches return name === 'if' ? $(args[0]) ? $(args[1]) : $(args[2]) : ($.fn[name] || Functions[name]).apply($.fn, args.map($)); }, ArrayExpression: ($, n) => n.elements.map($), BinaryExpression: ($, n) => Ops[n.operator]($(n.left), $(n.right)), UnaryExpression: ($, n) => Unary[n.operator]($(n.argument)), ConditionalExpression: ($, n) => $(n.test) ? $(n.consequent) : $(n.alternate), LogicalExpression: ($, n) => n.operator === '&&' ? $(n.left) && $(n.right) : $(n.left) || $(n.right), ObjectExpression: ($, n) => n.properties.reduce((o, p) => { $.memberDepth += 1; const k = $(p.key); $.memberDepth -= 1; if (DisallowedMethods.has($(p.value))) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(`Prevented interpretation of property "${k}" which could lead to insecure code execution`); } else { o[k] = $(p.value); } return o; }, {}) }; function interpret (ast, fn, params, datum, event, item) { const $ = n => Visitors[n.type]($, n); $.memberDepth = 0; $.fn = Object.create(fn); $.params = params; $.datum = datum; $.event = event; $.item = item; // route event functions to annotated vega event context EventFunctions.forEach(f => $.fn[f] = (...args) => event.vega[f](...args)); return $(ast); } var expression = { /** * Parse an expression used to update an operator value. */ operator(ctx, expr) { const ast = expr.ast, fn = ctx.functions; return _ => interpret(ast, fn, _); }, /** * Parse an expression provided as an operator parameter value. */ parameter(ctx, expr) { const ast = expr.ast, fn = ctx.functions; return (datum, _) => interpret(ast, fn, _, datum); }, /** * Parse an expression applied to an event stream. */ event(ctx, expr) { const ast = expr.ast, fn = ctx.functions; return event => interpret(ast, fn, undefined, undefined, event); }, /** * Parse an expression used to handle an event-driven operator update. */ handler(ctx, expr) { const ast = expr.ast, fn = ctx.functions; return (_, event) => { const datum = event.item && event.item.datum; return interpret(ast, fn, _, datum, event); }; }, /** * Parse an expression that performs visual encoding. */ encode(ctx, encode) { const { marktype, channels } = encode, fn = ctx.functions, swap = marktype === 'group' || marktype === 'image' || marktype === 'rect'; return (item, _) => { const datum = item.datum; let m = 0, v; for (const name in channels) { v = interpret(channels[name].ast, fn, _, datum, undefined, item); if (item[name] !== v) { item[name] = v; m = 1; } } if (marktype !== 'rule') { adjustSpatial(item, channels, swap); } return m; }; } }; exports.expressionInterpreter = expression; }));