## v1.6.2 2015-09-30 12:14:00+0300 * Updated typescript-src gem version to v1.6.2 ## v1.4.1 2015-07-06 22:36:25+0300 * Added stdout to output when Typescript compilation error occurs ## v1.1.1 2015-04-19 15:40:00+0900 * Use capture3 instead of popen3 to handle tsc I/O. ## v1.1.0 2014-08-09 10:06:10+0900 * compile_file now takes tsc(1) options (#3): `TypeScript::Node.compile_file('file', '--target', 'ES5')` ## v1.0.0 2014-08-09 09:06:11+0900 * Depends on newer versions of typescript-src * No feature change from previous versions