# Sample Rails configuration file # Optional settings are : # * log_path : Allows you to override the default log file [Rail.root/log/documentalist.log] development: # Python configuration python: path: /usr/bin/python # Java configuration java: path: /usr/bin/java # OpenOffice configuration open_office: # Path to the OpenOpffice binary path: /usr/bin/soffice # Select desired bridge between PYOD and JOD bridge: JOD # Maximum allowed CPU usage before the process is considered stalled max_cpu: 80 # OpenOffice server allowed startup time (seconds) max_startup_time: 4 # OpenOffice server allowed waking up time (between startup and actual processing) wakeup_time: 3 # Conversion tries before giving up max_conversion_attempts: 3 # Maximum allowed time for converting a document max_conversion_time: 6 test: python: path: /usr/bin/python java: path: /usr/bin/java open_office: path: /usr/bin/soffice bridge: JOD max_cpu: 80 max_startup_time: 4 wakeup_time: 3 max_conversion_attempts: 3 max_conversion_time: 6 production: python: path: /usr/bin/python java: path: /usr/bin/java open_office: path: /usr/bin/soffice bridge: JOD max_cpu: 80 max_startup_time: 4 wakeup_time: 3 max_conversion_attempts: 3 max_conversion_time: 6