require "spec_helper" require "webmock/rspec" require "ffaker" if ENV['CF_V2_TEST_USER'] && ENV['CF_V2_TEST_PASSWORD'] && ENV['CF_V2_TEST_TARGET'] describe 'A new user tries to use CF against v2 production', :ruby19 => true do before(:all) do WebMock.allow_net_connect! end after(:all) do WebMock.disable_net_connect! end let(:target) { ENV['CF_V2_TEST_TARGET'] } let(:username) { ENV['CF_V2_TEST_USER'] } let(:password) { ENV['CF_V2_TEST_PASSWORD'] } let(:client) do client ="https://#{target}") client.login(username, password) client end before do Interact::Progress::Dots.start! end after do Interact::Progress::Dots.stop! end it "registers a new account and deletes it" do pending "until we get some v2 admin credentials somewhere to actually run this with" email = run("#{cf_bin} target #{target}") do |runner| runner.wait_for_exit end run("#{cf_bin} login #{username} --password #{password}") do |runner| expect(runner).to say( "Organization>" => proc { runner.send_keys "pivotal-integration" expect(runner).to say /Switching to organization .*\.\.\. OK/ }, "Switching to organization" => proc {} ) expect(runner).to say( "Space>" => proc { runner.send_keys "1" expect(runner).to say /Switching to space .*\.\.\. OK/ }, "Switching to space" => proc {} ) end run("#{cf_bin} register #{email} --password p") do |runner| expect(runner).to say "Confirm Password>" runner.send_keys 'p' expect(runner).to say "Your password strength is: good" expect(runner).to say "Creating user... OK" expect(runner).to say "Authenticating... OK" end run("#{cf_bin} logout") do |runner| runner.wait_for_exit end run("#{cf_bin} login #{username} --password #{password}") do |runner| expect(runner).to say "Organization>" runner.send_keys "1" expect(runner).to say "Space>" runner.send_keys "1" end # run("#{cf_bin} delete-user #{email}") do |runner| # expect(runner).to say "Really delete user #{email}?>" # runner.send_keys "y" # expect(runner).to say "Deleting #{email}... OK" # end client.login(email, "p") user = client.current_user guid = user.guid client.login(username, password) user.delete! client.base.uaa.delete_user(guid) end end else $stderr.puts 'Skipping v2 integration specs; please provide $CF_V2_TEST_TARGET, $CF_V2_TEST_USER, and $CF_V2_TEST_PASSWORD' end