# Shakapacker _Official, actively maintained successor to [rails/webpacker](https://github.com/rails/webpacker). Internal naming for `shakapacker` will continue to use `webpacker` where possible for v6. ShakaCode stands behind the long-term maintainence and development of this project for the Rails community._ * See [V6 Upgrade](./docs/v6_upgrade.md) for upgrading from v5 or prior v6 releases. [![Ruby specs](https://github.com/shakacode/shakapacker/workflows/Ruby%20specs/badge.svg)](https://github.com/shakacode/shakapacker/actions) [![Jest specs](https://github.com/shakacode/shakapacker/workflows/Jest%20specs/badge.svg)](https://github.com/shakacode/shakapacker/actions) [![Rubocop](https://github.com/shakacode/shakapacker/workflows/Rubocop/badge.svg)](https://github.com/shakacode/shakapacker/actions) [![JS lint](https://github.com/shakacode/shakapacker/workflows/JS%20lint/badge.svg)](https://github.com/shakacode/shakapacker/actions) [![node.js](https://img.shields.io/badge/node-%3E%3D%2012.0.0-brightgreen.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/shakapacker) [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/shakapacker.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/shakapacker) [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/shakapacker.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/shakapacker) Webpacker makes it easy to use the JavaScript pre-processor and bundler [Webpack v5+](https://webpack.js.org/) to manage application-like JavaScript in Rails. It can coexist with the asset pipeline, leaving Webpack responsible solely for app-like JavaScript, or it can be used exclusively, making it also responsible for images, fonts, and CSS. Check out 6.1.1+ for [SWC](https://swc.rs/) and [esbuild-loader](https://github.com/privatenumber/esbuild-loader) support! They are faster than Babel! See a comparison of [webpacker with jsbundling-rails](https://github.com/rails/jsbundling-rails/blob/main/docs/comparison_with_webpacker.md). Discussion forum and Slack to discuss debugging and troubleshooting tips. Please open issues for bugs and feature requests: 1. [Discussions tab](https://github.com/shakacode/shakapacker/discussions) 2. [Slack discussion channel](https://reactrails.slack.com/join/shared_invite/enQtNjY3NTczMjczNzYxLTlmYjdiZmY3MTVlMzU2YWE0OWM0MzNiZDI0MzdkZGFiZTFkYTFkOGVjODBmOWEyYWQ3MzA2NGE1YWJjNmVlMGE) 3. [Tweets with tag `#shakapacker`](https://twitter.com/hashtag/shakapacker?src=hashtag_click) [ShakaCode](https://www.shakacode.com) offers support for upgrading from webpacker and using Shakapacker. If interested, contact Justin Gordon, [justin@shakacode.com](mailto:justin@shakacode.com). ShakaCode is [hiring passionate engineers](https://jobs.lever.co/shakacode/3bdbfdb3-4495-4611-a279-01dddb351abe) that love open source. --- - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Features](#features) - [Optional support](#optional-support) - [Installation](#installation) - [Rails v6+](#rails-v6) - [Note for Yarn v2 usage](#note-for-yarn-v2-usage) - [Concepts](#concepts) - [Usage](#usage) - [Configuration and Code](#configuration-and-code) - [View Helpers](#view-helpers) - [View Helpers `javascript_pack_tag` and `stylesheet_pack_tag`](#view-helpers-javascript_pack_tag-and-stylesheet_pack_tag) - [View Helper `append_javascript_pack_tag` and `append_stylesheet_pack_tag`](#view-helper-append_javascript_pack_tag-and-append_stylesheet_pack_tag) - [View Helper: `asset_pack_path`](#view-helper-asset_pack_path) - [View Helper: `image_pack_tag`](#view-helper-image_pack_tag) - [View Helper: `favicon_pack_tag`](#view-helper-favicon_pack_tag) - [View Helper: `preload_pack_asset`](#view-helper-preload_pack_asset) - [Images in Stylesheets](#images-in-stylesheets) - [Server-Side Rendering (SSR)](#server-side-rendering-ssr) - [Development](#development) - [Automatic Webpack Code Building](#automatic-webpack-code-building) - [Compiler strategies](#compiler-strategies) - [Common Development Commands](#common-development-commands) - [Webpack Configuration](#webpack-configuration) - [Babel configuration](#babel-configuration) - [SWC configuration](#swc-configuration) - [esbuild loader configuration](#esbuild-loader-configuration) - [Integrations](#integrations) - [React](#react) - [Typescript](#typescript) - [CoffeeScript](#coffeescript) - [TypeScript](#typescript) - [CSS](#css) - [Postcss](#postcss) - [Sass](#sass) - [Less](#less) - [Stylus](#stylus) - [Other frameworks](#other-frameworks) - [Custom Rails environments](#custom-rails-environments) - [Upgrading](#upgrading) - [Paths](#paths) - [Additional paths](#additional-paths) - [Deployment](#deployment) - [Example Apps](#example-apps) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) - [Supporters](#supporters) ## Prerequisites - Ruby 2.6+ - Rails 5.2+ - Node.js 12.13.0+ || 14+ - Yarn ## Features - Rails view helpers that fully support Webpack output, including HMR and code splitting. - Convenient but not required webpack configuration. The only requirement is that your webpack configuration create a manifest. - HMR with the webpack-dev-server, such as for hot-reloading React! - Automatic code splitting using multiple entry points to optimize JavaScript downloads. - [Webpack v5+](https://webpack.js.org/) - ES6 with [babel](https://babeljs.io/), [SWC](https://swc.rs/), or [Esbuild](https://github.com/privatenumber/esbuild-loader) - Asset compression, source-maps, and minification - CDN support - Extensible and configurable. For example, all major dependencies are specified as peers, so you can upgrade easily. ### Optional support _Requires extra packages to be installed._ - React - TypeScript - Stylesheets - Sass, Less, Stylus and Css, PostCSS - CoffeeScript ## Installation ### Rails v6+ With Rails v6+, skip JavaScript for a new app and follow below Manual Installation Steps to manually add the `shakapacker` gem to your Gemfile. ```bash rails new myapp --skip-javascript ``` _Note, Rails 6 installs the older v5 version of webpacker unless you specify `--skip-javascript`._ Add `shakapacker` gem to your `Gemfile`: ```bash bundle add shakapacker --strict ``` Then running the following to install Webpacker: ```bash ./bin/bundle install ./bin/rails webpacker:install ``` When `package.json` and/or `yarn.lock` changes, such as when pulling down changes to your local environment in a team settings, be sure to keep your NPM packages up-to-date: ```bash yarn ``` Note, in v6+, most JS packages are peer dependencies. Thus, the installer will add the packages: ```bash yarn add @babel/core @babel/plugin-transform-runtime @babel/preset-env @babel/runtime babel-loader \ compression-webpack-plugin terser-webpack-plugin \ webpack webpack-assets-manifest webpack-cli webpack-merge webpack-sources webpack-dev-server ``` Previously, these "webpack" and "babel" packages were direct dependencies for `webpacker`. By making these peer dependencies, you have control over the versions used in your webpack and babel configs. ### Note for Yarn v2 usage If you are using Yarn v2 (berry), please note that PnP modules are not supported. In order to use Shakapacker with Yarn v2, make sure you set `nodeLinker: node-modules` in your `.yarnrc.yml` file as per the [Yarn docs](https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/migration#step-by-step) to opt out of Plug'n'Play behaviour. ## Concepts At it's core, Shakapacker's essential functionality is to: 1. Provide configuration by a single file used by both Rails view helpers and JavaScript webpack compilation code. 2. Provide Rails view helpers, utilizing this configuration file, so that a webpage can load JavaScript, CSS, and other static assets compiled by webpack, supporting bundle splitting, fingerprinting, and HMR. 3. Provide a community supported, default webpack compilation that generates the necessary bundles and manifest, using the same configuration file. This compilation can be extended for any needs. ## Usage ### Configuration and Code You will need your file system to correspond to the setup of your `webpacker.yml` file. Suppose you have the following configuration: `webacker.yml` ```yml default: &default source_path: app/javascript source_entry_path: packs public_root_path: public public_output_path: packs nested_entries: false # And more ``` And that maps to a directory structure like this: ``` app/javascript: └── packs: # sets up webpack entries │ └── application.js # references ../src/my_component.js │ └── application.css └── src: # any directory name is fine. Referenced files need to be under source_path │ └── my_component.js └── stylesheets: │ └── my_styles.css └── images: └── logo.svg public/packs # webpack output ``` Webpack intelligently includes only necessary files. In this example, the file `packs/application.js` would reference `../src/my_component.js` `nested_entries` allows you to have webpack entry points nested in subdirectories. This defaults to false so you don't accidentally create entry points for an entire tree of files. In other words, with `nested_entries: false`, you can have your entire `source_path` used for your source (using the `source_entry_path: /`) and you place files at the top level that you want as entry points. `nested_entries: true` allows you to have entries that are in subdirectories. This is useful if you have entries that are generated, so you can have a `generated` subdirectory and easily separate generated files from the rest of your codebase. ### View Helpers The Shakapacker view helpers generate the script and link tags to get the webpack output onto your views. Be sure to consult the API documentation in the source code of [helper.rb](./lib/webpacker/helper.rb). **Note:** In order for your styles or static assets files to be available in your view, you would need to link them in your "pack" or entry file. Otherwise, Webpack won't know to package up those files. #### View Helpers `javascript_pack_tag` and `stylesheet_pack_tag` These view helpers take your `webpacker.yml` configuration file, along with the resulting webpack compilation `manifest.json` and generates the HTML to load the assets. You can then link the JavaScript pack in Rails views using the `javascript_pack_tag` helper. If you have styles imported in your pack file, you can link them by using `stylesheet_pack_tag`: ```erb <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %> <%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'application' %> ``` The `javascript_pack_tag` and `stylesheet_pack_tag` helpers will include all the transpiled packs with the chunks in your view, which creates html tags for all the chunks. You can provide multiple packs and other attributes. Note, `defer` defaults to showing. ```erb <%= javascript_pack_tag 'calendar', 'map', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> ``` The resulting HTML would look like: ``` ``` In this output, both the calendar and map codes might refer to other common libraries. Those get placed something like the vendor bundle. The view helper removes any duplication. Note, the default of "defer" for the `javascript_pack_tag`. You can override that to `false`. If you expose jquery globally with `expose-loader,` by using `import $ from "expose-loader?exposes=$,jQuery!jquery"` in your `app/javascript/application.js`, pass the option `defer: false` to your `javascript_pack_tag`. **Important:** Pass all your pack names as multiple arguments, not multiple calls, when using `javascript_pack_tag` and the `stylesheet_pack_tag`. Otherwise, you will get duplicated chunks on the page. ```erb <%# DO %> <%= javascript_pack_tag 'calendar', 'map' %> <%# DON'T %> <%= javascript_pack_tag 'calendar' %> <%= javascript_pack_tag 'map' %> ``` While this also generally applies to `stylesheet_pack_tag`, you may use multiple calls to stylesheet_pack_tag if, say, you require multiple