#encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Egnyte::Folder do before(:each) do session = Egnyte::Session.new({ key: 'api_key', domain: 'test', access_token: 'access_token' }) @client = Egnyte::Client.new(session) end describe "Folder::find" do it "should return a folder object if the folder exists" do stub_request(:get, "https://test.egnyte.com/pubapi/v1/fs/Shared") .with(:headers => { 'Authorization' => 'Bearer access_token' }) .to_return(:body => File.read('./spec/fixtures/list_folder.json'), :status => 200) @client.folder.name.should == 'docs' end it "should raise FileOrFolderNotFound error for a non-existent folder" do stub_request(:get, "https://test.egnyte.com/pubapi/v1/fs/banana") .with(:headers => { 'Authorization' => 'Bearer access_token' }) .to_return(:status => 404) lambda {@client.folder('banana')}.should raise_error( Egnyte::FileFolderNotFound ) end it "should raise FolderExpected if path to file provided" do stub_request(:get, "https://test.egnyte.com/pubapi/v1/fs/Shared") .with(:headers => { 'Authorization' => 'Bearer access_token' }) .to_return(:body => File.read('./spec/fixtures/list_file.json'), :status => 200) lambda {@client.folder}.should raise_error( Egnyte::FolderExpected ) end end describe "#files" do it "should return an array of file objects" do stub_request(:get, "https://test.egnyte.com/pubapi/v1/fs/Shared") .with(:headers => { 'Authorization' => 'Bearer access_token' }) .to_return(:body => File.read('./spec/fixtures/list_folder.json'), :status => 200) folder = @client.folder file = folder.files.first file.is_a?(Egnyte::File).should == true file.path.should == 'Shared/test.txt' end end describe "#folders" do it "should return an array of file objects" do stub_request(:get, "https://test.egnyte.com/pubapi/v1/fs/Shared") .with(:headers => { 'Authorization' => 'Bearer access_token' }) .to_return(:body => File.read('./spec/fixtures/list_folder.json'), :status => 200) folder = @client.folder file = folder.folders.first file.is_a?(Egnyte::Folder).should == true file.path.should == 'Shared/subfolder1' end end end