# rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength # rake android[android/helper] describe 'android/helper' do t 'tags' do wait { tags('android.widget.TextView').length.must_equal 13 } end # t 'get_selendroid_inspect' # only works on selendroid t 'get_page_class' do # digit values change based on screen size # larger screens have more elements act = get_page_class act.must_include 'android.widget.TextView' act.must_include 'android.widget.ListView' act.must_include 'android.widget.FrameLayout' act.must_include 'hierarchy' end # t 'page_class' do # tested by get_page_class t 'get_android_inspect' do # line count changes based on screen size wait { get_android_inspect.split("\n").length.must_be :>=, 40 } end # t 'get_inspect' do # tested by get_android_inspect # t 'page' do # tested by get_android_inspect def id_key 'animation_2_instructions' end def id_value 'Select an animation:' end t 'xml_keys' do wait do id_pair = xml_keys id_key id_pair = id_pair.to_a[0] id_pair.length.must_equal 2 id_pair.first.must_equal id_key id_pair.last.must_equal id_value end end t 'resolve_id' do wait do str = resolve_id id_key str.must_equal id_value end end t 'xml_values' do wait do value = xml_values(id_value).first.last value.must_equal id_value end end t 'find by id' do wait { find('accessibility').click } wait { find('accessibility node provider').click } wait { id 'accessibility_node_provider' } # Accessibility/Accessibility Node Provider 2.times { back } end t 'ids' do wait { ids('android:id/text1').length.must_equal 12 } end t '_parse_current_app_line' do # test values from appium's test/unit/adb-specs.js expected = [ # api 16 line ['mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{417ee228 token=Token{41602f78 ActivityRecord{41798a08 io.appium.android.apis/.ApiDemos}}}', 'io.appium.android.apis', '.ApiDemos'], # api 18 line ['mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{41744660 token=Token{41ac7198 ActivityRecord{41af55c8 u0 io.appium.android.apis/.ApiDemos}}}', 'io.appium.android.apis', '.ApiDemos'], # api 19 ['mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{b40af858 token=Token{b3e2ce38 ActivityRecord{b3eb47d8 u0 io.appium.android.apis/.ApiDemos t6}}}', 'io.appium.android.apis', '.ApiDemos'], # api 16 selendroid ['mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{4157a2c8 token=Token{41582628 ActivityRecord{415821f0 com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher}}}', 'com.android.launcher', 'com.android.launcher2.Launcher'] ] expected.each do |line, package, activity| parsed = _parse_current_app_line(line) raise "failed to parse #{line}" if parsed.nil? parsed.package.must_equal package parsed.activity.must_equal activity parsed.am_start.must_equal package + '/' + activity end end end