/* global history */ import $ from 'jquery' import { triggerInit } from '../core/events' const REMOTE_PAGINATION_SELECTOR = '.page-link[data-remote]' $(document) .on('ajax:send', function (e) { const $context = $(e.target).closest('[data-context]') const $table = $context.find('.table-container') $table.addClass('loading') }) .on('ajax:complete', function (e) { const $context = $(e.target).closest('[data-context]') const $table = $context.find('.table-container') $table.removeClass('loading') }) .on('ajax:success', REMOTE_PAGINATION_SELECTOR, function (e) { const $link = $(e.target) const $context = $link.closest('[data-context]') // Update table and pagination const $doc = $(e.detail[0]) const $table = $doc.find('.table-container') $context.find('.table-container').replaceWith($table) triggerInit($table) const $pagination = $doc.find('.pagination-container') $context.find('.pagination-container').replaceWith($pagination) // Update the URL in the browser and context const location = $link.attr('href') if (location) { // TODO: Implement URL updating with back button support // if ($context.hasClass('app-main')) { // history.pushState({}, '', location) // } $context.data('context', location) } // Scroll to top of table $table[0].scrollIntoView(true) })