use crate::ast::*; pub fn encode(module: &Module<'_>) -> Vec { match &module.kind { ModuleKind::Text(fields) => encode_fields(&, &, fields), ModuleKind::Binary(bytes) => bytes.iter().flat_map(|b| b.iter().cloned()).collect(), } } fn encode_fields( module_id: &Option>, module_name: &Option>, fields: &[ModuleField<'_>], ) -> Vec { use crate::ast::CustomPlace::*; use crate::ast::CustomPlaceAnchor::*; let mut types = Vec::new(); let mut imports = Vec::new(); let mut funcs = Vec::new(); let mut tables = Vec::new(); let mut memories = Vec::new(); let mut globals = Vec::new(); let mut exports = Vec::new(); let mut start = Vec::new(); let mut elem = Vec::new(); let mut data = Vec::new(); let mut events = Vec::new(); let mut customs = Vec::new(); let mut instances = Vec::new(); let mut modules = Vec::new(); let mut aliases = Vec::new(); for field in fields { match field { ModuleField::Type(i) => types.push(i), ModuleField::Import(i) => imports.push(i), ModuleField::Func(i) => funcs.push(i), ModuleField::Table(i) => tables.push(i), ModuleField::Memory(i) => memories.push(i), ModuleField::Global(i) => globals.push(i), ModuleField::Export(i) => exports.push(i), ModuleField::Start(i) => start.push(i), ModuleField::Elem(i) => elem.push(i), ModuleField::Data(i) => data.push(i), ModuleField::Event(i) => events.push(i), ModuleField::Custom(i) => customs.push(i), ModuleField::Instance(i) => instances.push(i), ModuleField::NestedModule(i) => modules.push(i), ModuleField::Alias(a) => aliases.push(a), } } let mut e = Encoder { wasm: Vec::new(), tmp: Vec::new(), customs: &customs, }; e.wasm.extend(b"\0asm"); e.wasm.extend(b"\x01\0\0\0"); e.custom_sections(BeforeFirst); let mut items = fields .iter() .filter(|i| match i { ModuleField::Alias(_) | ModuleField::Type(_) | ModuleField::Import(_) | ModuleField::NestedModule(_) | ModuleField::Instance(_) => true, _ => false, }) .peekable(); // A special path is used for now to handle non-module-linking modules to // work around WebAssembly/annotations#11 if aliases.len() == 0 && modules.len() == 0 && instances.len() == 0 { e.section_list(1, Type, &types); e.section_list(2, Import, &imports); } else { while let Some(field) = { macro_rules! list { ($code:expr, $name:ident) => { list!($code, $name, $name) }; ($code:expr, $field:ident, $custom:ident) => { if let ModuleField::$field(f) = field { let mut list = vec![f]; while let Some(ModuleField::$field(f)) = items.peek() { list.push(f);; } e.section_list($code, $custom, &list); } }; } list!(1, Type); list!(2, Import); list!(14, NestedModule, Module); list!(15, Instance); list!(16, Alias); } } let functys = funcs.iter().map(|f| &f.ty).collect::>(); e.section_list(3, Func, &functys); e.section_list(4, Table, &tables); e.section_list(5, Memory, &memories); e.section_list(13, Event, &events); e.section_list(6, Global, &globals); e.section_list(7, Export, &exports); e.custom_sections(Before(Start)); if let Some(start) = start.get(0) { e.section(8, start); } e.custom_sections(After(Start)); e.section_list(9, Elem, &elem); if contains_bulk_memory(&funcs) { e.section(12, &data.len()); } e.section_list(10, Code, &funcs); e.section_list(11, Data, &data); let names = find_names(module_id, module_name, fields); if !names.is_empty() { e.section(0, &("name", names)); } e.custom_sections(AfterLast); return e.wasm; fn contains_bulk_memory(funcs: &[&crate::ast::Func<'_>]) -> bool { funcs .iter() .filter_map(|f| match &f.kind { FuncKind::Inline { expression, .. } => Some(expression), _ => None, }) .flat_map(|e| e.instrs.iter()) .any(|i| match i { Instruction::MemoryInit(_) | Instruction::DataDrop(_) => true, _ => false, }) } } struct Encoder<'a> { wasm: Vec, tmp: Vec, customs: &'a [&'a Custom<'a>], } impl Encoder<'_> { fn section(&mut self, id: u8, section: &dyn Encode) { self.tmp.truncate(0); section.encode(&mut self.tmp); self.wasm.push(id); self.tmp.encode(&mut self.wasm); } fn custom_sections(&mut self, place: CustomPlace) { for entry in self.customs.iter() { if == place { self.section(0, &(, entry)); } } } fn section_list(&mut self, id: u8, anchor: CustomPlaceAnchor, list: &[impl Encode]) { self.custom_sections(CustomPlace::Before(anchor)); if !list.is_empty() { self.section(id, &list) } self.custom_sections(CustomPlace::After(anchor)); } } pub(crate) trait Encode { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec); } impl Encode for &'_ T { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { T::encode(self, e) } } impl Encode for [T] { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.len().encode(e); for item in self { item.encode(e); } } } impl Encode for Vec { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { <[T]>::encode(self, e) } } impl Encode for str { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.len().encode(e); e.extend_from_slice(self.as_bytes()); } } impl Encode for usize { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { assert!(*self <= u32::max_value() as usize); (*self as u32).encode(e) } } impl Encode for u8 { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { e.push(*self); } } impl Encode for u32 { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { leb128::write::unsigned(e, (*self).into()).unwrap(); } } impl Encode for i32 { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { leb128::write::signed(e, (*self).into()).unwrap(); } } impl Encode for u64 { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { leb128::write::unsigned(e, (*self).into()).unwrap(); } } impl Encode for i64 { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { leb128::write::signed(e, *self).unwrap(); } } impl Encode for FunctionType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.params.len().encode(e); for (_, _, ty) in self.params.iter() { ty.encode(e); } self.results.encode(e); } } impl Encode for StructType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.fields.len().encode(e); for field in self.fields.iter() { field.ty.encode(e); (field.mutable as i32).encode(e); } } } impl Encode for ArrayType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.ty.encode(e); (self.mutable as i32).encode(e); } } impl Encode for ModuleType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.imports.encode(e); self.exports.encode(e); } } impl Encode for InstanceType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.exports.encode(e); } } impl Encode for ExportType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) {; self.item.encode(e); } } impl Encode for Type<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match &self.def { TypeDef::Func(func) => { e.push(0x60); func.encode(e) } TypeDef::Struct(r#struct) => { e.push(0x5f); r#struct.encode(e) } TypeDef::Array(array) => { e.push(0x5e); array.encode(e) } TypeDef::Module(module) => { e.push(0x61); module.encode(e) } TypeDef::Instance(instance) => { e.push(0x62); instance.encode(e) } } } } impl Encode for Option> { fn encode(&self, _e: &mut Vec) { // used for parameters in the tuple impl as well as instruction labels } } impl Encode for (T, U) { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.0.encode(e); self.1.encode(e); } } impl<'a> Encode for ValType<'a> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { ValType::I32 => e.push(0x7f), ValType::I64 => e.push(0x7e), ValType::F32 => e.push(0x7d), ValType::F64 => e.push(0x7c), ValType::V128 => e.push(0x7b), ValType::Rtt(Some(depth), index) => { e.push(0x69); depth.encode(e); index.encode(e); } ValType::Rtt(None, index) => { e.push(0x68); index.encode(e); } ValType::Ref(ty) => { ty.encode(e); } } } } impl<'a> Encode for HeapType<'a> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { HeapType::Func => e.push(0x70), HeapType::Extern => e.push(0x6f), HeapType::Any => e.push(0x6e), HeapType::Eq => e.push(0x6d), HeapType::Data => e.push(0x67), HeapType::I31 => e.push(0x6a), HeapType::Index(index) => { index.encode(e); } } } } impl<'a> Encode for RefType<'a> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { // The 'funcref' binary abbreviation RefType { nullable: true, heap: HeapType::Func, } => e.push(0x70), // The 'externref' binary abbreviation RefType { nullable: true, heap: HeapType::Extern, } => e.push(0x6f), // The 'eqref' binary abbreviation RefType { nullable: true, heap: HeapType::Eq, } => e.push(0x6d), // The 'dataref' binary abbreviation RefType { nullable: true, heap: HeapType::Data, } => e.push(0x67), // The 'i31ref' binary abbreviation RefType { nullable: true, heap: HeapType::I31, } => e.push(0x6a), // Generic 'ref opt ' encoding RefType { nullable: true, heap, } => { e.push(0x6c); heap.encode(e); } // Generic 'ref ' encoding RefType { nullable: false, heap, } => { e.push(0x6b); heap.encode(e); } } } } impl<'a> Encode for StorageType<'a> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { StorageType::I8 => e.push(0x7a), StorageType::I16 => e.push(0x79), StorageType::Val(ty) => { ty.encode(e); } } } } impl Encode for Import<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.module.encode(e); match self.field { Some(s) => s.encode(e), None => { e.push(0x00); e.push(0xff); } } self.item.encode(e); } } impl Encode for ItemSig<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match &self.kind { ItemKind::Func(f) => { e.push(0x00); f.encode(e); } ItemKind::Table(f) => { e.push(0x01); f.encode(e); } ItemKind::Memory(f) => { e.push(0x02); f.encode(e); } ItemKind::Global(f) => { e.push(0x03); f.encode(e); } ItemKind::Event(f) => { e.push(0x04); f.encode(e); } ItemKind::Module(m) => { e.push(0x05); m.encode(e); } ItemKind::Instance(i) => { e.push(0x06); i.encode(e); } } } } impl Encode for TypeUse<'_, T> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.index .as_ref() .expect("TypeUse should be filled in by this point") .encode(e) } } impl Encode for Index<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { Index::Num(n, _) => n.encode(e), Index::Id(n) => panic!("unresolved index in emission: {:?}", n), } } } impl Encode for IndexOrRef<'_, T> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.0.encode(e); } } impl Encode for ItemRef<'_, T> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { ItemRef::Outer { .. } => panic!("should be expanded previously"), ItemRef::Item { idx, exports, .. } => { assert!(exports.is_empty()); idx.encode(e); } } } } impl<'a> Encode for TableType<'a> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.elem.encode(e); self.limits.encode(e); } } impl Encode for Limits { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self.max { Some(max) => { e.push(0x01); self.min.encode(e); max.encode(e); } None => { e.push(0x00); self.min.encode(e); } } } } impl Encode for MemoryType { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { MemoryType::B32 { limits, shared } => { let flag_max = limits.max.is_some() as u8; let flag_shared = *shared as u8; let flags = flag_max | (flag_shared << 1); e.push(flags); limits.min.encode(e); if let Some(max) = limits.max { max.encode(e); } } MemoryType::B64 { limits, shared } => { let flag_max = limits.max.is_some() as u8; let flag_shared = *shared as u8; let flags = flag_max | (flag_shared << 1) | 0x04; e.push(flags); limits.min.encode(e); if let Some(max) = limits.max { max.encode(e); } } } } } impl<'a> Encode for GlobalType<'a> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.ty.encode(e); if self.mutable { e.push(0x01); } else { e.push(0x00); } } } impl Encode for Table<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { assert!(self.exports.names.is_empty()); match &self.kind { TableKind::Normal(t) => t.encode(e), _ => panic!("TableKind should be normal during encoding"), } } } impl Encode for Memory<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { assert!(self.exports.names.is_empty()); match &self.kind { MemoryKind::Normal(t) => t.encode(e), _ => panic!("MemoryKind should be normal during encoding"), } } } impl Encode for Global<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { assert!(self.exports.names.is_empty()); self.ty.encode(e); match &self.kind { GlobalKind::Inline(expr) => expr.encode(e), _ => panic!("GlobalKind should be inline during encoding"), } } } impl Encode for Export<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) {; if let ItemRef::Item { kind, .. } = &self.index { kind.encode(e); } self.index.encode(e); } } impl Encode for ExportKind { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { ExportKind::Func => e.push(0x00), ExportKind::Table => e.push(0x01), ExportKind::Memory => e.push(0x02), ExportKind::Global => e.push(0x03), ExportKind::Event => e.push(0x04), ExportKind::Module => e.push(0x05), ExportKind::Instance => e.push(0x06), ExportKind::Type => e.push(0x07), } } } impl Encode for Elem<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { // Try to switch element expressions to indices if we can which uses a // more MVP-compatible encoding. // // FIXME(WebAssembly/wabt#1447) ideally we wouldn't do this so we could // be faithful to the original format. let mut to_encode = self.payload.clone(); if let ElemPayload::Exprs { ty: RefType { nullable: true, heap: HeapType::Func, }, exprs, } = &to_encode { if let Some(indices) = extract_indices(exprs) { to_encode = ElemPayload::Indices(indices); } } match (&self.kind, &to_encode) { ( ElemKind::Active { table: ItemRef::Item { idx: Index::Num(0, _), .. }, offset, }, ElemPayload::Indices(_), ) => { e.push(0x00); offset.encode(e); } (ElemKind::Passive, ElemPayload::Indices(_)) => { e.push(0x01); // flags e.push(0x00); // extern_kind } (ElemKind::Active { table, offset }, ElemPayload::Indices(_)) => { e.push(0x02); // flags table.encode(e); offset.encode(e); e.push(0x00); // extern_kind } ( ElemKind::Active { table: ItemRef::Item { idx: Index::Num(0, _), .. }, offset, }, ElemPayload::Exprs { ty: RefType { nullable: true, heap: HeapType::Func, }, .. }, ) => { e.push(0x04); offset.encode(e); } (ElemKind::Passive, ElemPayload::Exprs { ty, .. }) => { e.push(0x05); ty.encode(e); } (ElemKind::Active { table, offset }, ElemPayload::Exprs { ty, .. }) => { e.push(0x06); table.encode(e); offset.encode(e); ty.encode(e); } (ElemKind::Declared, ElemPayload::Indices(_)) => { e.push(0x03); // flags e.push(0x00); // extern_kind } (ElemKind::Declared, ElemPayload::Exprs { ty, .. }) => { e.push(0x07); // flags ty.encode(e); } } to_encode.encode(e); fn extract_indices<'a>( indices: &[Option>], ) -> Option>> { indices.iter().cloned().collect() } } } impl Encode for ElemPayload<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { ElemPayload::Indices(v) => v.encode(e), ElemPayload::Exprs { exprs, ty } => { exprs.len().encode(e); for idx in exprs { match idx { Some(idx) => { Instruction::RefFunc(IndexOrRef(idx.clone())).encode(e); } None => { Instruction::RefNull(ty.heap).encode(e); } } Instruction::End(None).encode(e); } } } } } impl Encode for Data<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match &self.kind { DataKind::Passive => e.push(0x01), DataKind::Active { memory, offset } => { if let ItemRef::Item { idx: Index::Num(0, _), .. } = memory { e.push(0x00); } else { e.push(0x02); memory.encode(e); } offset.encode(e); } }|l| l.len()).sum::().encode(e); for val in { val.push_onto(e); } } } impl Encode for Func<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { assert!(self.exports.names.is_empty()); let mut tmp = Vec::new(); let (expr, locals) = match &self.kind { FuncKind::Inline { expression, locals } => (expression, locals), _ => panic!("should only have inline functions in emission"), }; locals.encode(&mut tmp); expr.encode(&mut tmp); tmp.len().encode(e); e.extend_from_slice(&tmp); } } impl Encode for Vec> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { let mut locals_compressed = Vec::<(u32, ValType)>::new(); for local in self { if let Some((cnt, prev)) = locals_compressed.last_mut() { if *prev == local.ty { *cnt += 1; continue; } } locals_compressed.push((1, local.ty)); } locals_compressed.encode(e); } } impl Encode for Expression<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { for instr in self.instrs.iter() { instr.encode(e); } e.push(0x0b); } } impl Encode for BlockType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { // block types using an index are encoded as an sleb, not a uleb if let Some(ItemRef::Item { idx: Index::Num(n, _), .. }) = &self.ty.index { return i64::from(*n).encode(e); } let ty = self .ty .inline .as_ref() .expect("function type not filled in"); if ty.params.is_empty() && ty.results.is_empty() { return e.push(0x40); } if ty.params.is_empty() && ty.results.len() == 1 { return ty.results[0].encode(e); } panic!("multi-value block types should have an index"); } } impl Encode for FuncBindType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.ty.encode(e); } } impl Encode for LetType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.block.encode(e); self.locals.encode(e); } } impl Encode for LaneArg { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.lane.encode(e); } } impl Encode for MemArg<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match &self.memory { ItemRef::Item { idx: Index::Num(0, _), .. } => { self.align.trailing_zeros().encode(e); self.offset.encode(e); } n => { (self.align.trailing_zeros() | (1 << 6)).encode(e); self.offset.encode(e); n.encode(e); } } } } impl Encode for LoadOrStoreLane<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.memarg.encode(e); self.lane.encode(e); } } impl Encode for CallIndirect<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.ty.encode(e); self.table.encode(e); } } impl Encode for TableInit<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.elem.encode(e); self.table.encode(e); } } impl Encode for TableCopy<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.dst.encode(e); self.src.encode(e); } } impl Encode for TableArg<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.dst.encode(e); } } impl Encode for MemoryArg<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.mem.encode(e); } } impl Encode for MemoryInit<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) {; self.mem.encode(e); } } impl Encode for MemoryCopy<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.dst.encode(e); self.src.encode(e); } } impl Encode for BrTableIndices<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.labels.encode(e); self.default.encode(e); } } impl Encode for Float32 { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { e.extend_from_slice(&self.bits.to_le_bytes()); } } impl Encode for Float64 { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { e.extend_from_slice(&self.bits.to_le_bytes()); } } struct Names<'a> { module: Option<&'a str>, funcs: Vec<(u32, &'a str)>, locals: Vec<(u32, Vec<(u32, &'a str)>)>, } fn find_names<'a>( module_id: &Option>, module_name: &Option>, fields: &[ModuleField<'a>], ) -> Names<'a> { fn get_name<'a>(id: &Option>, name: &Option>) -> Option<&'a str> { name.as_ref().map(|n||id| { if id.is_gensym() { None } else { Some( } })) } let mut funcs = Vec::new(); let mut locals = Vec::new(); let mut idx = 0; for field in fields { match field { ModuleField::Import(i) => { match i.item.kind { ItemKind::Func(_) => {} _ => continue, } if let Some(name) = get_name(&, & { funcs.push((idx, name)); } idx += 1; } ModuleField::Func(f) => { if let Some(name) = get_name(&, & { funcs.push((idx, name)); } let mut local_names = Vec::new(); let mut local_idx = 0; // Consult the inline type listed for local names of parameters. // This is specifically preserved during the name resolution // pass, but only for functions, so here we can look at the // original source's names. if let Some(ty) = &f.ty.inline { for (id, name, _) in ty.params.iter() { if let Some(name) = get_name(id, name) { local_names.push((local_idx, name)); } local_idx += 1; } } if let FuncKind::Inline { locals, .. } = &f.kind { for local in locals { if let Some(name) = get_name(&, & { local_names.push((local_idx, name)); } local_idx += 1; } } if local_names.len() > 0 { locals.push((idx, local_names)); } idx += 1; } ModuleField::Alias(Alias { id, name, kind: ExportKind::Func, .. }) => { if let Some(name) = get_name(id, name) { funcs.push((idx, name)); } idx += 1; } _ => {} } } Names { module: get_name(module_id, module_name), funcs, locals, } } impl Names<'_> { fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.module.is_none() && self.funcs.is_empty() && self.locals.is_empty() } } impl Encode for Names<'_> { fn encode(&self, dst: &mut Vec) { let mut tmp = Vec::new(); let mut subsec = |id: u8, data: &mut Vec| { dst.push(id); data.encode(dst); data.truncate(0); }; if let Some(id) = self.module { id.encode(&mut tmp); subsec(0, &mut tmp); } if self.funcs.len() > 0 { self.funcs.encode(&mut tmp); subsec(1, &mut tmp); } if self.locals.len() > 0 { self.locals.encode(&mut tmp); subsec(2, &mut tmp); } } } impl Encode for Id<'_> { fn encode(&self, dst: &mut Vec) { assert!(!self.is_gensym());; } } impl Encode for V128Const { fn encode(&self, dst: &mut Vec) { dst.extend_from_slice(&self.to_le_bytes()); } } impl Encode for I8x16Shuffle { fn encode(&self, dst: &mut Vec) { dst.extend_from_slice(&self.lanes); } } impl<'a> Encode for SelectTypes<'a> { fn encode(&self, dst: &mut Vec) { match &self.tys { Some(list) => { dst.push(0x1c); list.encode(dst); } None => dst.push(0x1b), } } } impl Encode for Custom<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { for list in { e.extend_from_slice(list); } } } impl Encode for Event<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.ty.encode(e); } } impl Encode for EventType<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match self { EventType::Exception(ty) => { e.push(0x00); ty.encode(e); } } } } impl Encode for StructAccess<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { self.r#struct.encode(e); self.field.encode(e); } } impl Encode for NestedModule<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { let fields = match &self.kind { NestedModuleKind::Inline { fields, .. } => fields, _ => panic!("should only have inline modules in emission"), }; encode_fields(&, &, fields).encode(e); } } impl Encode for Instance<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { assert!(self.exports.names.is_empty()); let (module, args) = match &self.kind { InstanceKind::Inline { module, args } => (module, args), _ => panic!("should only have inline instances in emission"), }; e.push(0x00); module.encode(e); args.encode(e); } } impl Encode for InstanceArg<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) {; if let ItemRef::Item { kind, .. } = &self.index { kind.encode(e); } self.index.encode(e); } } impl Encode for Alias<'_> { fn encode(&self, e: &mut Vec) { match &self.source { AliasSource::InstanceExport { instance, export } => { e.push(0x00); instance.encode(e); self.kind.encode(e); export.encode(e); } AliasSource::Outer { module, index } => { e.push(0x01); module.encode(e); self.kind.encode(e); index.encode(e); } } } }