module Parole module Comment extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Associations belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true belongs_to :commenter, polymorphic: true # Callbacks after_create :update_cache_counters after_destroy :update_cache_counters # Validations validate :ensure_valid_role_for_commentable, if: lambda { commentable.present? && commentable.commentable? } validate :ensure_valid_commentable validates :commenter, presence: true validates :commentable, presence: true validates :comment, presence: true end protected # Update the commentable cache counter columns # # Look for a `_comments_count` and a `comments_count` column # in the commentable model and the commenter model and update their value with the count. def update_cache_counters commenter_has_comments = commenter.respond_to?(:comments) role_method = :"#{self.role}_comments_count=" if commentable.respond_to?(role_method) commentable.send role_method, commentable.comments.where(role: self.role).count end if commenter_has_comments && commenter.respond_to?(role_method) commenter.send role_method, commenter.comments.where(role: self.role).count end total_method = :comments_count= if commentable.respond_to?(total_method) commentable.send total_method, commentable.comments.count end if commenter_has_comments && commenter.respond_to?(total_method) commenter.send total_method, commenter.comments.count end false) false) end # Make sure that the value of the `role` attribute is a valid role # for the commentable. # # If the commentable doesn't have any comment roles, we make sure # that the value is blank. def ensure_valid_role_for_commentable allowed_roles = commentable.class.commentable_options[:roles] if allowed_roles.any? errors.add(:role, :invalid) unless allowed_roles.include?(self.role) else errors.add(:role, :invalid) unless self.role.blank? end end # Make sure that the record we're commenting on is an instance # of a commentable model. def ensure_valid_commentable errors.add(:commentable, :invalid) unless commentable.respond_to?(:commentable?) && commentable.commentable? end end end