#import "UIAutoMonkey.js" #import "handler/buttonHandler.js" #import "handler/wbScrollViewButtonHandler.js" #import "tuneup/tuneup.js" // Configure the monkey: use the default configuration but a bit tweaked monkey = new UIAutoMonkey(); monkey.config.numberOfEvents = 50; // turn off to make clear that we want minutes monkey.config.delayBetweenEvents = 0.05; monkey.config.eventWeights = { tap: 100, drag: 10, flick: 10, orientation: 1, lock: 1, pinchClose: 1, pinchOpen: 1, shake: 1 }; monkey.config.touchProbability = { multipleTaps: 0.05, multipleTouches: 0.05, longPress: 0.05 }; monkey.config.frame = { origin: { x: parseInt(UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().rect().origin.x), y: parseInt(UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().rect().origin.y)+10 }, size: { width: parseInt(UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().rect().size.width), height: parseInt(UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().rect().size.height)-20 } };// Ignore the UIAStatusBar area, avoid to drag out the notification page. //UI Holes handlers var handlers = []; handlers.push(new ButtonHandler("WBBack", 10, true)); handlers.push(new WBScrollViewButtonHandler("weatherLeftBack", 5, false, 1)); handlers.push(new ButtonHandler("取消", 3, true)); handlers.push(new ButtonHandler("CloseX", 3, true)); handlers.push(new ButtonHandler("确定", 3, false)); monkey.config.conditionHandlers = handlers; //ANR settings var aFingerprintFunction = function() { var mainWindow = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().mainWindow(); //if an error occurs log it and make it the fingerprint try { var aString = mainWindow.elementAccessorDump("tree", true); // var aString = mainWindow.logElementTree(); // var aString = mainWindow.logElementJSON(["name"]) if (monkey.config.anrSettings.debug) { UIALogger.logDebug("fingerprintFunction tree=" + aString); } } catch (e) { aString = "fingerprintFunction error:" + e; UIALogger.logWarning(aString); } return aString; }; monkey.config.anrSettings.fingerprintFunction = false;//false | aFingerprintFunction monkey.config.anrSettings.eventsBeforeANRDeclared = 18; //throw exception if the fingerprint hasn't changed within this number of events monkey.config.anrSettings.eventsBetweenSnapshots = 8; //how often (in events) to take a snapshot using the fingerprintFunction monkey.config.anrSettings.debug = true; //log extra info on ANR state changes // Release the monkey! monkey.RELEASE_THE_MONKEY();