class << ActiveRecord::Base def notify_on(action, options = {}) include NotifyOn::Creator ([self] + self.descendants).each do |klass| klass.class_eval do has_many :notifications, -> { preloaded }, :class_name => NotifyOn::Notification, :as => :trigger, :dependent => :destroy end end attr_accessor :skip_notifications method_to_s = NotifyOn::Utilities.callback_method_name(action, options) method_sym = method_to_s.to_sym send("after_#{(action.to_s == 'create') ? 'create' : 'update'}", method_sym) define_method(method_to_s) do # The action trigger needs to be create, save, or a true condition. return unless %w(create update).include?(action.to_s) || send(action.to_sym) # An optional if condition must be missing or true. return unless options[:if].blank? || send(options[:if]) # An optional unless condition must be missing or false. return unless options[:unless].blank? || !send(options[:unless]) # Create the notification if we get past all our checks. create_notify_on_notifications(options) end private method_to_s.to_sym end end