## # Additional procedures def create_tenant(params = {}) return nil if !params.has_key? :ident return nil if !params.has_key? :title tenant = Anubis::Tenant::Tenant.find_or_create_by ident: params[:ident] tenant.title = params[:title] if params.has_key? :default if params[:default] tenant.state = Anubis::Tenant::Tenant.states[:default] end end tenant.save Anubis::Tenant::TenantSystem.find_or_create_by tenant: tenant, system_id: 1 return tenant end ## # Create multi languages menu element def create_menu(params = {}) return nil if !params.key? :mode return nil if !params.key? :action params[:access] = 'read' if !params.key? :access params[:state] = 'visible' if !params.key? :state prefix = 'install.menu.'+params[:mode].to_s if get_anubis_type == 'tenant' data = Anubis::Tenant::Menu.find_or_create_by(mode: params[:mode]) do |menu| menu.action = params[:action] menu.menu = params[:parent] if params.key? :parent menu.page_size = params[:page_size] if params.key? :page_size menu.state = params[:state] end I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.locale = locale Anubis::Tenant::MenuLocale.find_or_create_by(menu_id: data.id, locale: Anubis::Tenant::MenuLocale.locales[locale.to_s.to_sym]) do |menu_locale| menu_locale.title = I18n.t(prefix+'.title') menu_locale.page_title = I18n.t(prefix+'.page_title') menu_locale.short_title = I18n.t(prefix+'.short_title', default: [(prefix+'.title').to_sym]) end end if params.has_key?(:group) && params.has_key?(:system) if params[:system].is_a? Array params[:system].each do |system| Anubis::Tenant::SystemMenu.find_or_create_by system: system, menu: data end else Anubis::Tenant::SystemMenu.find_or_create_by system: params[:system], menu: data end if params[:group].is_a? Array params[:group].each do |group| add_access_menu group: group, menu: data, access: params[:access] end else add_access_menu group: params[:group], menu: data, access: params[:access] end end end if get_anubis_type == 'sso-client' data = Anubis::Sso::Client::Menu.find_or_create_by(mode: params[:mode]) #puts data.to_json if data data.action = params[:action] if params.key? :parent data.menu = params[:parent] else data.menu_id = nil end if params.key? :page_size data.page_size = params[:page_size] else data.page_size = 0 end data.state = params[:state] I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.locale = locale data.title = I18n.t(prefix + '.title') data.page_title = I18n.t(prefix + '.page_title') data.short_title = I18n.t(prefix + '.short_title', default: [(prefix + '.title').to_sym]) end data.save puts data.errors.full_messages if params.has_key?(:group) if params[:group].is_a? Array params[:group].each do |group| add_access_menu group: group, menu: data, access: params[:access] end else add_access_menu group: params[:group], menu: data, access: params[:access] end end end end return data end ## # Create multi languages system def create_system(params = {}) return nil if !params.has_key? :ident return nil if !params.has_key? :translate system = Anubis::Tenant::System.find_or_create_by ident: params[:ident] if system I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.locale = locale Anubis::Tenant::SystemLocale.find_or_create_by(system: system, locale: Anubis::Tenant::SystemLocale.locales[locale.to_s.to_sym]) do |system_locale| system_locale.title = I18n.t(params[:translate]) end end end if params.has_key? :tenant if params[:tenant].is_a? Array params[:tenant].each do |tenant| Anubis::Tenant::TenantSystem.find_or_create_by tenant: tenant, system: system end else Anubis::Tenant::TenantSystem.find_or_create_by tenant: params[:tenant], system: system end end return system end ## # Create multi languages group def create_group(params = {}) return nil if !params.has_key? :ident return nil if !params.has_key? :translate if get_anubis_type == 'tenant' return nil if !params.has_key? :system group = Anubis::Tenant::Group.find_or_create_by ident: params[:ident], system: params[:system] if group I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.locale = locale Anubis::Tenant::GroupLocale.find_or_create_by(group: group, locale: Anubis::Tenant::GroupLocale.locales[locale.to_s.to_sym]) do |group_locale| group_locale.title = I18n.t(params[:translate]) end end end if params.has_key? :user if params[:user].is_a? Array params[:user].each do |user| Anubis::Tenant::UserGroup.find_or_create_by group: group, user: user end else Anubis::Tenant::UserGroup.find_or_create_by group: group, user: params[:user] end end end if get_anubis_type == 'sso-client' group = Anubis::Sso::Client::Group.find_or_create_by ident: params[:ident] if group I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.locale = locale group.title = I18n.t(params[:translate]) end group.save end end return group end def add_access_menu(params = {}) return if !params.has_key? :group return if !params.has_key? :menu params[:access] = 'read' if !params.has_key? :access if %w[tenant sso-client].include? get_anubis_type group_menu_model = Anubis::Tenant::GroupMenu if get_anubis_type == 'tenant' group_menu_model = Anubis::Sso::Client::GroupMenu if get_anubis_type == 'sso-client' if params[:group].class == Array params[:group].each do |group| data = group_menu_model.find_or_create_by group: group, menu: params[:menu] if group_menu_model.accesses[params[:access].to_sym] > group_menu_model.accesses[data.access.to_sym] data.access = params[:access] data.save end end else data = group_menu_model.find_or_create_by group: params[:group], menu: params[:menu] if group_menu_model.accesses[params[:access].to_sym] > group_menu_model.accesses[data.access.to_sym] data.access = params[:access] data.save end end end end def get_anubis_type begin type = Rails.configuration.anubis_type rescue type = 'tenant' end type end if get_anubis_type == 'tenant' ## # Create default system with id 1 system = Anubis::Tenant::System.find_by_id(1) if !system system = Anubis::Tenant::System.create(id: 1) end I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.locale = locale Anubis::Tenant::SystemLocale.find_or_create_by(system_id: system.id, locale: Anubis::Tenant::SystemLocale.locales[locale.to_s.to_sym]) do |system_locale| system_locale.title = I18n.t('anubis.install.system_title') end end ## # Create default tenant with id 1 tenant = Anubis::Tenant::Tenant.find_by_id(1) tenant = Anubis::Tenant::Tenant.create(id: 1, title: I18n.t('anubis.install.tenant_title'), state: Anubis::Tenant::Tenant.states[:default]) if !tenant Anubis::Tenant::TenantSystem.find_or_create_by tenant: tenant, system: system ## # Load Administrator group of Main System admin_group = Anubis::Tenant::Group.where(system: system, ident: 'admin').first I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.locale = locale Anubis::Tenant::GroupLocale.find_or_create_by(group_id: admin_group.id, locale: Anubis::Tenant::GroupLocale.locales[locale.to_s.to_sym]) do |group_locale| group_locale.title = I18n.t('anubis.install.admins_group') end end ## # Create main administrator with id 1 admin_user = Anubis::Tenant::User.find_by_id(1) admin_user = Anubis::Tenant::User.create(id: 1, email: 'admin@local.local', name: I18n.t('anubis.install.admin_name'), surname: I18n.t('anubis.install.admin_surname'), timezone: 'GMT', status: 0, tenant: tenant) if !admin_user Anubis::Tenant::UserGroup.find_or_create_by(user_id: admin_user.id, group_id: admin_group.id) menu_0 = create_menu({ mode: 'anubis/admin', action: 'menu' }) menu_1 = create_menu({ mode: 'anubis/tenants', action: 'data', parent: menu_0, system: system, group: admin_group, access: 'write' }) menu_1 = create_menu({ mode: 'anubis/users', action: 'data', parent: menu_0, system: system, group: admin_group, access: 'write' }) end