# Defining a nested resource
If a resource returns nested objects then those are normally treated as just basic JavaScript objects stored on the resource instance.
Using the serializers we can specify that a nested object is in fact a resouce and the object(s) will be constructed as a resource
instance during deserialization.

For example, suppose we have an Author that serializes all of the books that author has written.  If we specify that the books
are a nested resource that allows us to more easily perform updates against those books without having to worry about creating
a resource instance for the book.

    angular.module('book.services', ['rails']);

    angular.module('book.services').factory('Book', ['railsResourceFactory', function (railsResourceFactory) {
        return railsResourceFactory({url: '/books', name: 'book'});

    angular.module('book.services').factory('Book', ['railsResourceFactory', function (railsResourceFactory) {
        return railsResourceFactory({
            url: '/authors',
            name: 'author',
            serializer: railsSerializer(function () {
                this.nestedResource('books', 'Book');

    angular.module('book.controllers').controller('AuthorCtrl', ['$scope', 'Author', function ($scope, Author) {
        $scope.author = Author.get(123);

        // allow the view to trigger an update to a book from $scope.author.books
        $scope.updateBook = function (book) {

# Adding custom methods to a resource
You can add additional "class" or "instance" methods by modifying the resource returned from the factory call.

## Custom class-level find
For instance, if you wanted to add a method that would search for Books by the title without having to construct the query params
each time you could add a new <code>findByTitle</code> class function.

    angular.module('book.services', ['rails']);
    angular.module('book.services').factory('Book', ['railsResourceFactory', function (railsResourceFactory) {
        var resource = railsResourceFactory({url: '/books', name: 'book'});
        resource.findByTitle = function (title) {
            return resource.query({title: title});
        return resource;

    angular.module('book.controllers').controller('BookShelfCtrl', ['$scope', 'Book', function ($scope, Book) {
        $scope.searching = true;
        // Find all books matching the title
        $scope.books = Book.findByTitle({title: title});
        $scope.books.then(function(results) {
            $scope.searching = false;
        }, function (error) {
            $scope.searching = false;

## Get related object
You can also add additional methods on the object prototype chain so all instances of the resource have that function available.
The following example exposes a <code>getAuthor</code> instance method that would be accessible on all Book instances.

    angular.module('book.services', ['rails']);
    angular.module('book.services').factory('Author', ['railsResourceFactory', function (railsResourceFactory) {
        return railsResourceFactory({url: '/authors', name: 'author'});
    angular.module('book.services').factory('Book', ['railsResourceFactory', 'Author', function (railsResourceFactory, Author) {
        var resource = railsResourceFactory({url: '/books', name: 'book'});
        resource.prototype.getAuthor = function () {
            return Author.get(this.authorId);
    angular.module('book.controllers').controller('BookShelfCtrl', ['$scope', 'Book', function ($scope, Book) {
        $scope.getAuthorDetails = function (book) {
            $scope.author = book.getAuthor();

## Nested URL
Or say you instead had a nested "references" service call that returned a list of referenced books for a given book instance.  In that case you can add your own addition method that calls $http.get and then
passes the resulting promise to the processResponse method which will perform the same transformations and handling that the get or query would use.

    angular.module('book.services', ['rails']);
    angular.module('book.services').factory('Book', ['railsResourceFactory', '$http', function (railsResourceFactory, $http) {
        var resource = railsResourceFactory({url: '/books', name: 'book'});
        resource.prototype.getReferences = function () {
            var self = this;
            return resource.$get(self.$url('references'))).then(function (references) {
                self.references = references;
                return self.references;

# Specifying Transformer
Transformers can be by specifying an array of transformers in the configuration options passed to railsResourceFactory.
However, a cleaner eway to write it is to use the <code>beforeRequest</code> which can take a new anonymous function or
a function returned by a factory if you want to share a transformer across multiple resources.

Both of these examples can be accomplished using the serializers now.

    angular.module('test').factory('excludePrivateKeysTransformer', function () {
        return function (data) {
            angular.forEach(data, function (value, key) {
                if (key[0] === '_') {
                    delete data[key];

    angular.module('test').factory('Book', function (railsResourceFactory, excludePrivateKeysTransformer) {
        var Book = railsResourceFactory({url: '/books', name: 'book'});
        Book.beforeRequest(function (data) {
            data['release_date'] = data['publicationDate'];
            delete data['publicationDate'];

        return Book;