{ "items": [ { "label": "5a0b28045457a3ea2aca608e", "eiaid": 9601, "name": "A - Residential Service -Senior Citizen - Low Income Assistance", "startdate": "2017-01-01 00:00:00", "latest_update": "2017-11-14 10:31:50", "utility": "Jackson Electric Member Corp", "sector": "Residential", "description": "For all domestic uses of a residential service when supplied through one meter. A residential service is defined in the Cooperative's Service Rules and Regulations. Available to all existing church facilities and any church facility with a transformer size of less than 100 kVA connected after January 1, 2016.||\r\nTo qualify, the customer must be 62 years of age or older, with total household income at or below 100% of the current year�s Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) annual income level for a family size of two (2), provided that the electric service is in the customer's principal place of residence, is individually metered, and in said customer's name.", "source": "http://www.jacksonemc.com/sites/default/files/a-17_final.pdf\r\n||https://www.jacksonemc.com/home-customer-service/financial-assistance/senior-citizen-low-income-assistance", "sourceparent": "http://www.jacksonemc.com/rates", "dgrules": "Net Metering", "fixedchargefirstmeter": 5.5, "fixedchargeunits": "$/month", "demandrateunit": "kW", "energyratestructure": [ [ { "max": 650.0, "rate": 0.0896, "unit": "kWh" }, { "max": 1000.0, "rate": 0.0831, "unit": "kWh" }, { "rate": 0.0821, "unit": "kWh" } ], [ { "max": 650.0, "rate": 0.0896, "unit": "kWh" }, { "max": 1000.0, "rate": 0.1121, "unit": "kWh" }, { "rate": 0.1181, "unit": "kWh" } ] ] } ] }