require 'rubygems' require 'rake' begin require 'jeweler' do |gem| = "watir-webdriver" gem.summary = %Q{Watir on WebDriver} gem.description = %Q{WebDriver-backed Watir} = "" gem.homepage = "" gem.authors = ["Jari Bakken"] gem.add_dependency "selenium-webdriver" gem.add_development_dependency "rspec" gem.add_development_dependency "webidl" gem.add_development_dependency "sinatra" end rescue LoadError puts "Jeweler (or a dependency) not available. Install it with: sudo gem install jeweler" end require 'spec/rake/spectask' do |spec| spec.libs << 'lib' << 'spec' spec.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] end do |spec| spec.libs << 'lib' << 'spec' spec.pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' spec.rcov = true spec.rcov_opts = %w[--exclude spec,ruby-debug,/Library/Ruby,.gem --include lib/watir-webdriver] end task :spec => :check_dependencies namespace :html5 do IDL_PATH = "support/html5/html5.idl" EXTRAS_PATH = "support/html5/html5_extras.idl" SPEC_URI = "" # TODO: use task :extract do require 'support/html5/idl_extractor' idl = idl.write_idl_to IDL_PATH idl.write_extras_to "#{EXTRAS_PATH}.txt" puts "\n\n" puts "Some HTML elements does not have an interface declaration defined in the spec." puts "You will need to create the IDL by hand and remove the .txt extension from #{EXTRAS_PATH}.txt before running the html5:generate task." puts "We're also adding an extended attribute to specify TagName - you may need to look through #{IDL_PATH} to make sure the syntax is correct." end desc 'Re-enerate the base Watir element classes from the spec ' task :generate do require "support/html5/watir_visitor" raise Errno::ENOENT, EXTRAS_PATH unless File.exist?(EXTRAS_PATH) code = WatirVisitor.generate_from(IDL_PATH) code << "# from extras: \n\n" code << WatirVisitor.generate_from(EXTRAS_PATH) old_file = "lib/watir/elements/generated.rb""#{old_file}.new", "w") { |file| file << code } if File.exist?(old_file) system "diff -Naut #{old_file} #{old_file}.new | less" end end desc 'Check the syntax of support/html5/*.idl' task :syntax do require 'webidl' parser = failures = [] Dir['support/html5/*.idl'].each do |path| unless parser.parse( failures << [path, parser.failure_reason] end end if failures.any? puts "Parse errors!" failures.each { |path, reason| puts "#{path.ljust(40)}: #{reason}" } else puts "Syntax OK." end end end # html5 task :default => :spec begin require 'yard' require 'support/yard_handlers' rescue LoadError task :yard do abort "YARD is not available. In order to run yardoc, you must: sudo gem install yard" end end load "spec/watirspec/watirspec.rake" if File.exist?("spec/watirspec/watirspec.rake")