// default location for table of contents const DOCS = require('../docs/table-of-contents.json'); module.exports = { plugins: [{ resolve: `gatsby-theme-ocular`, options: { // Adjusts amount of debug information from gatsby-theme-ocular logLevel: 0, DOC_FOLDERS: [`${__dirname}/../docs/`], ROOT_FOLDER: `${__dirname}/../`, DIR_NAME: `${__dirname}`, SOURCE: [`${__dirname}/static`, `${__dirname}/src`], DOC_MARKDOWN_PAGE_URL: `${__dirname}/templates/documentation.jsx`, PROJECT_TYPE: 'github', PROJECT_NAME: 'H3', PROJECT_ORG: 'uber', PROJECT_URL: 'https://github.com/uber/h3', PROJECT_DESC: 'Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system.', PATH_PREFIX: '/', FOOTER_LOGO: '', HOME_PATH: '/', HOME_HEADING: 'Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system', HOME_RIGHT: null, HOME_BULLETS: [ { text: 'Partition data into a hexagonal grid', desc: 'H3 has an easy API for indexing coordinates into a hexagonal, global grid.', img: 'images/icon-high-precision.svg' }, { text: 'Hierarchical grid system', desc: 'Easy, bitwise truncation to coarser, approximate cells, along with area compression/decompression algorithms.', img: 'images/icon-layers.svg' }, { text: 'Fully global', desc: 'Along with twelve pentagons, the entire world is addressable in H3, down to square meter resolution.', img: 'images/icon-chart.svg' } ], // your table of contents goes here DOCS, EXAMPLES: [ ], THEME_OVERRIDES: [ ], PROJECTS: [ ], ADDITIONAL_LINKS: [ ], GA_TRACKING: null, // For showing star counts and contributors. // Should be like btoa('YourUsername:YourKey') and should be readonly. GITHUB_KEY: null } }, { resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`, options: { plugins: [ { resolve: `gatsby-remark-katex`, options: { // Add any KaTeX options from https://github.com/KaTeX/KaTeX/blob/master/docs/options.md here strict: `ignore` } } ], }, } ]};