class Poltergeist.WebPage @CALLBACKS = ['onConsoleMessage','onError', 'onLoadFinished', 'onInitialized', 'onLoadStarted', 'onResourceRequested', 'onResourceReceived', 'onResourceError', 'onResourceTimeout', 'onNavigationRequested', 'onUrlChanged', 'onPageCreated', 'onClosing', 'onCallback'] @DELEGATES = ['url', 'open', 'sendEvent', 'uploadFile', 'render', 'close', 'renderBase64', 'goBack', 'goForward', 'reload'] # @COMMANDS = ['currentUrl', 'find', 'nodeCall', 'documentSize', @COMMANDS = ['find', 'nodeCall', 'documentSize', 'beforeUpload', 'afterUpload', 'clearLocalStorage'] @EXTENSIONS = [] constructor: (@_native, settings) -> @_native or= require('webpage').create() @id = 0 @source = null @closed = false @state = 'default' @urlWhitelist = [] @urlBlacklist = [] @errors = [] @_networkTraffic = {} @_tempHeaders = {} @_blockedUrls = [] @_requestedResources = {} @_responseHeaders = [] @_tempHeadersToRemoveOnRedirect = {} @_asyncResults = {} @_asyncEvaluationId = 0 @setSettings(settings) for callback in WebPage.CALLBACKS this.bindCallback(callback) if phantom.version.major < 2 @._overrideNativeEvaluate() for command in @COMMANDS do (command) => this.prototype[command] = (args...) -> this.runCommand(command, args) for delegate in @DELEGATES do (delegate) => this.prototype[delegate] = -> @_native[delegate].apply(@_native, arguments) setSettings: (settings = {})-> @_native.settings[setting] = value for setting, value of settings onInitializedNative: -> @id += 1 @source = null @injectAgent() @removeTempHeaders() @removeTempHeadersForRedirect() @setScrollPosition(left: 0, top: 0) onClosingNative: -> @handle = null @closed = true onConsoleMessageNative: (message) -> if message == '__DOMContentLoaded' @source = @_native.content false else console.log(message) onLoadStartedNative: -> @state = 'loading' @requestId = @lastRequestId @_requestedResources = {} onLoadFinishedNative: (@status) -> @state = 'default' @source or= @_native.content onErrorNative: (message, stack) -> stackString = message stack.forEach (frame) -> stackString += "\n" stackString += " at #{frame.file}:#{frame.line}" stackString += " in #{frame.function}" if frame.function && frame.function != '' @errors.push(message: message, stack: stackString) return true onCallbackNative: (data) -> @_asyncResults[data['command_id']] = data['command_result'] true onResourceRequestedNative: (request, net) -> @_networkTraffic[] = { request: request, responseParts: [] error: null } if @_blockRequest(request.url) @_networkTraffic[].blocked = true @_blockedUrls.push request.url unless request.url in @_blockedUrls net.abort() else @lastRequestId = if @normalizeURL(request.url) == @redirectURL @removeTempHeadersForRedirect() @redirectURL = null @requestId = @_requestedResources[] = request.url return true onResourceReceivedNative: (response) -> @_networkTraffic[]?.responseParts.push(response) if response.stage == 'end' delete @_requestedResources[] if @requestId == if response.redirectURL @removeTempHeadersForRedirect() @redirectURL = @normalizeURL(response.redirectURL) else @statusCode = response.status @_responseHeaders = response.headers return true onResourceErrorNative: (errorResponse) -> @_networkTraffic[]?.error = errorResponse delete @_requestedResources[] return true onResourceTimeoutNative: (request) -> console.log "Resource request timed out for #{request.url}" injectAgent: -> if this.native().evaluate(-> typeof __poltergeist) == "undefined" this.native().injectJs "#{phantom.libraryPath}/agent.js" for extension in WebPage.EXTENSIONS this.native().injectJs extension return true return false injectExtension: (file) -> WebPage.EXTENSIONS.push file this.native().injectJs file native: -> if @closed throw new Poltergeist.NoSuchWindowError else @_native windowName: -> this.native().windowName keyCode: (name) -> name = "Control" if name == "Ctrl" this.native().event.key[name] keyModifierCode: (names) -> modifiers = this.native().event.modifier names.split(',').map((name) -> modifiers[name]).reduce((n1,n2) -> n1 | n2) keyModifierKeys: (names) -> for name in names.split(',') when name isnt 'keypad' name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1) this.keyCode(name) _waitState_until: (states, callback, timeout, timeout_callback) -> if (@state in states), @state) else if new Date().getTime() > timeout else setTimeout (=> @_waitState_until(states, callback, timeout, timeout_callback)), 100 waitState: (states, callback, max_wait=0, timeout_callback) -> # callback and timeout_callback will be called with this == the current page states = [].concat(states) if @state in states, @state) else if max_wait != 0 timeout = new Date().getTime() + (max_wait*1000) setTimeout (=> @_waitState_until(states, callback, timeout, timeout_callback)), 100 else setTimeout (=> @waitState(states, callback)), 100 setHttpAuth: (user, password) -> this.native().settings.userName = user this.native().settings.password = password return true networkTraffic: (type) -> switch type when 'all' request for own id, request of @_networkTraffic when 'blocked' request for own id, request of @_networkTraffic when request.blocked else request for own id, request of @_networkTraffic when not request.blocked clearNetworkTraffic: -> @_networkTraffic = {} return true blockedUrls: -> @_blockedUrls clearBlockedUrls: -> @_blockedUrls = [] return true openResourceRequests: -> url for own id, url of @_requestedResources content: -> this.native().frameContent title: -> this.native().title frameTitle: -> this.native().frameTitle currentUrl: -> # native url doesn't return anything when about:blank # in that case get the frame url which will be main window @native().url || @runCommand('frameUrl') frameUrl: -> if phantom.version.major > 2 || (phantom.version.major == 2 && phantom.version.minor >= 1) @native().frameUrl || @runCommand('frameUrl') else @runCommand('frameUrl') frameUrlFor: (frameNameOrId) -> query = (frameNameOrId) -> document.querySelector("iframe[name='#{frameNameOrId}'], iframe[id='#{frameNameOrId}']")?.src this.evaluate(query, frameNameOrId) clearErrors: -> @errors = [] return true responseHeaders: -> headers = {} @_responseHeaders.forEach (item) -> headers[] = item.value headers cookies: -> this.native().cookies deleteCookie: (name) -> this.native().deleteCookie(name) viewportSize: -> this.native().viewportSize setViewportSize: (size) -> this.native().viewportSize = size setZoomFactor: (zoom_factor) -> this.native().zoomFactor = zoom_factor setPaperSize: (size) -> this.native().paperSize = size scrollPosition: -> this.native().scrollPosition setScrollPosition: (pos) -> this.native().scrollPosition = pos clipRect: -> this.native().clipRect setClipRect: (rect) -> this.native().clipRect = rect elementBounds: (selector) -> this.native().evaluate( (selector) -> document.querySelector(selector).getBoundingClientRect() , selector ) getUserAgent: -> this.native().settings.userAgent setUserAgent: (userAgent) -> this.native().settings.userAgent = userAgent getCustomHeaders: -> this.native().customHeaders getPermanentCustomHeaders: -> allHeaders = @getCustomHeaders() for name, value of @_tempHeaders delete allHeaders[name] for name, value of @_tempHeadersToRemoveOnRedirect delete allHeaders[name] allHeaders setCustomHeaders: (headers) -> this.native().customHeaders = headers addTempHeader: (header) -> for name, value of header @_tempHeaders[name] = value @_tempHeaders addTempHeaderToRemoveOnRedirect: (header) -> for name, value of header @_tempHeadersToRemoveOnRedirect[name] = value @_tempHeadersToRemoveOnRedirect removeTempHeadersForRedirect: -> allHeaders = @getCustomHeaders() for name, value of @_tempHeadersToRemoveOnRedirect delete allHeaders[name] @setCustomHeaders(allHeaders) removeTempHeaders: -> allHeaders = @getCustomHeaders() for name, value of @_tempHeaders delete allHeaders[name] @setCustomHeaders(allHeaders) pushFrame: (name) -> return true if this.native().switchToFrame(name) # if switch by name fails - find index and try again frame_no = this.native().evaluate( (frame_name) -> frames = document.querySelectorAll("iframe, frame") (idx for f, idx in frames when f?['name'] == frame_name or f?['id'] == frame_name)[0] , name) frame_no? and this.native().switchToFrame(frame_no) popFrame: (pop_all = false)-> if pop_all this.native().switchToMainFrame() else this.native().switchToParentFrame() dimensions: -> scroll = this.scrollPosition() viewport = this.viewportSize() top:, bottom: + viewport.height, left: scroll.left, right: scroll.left + viewport.width, viewport: viewport document: this.documentSize() # A work around for validatedDimensions: -> dimensions = this.dimensions() document = dimensions.document if dimensions.right > document.width dimensions.left = Math.max(0, dimensions.left - (dimensions.right - document.width)) dimensions.right = document.width if dimensions.bottom > document.height = Math.max(0, - (dimensions.bottom - document.height)) dimensions.bottom = document.height this.setScrollPosition(left: dimensions.left, top: dimensions get: (id) -> new Poltergeist.Node(this, id) # Before each mouse event we make sure that the mouse is moved to where the # event will take place. This deals with e.g. :hover changes. mouseEvent: (name, x, y, button = 'left', modifiers = 0) -> this.sendEvent('mousemove', x, y) this.sendEvent(name, x, y, button, modifiers) evaluate: (fn, args...) -> this.injectAgent() result = this.native().evaluate("function() { var page_id = arguments[0]; var args = []; for(var i=1; i < arguments.length; i++){ if ((typeof(arguments[i]) == 'object') && (typeof(arguments[i]['ELEMENT']) == 'object')){ args.push(window.__poltergeist.get(arguments[i]['ELEMENT']['id']).element); } else { args.push(arguments[i]) } } var _result = #{this.stringifyCall(fn, "args")}; return window.__poltergeist.wrapResults(_result, page_id); }", @id, args...) result evaluate_async: (fn, callback, args...) -> command_id = ++@_asyncEvaluationId cb = callback this.injectAgent() this.native().evaluate("function(){ var page_id = arguments[0]; var args = []; for(var i=1; i < arguments.length; i++){ if ((typeof(arguments[i]) == 'object') && (typeof(arguments[i]['ELEMENT']) == 'object')){ args.push(window.__poltergeist.get(arguments[i]['ELEMENT']['id']).element); } else { args.push(arguments[i]) } } args.push(function(result){ result = window.__poltergeist.wrapResults(result, page_id); window.callPhantom( { command_id: #{command_id}, command_result: result } ); }); #{this.stringifyCall(fn, "args")}; return}", @id, args...) setTimeout( => @_checkForAsyncResult(command_id, cb) , 10) return execute: (fn, args...) -> this.native().evaluate("function() { for(var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++){ if ((typeof(arguments[i]) == 'object') && (typeof(arguments[i]['ELEMENT']) == 'object')){ arguments[i] = window.__poltergeist.get(arguments[i]['ELEMENT']['id']).element; } } #{this.stringifyCall(fn)} }", args...) stringifyCall: (fn, args_name = "arguments") -> "(#{fn.toString()}).apply(this, #{args_name})" bindCallback: (name) -> @native()[name] = => result = @[name + 'Native'].apply(@, arguments) if @[name + 'Native']? # For internal callbacks @[name].apply(@, arguments) if result != false && @[name]? # For externally set callbacks return true # Any error raised here or inside the evaluate will get reported to # phantom.onError. If result is null, that means there was an error # inside the agent. runCommand: (name, args) -> result = this.evaluate( (name, args) -> __poltergeist.externalCall(name, args), name, args ) if result?.error? switch result.error.message when 'PoltergeistAgent.ObsoleteNode' throw new Poltergeist.ObsoleteNode when 'PoltergeistAgent.InvalidSelector' [method, selector] = args throw new Poltergeist.InvalidSelector(method, selector) else throw new Poltergeist.BrowserError(result.error.message, result.error.stack) else result?.value canGoBack: -> this.native().canGoBack canGoForward: -> this.native().canGoForward normalizeURL: (url) -> parser = document.createElement('a') parser.href = url return parser.href clearMemoryCache: -> clearMemoryCache = this.native().clearMemoryCache if typeof clearMemoryCache == "function" clearMemoryCache() else throw new Poltergeist.UnsupportedFeature("clearMemoryCache is supported since PhantomJS 2.0.0") _checkForAsyncResult: (command_id, callback)=> if @_asyncResults.hasOwnProperty(command_id) callback(@_asyncResults[command_id]) delete @_asyncResults[command_id] else setTimeout(=> @_checkForAsyncResult(command_id, callback) , 50) return _blockRequest: (url) -> useWhitelist = @urlWhitelist.length > 0 whitelisted = @urlWhitelist.some (whitelisted_regex) -> whitelisted_regex.test url blacklisted = @urlBlacklist.some (blacklisted_regex) -> blacklisted_regex.test url if useWhitelist && !whitelisted return true if blacklisted return true false _overrideNativeEvaluate: -> # PhantomJS 1.9.x WebPage#evaluate depends on the browser context JSON, this replaces it # with the evaluate from 2.1.1 which uses the PhantomJS JSON @_native.evaluate = `function (func, args) { function quoteString(str) { var c, i, l = str.length, o = '"'; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { c = str.charAt(i); if (c >= ' ') { if (c === '\\' || c === '"') { o += '\\'; } o += c; } else { switch (c) { case '\b': o += '\\b'; break; case '\f': o += '\\f'; break; case '\n': o += '\\n'; break; case '\r': o += '\\r'; break; case '\t': o += '\\t'; break; default: c = c.charCodeAt(); o += '\\u00' + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16); } } } return o + '"'; } function detectType(value) { var s = typeof value; if (s === 'object') { if (value) { if (value instanceof Array) { s = 'array'; } else if (value instanceof RegExp) { s = 'regexp'; } else if (value instanceof Date) { s = 'date'; } } else { s = 'null'; } } return s; } var str, arg, argType, i, l; if (!(func instanceof Function || typeof func === 'string' || func instanceof String)) { throw "Wrong use of WebPage#evaluate"; } str = 'function() { return (' + func.toString() + ')('; for (i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) { arg = arguments[i]; argType = detectType(arg); switch (argType) { case "object": //< for type "object" case "array": //< for type "array" str += JSON.stringify(arg) + "," break; case "date": //< for type "date" str += "new Date(" + JSON.stringify(arg) + ")," break; case "string": //< for type "string" str += quoteString(arg) + ','; break; default: // for types: "null", "number", "function", "regexp", "undefined" str += arg + ','; break; } } str = str.replace(/,$/, '') + '); }'; return this.evaluateJavaScript(str); };`