#ifndef _WEBP_FFI_H_
#define _WEBP_FFI_H_

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {

  typedef struct {
    int lossless;           // Lossless encoding (0=lossy(default), 1=lossless).
    float quality;          // between 0 (smallest file) and 100 (biggest)
    int method;             // quality/speed trade-off (0=fast, 6=slower-better)

    // Parameters related to lossy compression only:
    int target_size;        // if non-zero, set the desired target size in bytes.
                            // Takes precedence over the 'compression' parameter.
    float target_PSNR;      // if non-zero, specifies the minimal distortion to
                            // try to achieve. Takes precedence over target_size.
    int segments;           // maximum number of segments to use, in [1..4]
    int sns_strength;       // Spatial Noise Shaping. 0=off, 100=maximum.
    int filter_strength;    // range: [0 = off .. 100 = strongest]
    int filter_sharpness;   // range: [0 = off .. 7 = least sharp]
    int filter_type;        // filtering type: 0 = simple, 1 = strong (only used
                            // if filter_strength > 0 or autofilter > 0)
    int autofilter;         // Auto adjust filter's strength [0 = off, 1 = on]
    int alpha_compression;  // Algorithm for encoding the alpha plane (0 = none,
                            // 1 = compressed with WebP lossless). Default is 1.
    int alpha_filtering;    // Predictive filtering method for alpha plane.
                            //  0: none, 1: fast, 2: best. Default if 1.
    int alpha_quality;      // Between 0 (smallest size) and 100 (lossless).
                            // Default is 100.
    int pass;               // number of entropy-analysis passes (in [1..10]).

    int show_compressed;    // if true, export the compressed picture back.
                            // In-loop filtering is not applied.
    int preprocessing;      // preprocessing filter (0=none, 1=segment-smooth)
    int partitions;         // log2(number of token partitions) in [0..3]
                            // Default is set to 0 for easier progressive decoding.
    int partition_limit;    // quality degradation allowed to fit the 512k limit on
                            // prediction modes coding (0: no degradation,
                            // 100: maximum possible degradation).
    int width;
    int height;
    int crop_x;
    int crop_y;
    int crop_w;
    int crop_h;
    int resize_w;
    int resize_h;
  } FfiWebpEncodeConfig;

  void decoder_version(char *version);
  void encoder_version(char *version);
  int webp_get_info(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, int* width, int* height);
  int webp_encode(const char *in_file, const char *out_file, const FfiWebpEncodeConfig *encode_config);
  int webp_decode(const char *in_file, const char *out_file);
  int test_c(int n);

#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
}    // extern "C"

#endif	/* _WEBP_FFI_H_ */