require 'fileutils' remote_name = ENV.fetch("REMOTE_NAME", "origin") PROJECT_ROOT = `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`.strip BUILD_DIR = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "build") GH_PAGES_REF = File.join(BUILD_DIR, ".git/refs/remotes/#{remote_name}/gh-pages") directory BUILD_DIR file GH_PAGES_REF => BUILD_DIR do repo_url = nil cd PROJECT_ROOT do repo_url = `git config --get remote.#{remote_name}.url`.strip end cd BUILD_DIR do sh "git init" sh "git remote add #{remote_name} #{repo_url}" sh "git fetch #{remote_name}" if `git branch -r` =~ /gh-pages/ sh "git checkout gh-pages" else sh "git checkout --orphan gh-pages" sh "touch index.html" sh "git add ." sh "git commit -m 'initial gh-pages commit'" sh "git push #{remote_name} gh-pages" end end end desc "Prepare for build" task :prepare => GH_PAGES_REF desc "Watch" task :watch do sh "bundle exec jekyll serve --watch" end desc "Build static files" task :build do cd PROJECT_ROOT do sh "bundle exec jekyll build --destination #{BUILD_DIR} --config _config.yml,_config_prod.yml" end end desc "Deploy static files to gh-pages branch" task :deploy => [:build] do message = nil suffix = ENV["COMMIT_MESSAGE_SUFFIX"] cd PROJECT_ROOT do head = `git log --pretty="%h" -n1`.strip message = ["Site updated to #{head}", suffix].compact.join("\n\n") end cd BUILD_DIR do sh 'git add --all' if /nothing to commit/ =~ `git status` puts "No changes to commit." else sh "git commit -m \"#{message}\"" end sh "git push #{remote_name} gh-pages" end end