# Ratis A Ruby wrapper for Trapeze Group's ATIS SOAP server. Goals: - Wrap SOAP methods - Provide an ActiveRecord like interface to queries - Return object representations of SOAP responses - Not encapulate any state (other than initial configuration) - Try to catch erroneous queries before making a SOAP request - Handle SOAP errors when they do occur - Handle SOAP method versions changing Presently based on: **ATIS - SOAP Interface Specification Version 2.5.1, February 2012** Currently Supports Ruby `1.8.7` and `1.9.3` Gem installation ------------------- 1. Ensure that an SSH identity with permission for the *authoritylabs* organisation on github is available to Bundler. 1. Include the gem in your Gemfile thus: gem 'ratis', :git => 'git@github.com:authoritylabs/ratis.git' 1. Add the following (Valley Metro specific) configuration block. This must happen before Ratis is `require`d (before `Rails::Initializer.run` in a Rails app). require 'ratis/config' Ratis.configure do |config| config.endpoint = 'http://soap.valleymetro.org/cgi-bin-soap-web-new/soap.cgi' config.namespace = 'PX_WEB' config.proxy = 'http://localhost:8080' config.timeout = 5 end If Ratis is `require`d prior to this config being set you will get a `RuntimeError` informing you so. If the provided `endpoint` is invalid an `ArgumentError: Invalid URL: bad URI` will be thrown, but only when a request is made. Gem usage ------------------- ### Classes All the classes are prefixed with `Atis`, such as: AtisError, AtisItinerary, AtisLandmark, AtisModel, AtisNextBus, AtisRoute,... All `Atis` classes, with the exception of `AtisModel` and `AtisError` represent data structures returned by SOAP actions. If you know the SOAP action you want to use, and wish to see if it is implemented in Ratis, you can open a console and ask `AtisModel` to tell you `who_implements_soap_action`: > AtisModel.who_implements_soap_action 'Getlandmarks' => [AtisLandmark] ### Queries By convention most provide either an `all` or `where` class method (following [Active Record's hash conditions syntax](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#hash-conditions)), which will return an array of objects which wrap the response, e.g: >> all_landmarks = AtisLandmark.where :type => :all >> all_landmarks.count => 1510 >> all_landmarks.first => # ### Errors The `where` methods will try to sanity check your conditions before making a call to the SOAP server: >> AtisLandmark.where({}) ArgumentError: You must provide a type >> AtisLandmark.where :type => :all, :foo => 1 ArgumentError: Conditions not used by this class: [:foo] When something goes wrong with the SOAP transaction an `AtisError` will be raised: >> AtisNextBus.where :stop_id => 123456 # Development ------------------- ### Installation 1. Clone the repo 1. `bundle install` ### Usage 1. For development Ratis is hard coded to use a local proxy server on port 8080: ssh -i ~/.ssh/authoritylabs.pem -L 8080:localhost:3128 ubuntu@codingsanctum.com 1. Run the test suite with `rake` 1. Test it out with `irb -r config/valley_metro.rb -I lib/ -r rubygems -r ratis` ### Extending The `AtisLandmark` class is a simple one to look at for reference, and will be referred to below: #### Testing You can see the spec for it in `spec/ratis/atis_landmark_spec.rb`, it uses helper methods defined in `spec/spec_helper.rb`: 1. `stub_atis_request` tells `Webmock` to stub a `POST` to the ATIS SOAP server, any request which hasn't been explicitly allowed will trigger an exception. 1. `atis_response` returns a string of the form returned in the body of a response from the ATIS SOAP server. It takes the SOAP action and version the response appears to be for, and a method specific response code and body. Because the method specific response bodies are quite long, it is convenient to wrap them in a heredoc, thus: atis_response 'Getlandmarks', '1.4', '0', <<-BODY [snip] BODY 1. `an_atis_request` returns a `Webmock` `a_request` object for a `POST` to the ATIS SOAP, which can be used like this: an_atis_request.should have_been_made.times 1 1. `an_atis_request_for` is an `a_request` object for a specific SOAP action with specific parameters passed, which can be used like this: an_atis_request_for('Getlandmarks', 'Type' => 'ALL').should have_been_made #### Implementing To ease interaction with the ATIS SOAP server the `AtisModel` module is available. Any class which makes requests to the server should: require 'ratis/atis_model' extend AtisModel You get the following: 1. `atis_request` should be used to make request to the ATIS SOAP server. It ensures the request is built in a way which the ATIS SOAP server expects, provides a version check against responses and returns a `Savon::Response`: atis_request 'Getlandmarks', {'Type' => type} The method and parameter names should be given as described by the ATIS SOAP Interface reference, with the first character uppercase and all others lowercase. Now when a request for `Getlandmarks` is made the response's method version will be checked, and an `AtisError` will be thrown if it has not been declared. This ensures that a change on the SOAP server will not result in invalid response parsing by Ratis. 1. `all_conditions_used?` will raise an `ArgumentError` if the given hash is not empty. Convention in Ratis is to provide a `self.where(conditions)` method (following [Active Record's hash conditions syntax](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#hash-conditions)). As each key in `conditions` is used it can be `delete`d from `conditions`, then `all_conditions_used? conditions` can be called to ensure nothing unimplemented was passed to `where`. It is also wise to raise an `ArgumentError` if an argument which is required isn't present in `conditions`. Putting these steps together you get the following pattern: type = conditions.delete(:type).to_s.upcase raise ArgumentError.new('You must provide a type') if type.blank? all_conditions_used? conditions Following this pattern will provide a good deal of safety for someone using `where`, and eliminate potentially confusing SOAP errors. 1. `valid_latitude?` and `valid_longitude?` do range checks.