%p Thank you for applying to become a tester. %p There was a performance problem on your sample video. %h2 %strong Please read these tips and try again: %h3 Continuously speak your thoughts %ul %li Speak loudly and clearly. %li Avoid long pauses while reading text or filling out forms. %li Keep explaining what you’re thinking. %h3 Complete the tasks exactly as requested %ul %li Read the Scenario aloud – this is the mindset to keep during the test. %li Don’t stray from the subject matter. Carefully read each task and complete it as best you can before moving on to the next task. %li Answer the written questions honestly and completely. %li Find a quiet place to record. If you get interrupted during a recording, click the "pause" button on the screen recorder and resume when you are ready to focus again. %h2 %strong= link_to "Click here to begin the sample test.", tips_applicant_url(@applicant) %p Let us know if you have any other questions or issues. %p Good luck! %p UserTesting.com