== 0.3.6 ? * Fixing backgroundjob to use --daemon * Fixing merb init to use daemon init function on start (then it plays nice with monit) * Fixing backgroundjob init (BIN_PATH error) * Adding --log to backgroundjob init.d * Fixing sphinx monit start/stop/restart * Adding task arguments to DSL * Updating most of the documentation to pull from task args == 0.3.5 2008-05-08 * Adding merb:migrate recipe * Fixing merb monitrc * Added preview variables prompt * Fixed merb logrotate defaults == 0.3.4 2008-05-05 * Removed upload plugin (obsolete) * Fixing nginx host recipe == 0.3.3 2008-04-29 * Adding merb init script (for Centos) * Adding merb monit confs * Adding merb logrotate * Created generic nginx vhost template * Deprecated rails:setup for active_record:setup (for merb setup) == 0.3.2 2008-04-03 * Adding hostname helper (utils.hostname) * Adding sphinx_hostname var. Needed for delta conf. * Updated example sphinx conf template == 0.3.1 2008-04-02 * Fixing the init scripts to use killproc and have nice output (centos) * Fixing sphinx initscript to clean on start (if process does not exist) * Removing some roles options. Roles are confusing, I don't want to use them. == 0.2.15 2008-03-31 * Adding backgroundjob recipes and templates. * Fixed backgroundrb monit host port check (removed) == 0.2.14 2008-03-27 * Removing my lame monkey patches * Mysql cnf template * Cleaning up mysql grant locations * Logrotate for mysql slow query log == 0.2.13 2008-03-26 * Fixing monit re/start for mongrel cluster and backgroundrb == 0.2.12 2008-03-26 * Re-formatting some documentation, experimenting with getting source in the docs (FAIL!) * Including backgroundrb logrotate, monit, restart == 0.2.11 2008-03-25 * Backgroundrb recipes and templates * Memcached yml template and recipe * Rails update code task == 0.2.9 * SSH keygen and authorize key recipes * Updated rails:setup recipe to include option for specifying path to database yml template * Logrotate recipes * Plugin adds/changes: ** utils.install_template ** utils.append_to ** utils.egrep ** utils.exist? == 0.2.8 2008-03-13 * Recipe, mysql:centos:install, doing restart incase already run * Added sshd monit recipe. In case using non-standard sshd port * Updated example deployment install script (centos 5.1 x86_64) * Move monit inittab install at the end * Added fetch_any(:var1, :var2) == 0.2.7 2008-03-10 * Add clean method to sphinx init script * Moved install and make_install into build plugin * Added symlink option to make_install * Added fetch_role and fetch_roles methods == 0.2.6 2008-02-29 * Fix SSH connect debug when connecting to more than 1 server. * Added monit restart (hup) recipe. * Mysql setup task, showing sql. Setting to :db role only. * Capistrano patch: execute_on_servers_without_capitate(options, &block) to rescue Capistrano::NoMatchingServersError, and ignore as non-fatal == 0.2.5 2008-02-28 * Adding application configuration for mongrel cluster monit setup. * Renaming recipes, using consistent names for namespaces. * Capistrano patch: if missing role, ignore the task instead of throwing error. * Capistranp patch: Showing debug statement on SSH connect. == 0.2.4 2008-02-26 * Change prompt.password to take options * Adding password retry and check_hash * Fixing :shell option for build scripting * Add readline-devel to ruby centos install dependency == 0.2.3 2008-02-25 * Various task and recipe fixes. * Taking sh -c default out of script, doesn't escape right == 0.2.2 2008-02-24 * Fixes to setup tasks. * Removing with_user on add_user task. == 0.2.1 2008-02-24 * Removing all my brain dead recipes. * Added build options for install tasks. * Updating documentation == 0.1.9 2008-02-23 * Adding config_script to mongrel_cluster recipe * Creating upload plugin that streams data == 0.1.8 2008-02-22 * Fixing up documentation * Creating recipe documentation recipe * New website generation * Moved some recipes around == 0.1.7 2008-02-21 * Renamed to 'capitate' * Moving centos specific recipes into separate namespace * Plugin: build.make_install * Documentation and explicitly fetching vars (for install tasks), showing useful error messages == 0.1.4 2008-02-07 * Using capistrano's plugin architecture instead of hacking around == 0.1.3 2008-02-06 * Fixing local recipes == 0.1.2 2008-02-06 * Loading recipes from gem == 0.1.1 2008-02-06 * Initial import