# include this module into a plain ruby class: # class Book # include RSolr::Ext::Model # connection = RSolr::Ext.connect # default_params = {:phrase_filters=>'type:book'} # end # # Then: # number_10 = Book.find_by_id(10) # module RSolr::Ext::Model # ripped from MongoMapper! module Pluggable def plugins @plugins ||= [] end def plugin(mod) extend mod::ClassMethods if mod.const_defined?(:ClassMethods) include mod::InstanceMethods if mod.const_defined?(:InstanceMethods) mod.configure(self) if mod.respond_to?(:configure) plugins << mod end end # Class level methods for altering object instances module Callbacks # method that only accepts a block # The block is executed when an object is created via #new -> SolrDoc.new # The blocks scope is the instance of the object. def after_initialize(&blk) hooks << blk end # Removes the current set of after_initialize blocks. # You would use this if you wanted to open a class back up, # but clear out the previously defined blocks. def clear_after_initialize_blocks! @hooks = [] end # creates the @hooks container ("hooks" are blocks or procs). # returns an array def hooks @hooks ||= [] end end # # Findable is a module that gets mixed into the SolrDocument *class* object. # These methods will be available through the class: SolrDocument.find # module Findable attr_accessor :connection def connection @connection ||= RSolr::Ext.connect end # this method decorates the connection find method # and then creates new instance of the class that uses this module. def find *args, &block response = connection.find(*args) response.docs.map {|doc| d = self.new doc, response yield d if block_given? d } end end # Called by Ruby Module API # extends this *class* object def self.included(base) base.extend Pluggable base.extend Callbacks base.extend Findable base.send :include, RSolr::Ext::Doc end attr_reader :solr_response # The original object passed in to the #new method attr :_source # Constructor **for the class that is getting this module included** # source_doc should be a hash or something similar # calls each of after_initialize blocks def initialize(source_doc={}, solr_response=nil) @_source = source_doc.to_mash @solr_response = solr_response self.class.hooks.each do |h| instance_eval &h end end # the wrapper method to the @_source object. # If a method is missing, it gets sent to @_source # with all of the original params and block def method_missing(m, *args, &b) @_source.send(m, *args, &b) end end