# This class represents a Docker Container. It's important to note that nothing # is cached so that the information is always up to date. class Docker::Container include Docker::Base # Update the @info hash, which is the only mutable state in this object. # e.g. if you would like a live status from the #info hash, call #refresh! first. def refresh! other = Docker::Container.all({all: true}, connection).find { |c| c.id.start_with?(self.id) || self.id.start_with?(c.id) } info.merge!(self.json) other && info.merge!(other.info) { |key, info_value, other_value| info_value } self end # Return a List of Hashes that represents the top running processes. def top(opts = {}) resp = Docker::Util.parse_json(connection.get(path_for(:top), opts)) if resp['Processes'].nil? [] else resp['Processes'].map { |ary| Hash[resp['Titles'].zip(ary)] } end end # Wait for the current command to finish executing. Default wait time is # `Excon.options[:read_timeout]`. def wait(time = nil) excon_params = { :read_timeout => time } resp = connection.post(path_for(:wait), nil, excon_params) Docker::Util.parse_json(resp) end # Given a command and an optional number of seconds to wait for the currently # executing command, creates a new Container to run the specified command. If # the command that is currently executing does not return a 0 status code, an # UnexpectedResponseError is raised. def run(cmd, time = 1000) if (code = tap(&:start).wait(time)['StatusCode']).zero? commit.run(cmd) else raise UnexpectedResponseError, "Command returned status code #{code}." end end # Create an Exec instance inside the container # # @param command [String, Array] The command to run inside the Exec instance # @param options [Hash] The options to pass to Docker::Exec # # @return [Docker::Exec] The Exec instance def exec(command, options = {}, &block) # Establish values tty = options.delete(:tty) || false detach = options.delete(:detach) || false user = options.delete(:user) stdin = options.delete(:stdin) stdout = options.delete(:stdout) || !detach stderr = options.delete(:stderr) || !detach wait = options.delete(:wait) opts = { 'Container' => self.id, 'User' => user, 'AttachStdin' => !!stdin, 'AttachStdout' => stdout, 'AttachStderr' => stderr, 'Tty' => tty, 'Cmd' => command }.merge(options) # Create Exec Instance instance = Docker::Exec.create( opts, self.connection ) start_opts = { :tty => tty, :stdin => stdin, :detach => detach, :wait => wait } if detach instance.start!(start_opts) return instance else instance.start!(start_opts, &block) end end # Export the Container as a tar. def export(&block) connection.get(path_for(:export), {}, :response_block => block) self end # Attach to a container's standard streams / logs. def attach(options = {}, excon_params = {}, &block) stdin = options.delete(:stdin) tty = options.delete(:tty) opts = { :stream => true, :stdout => true, :stderr => true }.merge(options) # Creates list to store stdout and stderr messages msgs = Docker::Messages.new if stdin # If attaching to stdin, we must hijack the underlying TCP connection # so we can stream stdin to the remote Docker process opts[:stdin] = true excon_params[:hijack_block] = Docker::Util.hijack_for(stdin, block, msgs, tty) else excon_params[:response_block] = Docker::Util.attach_for(block, msgs, tty) end connection.post( path_for(:attach), opts, excon_params ) [msgs.stdout_messages, msgs.stderr_messages] end # Create an Image from a Container's change.s def commit(options = {}) options.merge!('container' => self.id[0..7]) # [code](https://github.com/dotcloud/docker/blob/v0.6.3/commands.go#L1115) # Based on the link, the config passed as run, needs to be passed as the # body of the post so capture it, remove from the options, and pass it via # the post body config = options.delete('run') hash = Docker::Util.parse_json(connection.post('/commit', options, :body => config.to_json)) Docker::Image.send(:new, self.connection, hash) end # Return a String representation of the Container. def to_s "Docker::Container { :id => #{self.id}, :connection => #{self.connection} }" end # #json returns information about the Container, #changes returns a list of # the changes the Container has made to the filesystem. [:json, :changes].each do |method| define_method(method) do |opts = {}| Docker::Util.parse_json(connection.get(path_for(method), opts)) end end def logs(opts = {}) connection.get(path_for(:logs), opts) end def stats(options = {}) if block_given? options[:read_timeout] ||= 10 options[:idempotent] ||= false parser = lambda do |chunk, remaining_bytes, total_bytes| yield Docker::Util.parse_json(chunk) end begin connection.get(path_for(:stats), nil, {response_block: parser}.merge(options)) rescue Docker::Error::TimeoutError # If the container stops, the docker daemon will hold the connection # open forever, but stop sending events. # So this Timeout indicates the stream is over. end else Docker::Util.parse_json(connection.get(path_for(:stats), {stream: 0}.merge(options))) end end def rename(new_name) query = {} query['name'] = new_name connection.post(path_for(:rename), query) end def update(opts) connection.post(path_for(:update), {}, body: opts.to_json) end def streaming_logs(opts = {}, &block) stack_size = opts.delete('stack_size') || -1 tty = opts.delete('tty') || opts.delete(:tty) || false msgs = Docker::MessagesStack.new(stack_size) excon_params = {response_block: Docker::Util.attach_for(block, msgs, tty)} connection.get(path_for(:logs), opts, excon_params) msgs.messages.join end def start!(opts = {}) connection.post(path_for(:start), {}, :body => opts.to_json) self end def kill!(opts = {}) connection.post(path_for(:kill), opts) self end # #start! and #kill! both perform the associated action and # return the Container. #start and #kill do the same, # but rescue from ServerErrors. [:start, :kill].each do |method| define_method(method) do |*args| begin; public_send(:"#{method}!", *args); rescue ServerError; self end end end # #stop! and #restart! both perform the associated action and # return the Container. #stop and #restart do the same, # but rescue from ServerErrors. [:stop, :restart].each do |method| define_method(:"#{method}!") do |opts = {}| timeout = opts.delete('timeout') query = {} request_options = { :body => opts.to_json } if timeout query['t'] = timeout # Ensure request does not timeout before Docker timeout request_options.merge!( read_timeout: timeout.to_i + 5, write_timeout: timeout.to_i + 5 ) end connection.post(path_for(method), query, request_options) self end define_method(method) do |*args| begin; public_send(:"#{method}!", *args); rescue ServerError; self end end end # remove container def remove(options = {}) connection.delete("/containers/#{self.id}", options) nil end alias_method :delete, :remove # pause and unpause containers # #pause! and #unpause! both perform the associated action and # return the Container. #pause and #unpause do the same, # but rescue from ServerErrors. [:pause, :unpause].each do |method| define_method(:"#{method}!") do connection.post path_for(method) self end define_method(method) do begin; public_send(:"#{method}!"); rescue ServerError; self; end end end def copy(path, &block) connection.post(path_for(:copy), {}, :body => { "Resource" => path }.to_json, :response_block => block ) self end def archive_out(path, &block) connection.get( path_for(:archive), { 'path' => path }, :response_block => block ) self end def archive_in(inputs, output_path, opts = {}) file_hash = Docker::Util.file_hash_from_paths([*inputs]) tar = StringIO.new(Docker::Util.create_tar(file_hash)) archive_in_stream(output_path, opts) do tar.read(Excon.defaults[:chunk_size]).to_s end end def archive_in_stream(output_path, opts = {}, &block) overwrite = opts[:overwrite] || opts['overwrite'] || false connection.put( path_for(:archive), { 'path' => output_path, 'noOverwriteDirNonDir' => !overwrite }, :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-tar' }, &block ) self end def read_file(path) content = StringIO.new archive_out(path) do |chunk| content.write chunk end content.rewind Gem::Package::TarReader.new(content) do |tar| tar.each do |tarfile| return tarfile.read end end end def store_file(path, file_content) output_io = StringIO.new( Docker::Util.create_tar( path => file_content ) ) archive_in_stream("/", overwrite: true) { output_io.read } end # Create a new Container. def self.create(opts = {}, conn = Docker.connection) name = opts.delete('name') || opts.delete(:name) query = {} query['name'] = name if name resp = conn.post('/containers/create', query, :body => opts.to_json) hash = Docker::Util.parse_json(resp) || {} new(conn, hash) end # Return the container with specified ID def self.get(id, opts = {}, conn = Docker.connection) container_json = conn.get("/containers/#{URI.encode(id)}/json", opts) hash = Docker::Util.parse_json(container_json) || {} new(conn, hash) end # Return all of the Containers. def self.all(opts = {}, conn = Docker.connection) hashes = Docker::Util.parse_json(conn.get('/containers/json', opts)) || [] hashes.map { |hash| new(conn, hash) } end # Convenience method to return the path for a particular resource. def path_for(resource) "/containers/#{self.id}/#{resource}" end private :path_for private_class_method :new end