# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim # This module contains all logic related to decidim's ability for process a content. # Their main job is to {ContentProcessor#parse parse} or {ContentProcessor#render render} # a content calling all the registered processors in the Decidim.content_processors config. # # Note that to render a content this must have been parsed before. # # When creating a new processor, the both sides must be declared: parser and renderer # e.g. If we are creating a processor to parse and render user mentions, we can call this # the `user` processor, so we will declare the parser and renderer classes like that: # # Decidim::ContentParsers::UserParser # Decidim::ContentRenderers::UserRenderer # # and register it in an initializer, so it is executed: # # Decidim.content_processors += [:user] # # If for some reason you only want to do something in one of the both sides, please, also # declare the other side making it "transparent" (declaring the class and leaving it empty). # # @example How to parse a content # parsed = Decidim::ContentProcessor.parse(content, context) # parsed.rewrite # contains rewritten content # parsed.metadata # contains the merged metadata of all parsers # # @example How to render a content (must have been parsed before) # rendered = Decidim::ContentProcessor.render(content) # puts rendered module ContentProcessor # Class that represents the result of processing a text # # @!attribute rewrite # @return [String] the rewritten content # @!attribute metadata # @return [Hash] a hash where the keys are the parsers # names, and the values are the Metadata object returned by the parser Result = Struct.new(:rewrite, :metadata) # This calls all registered processors one after the other and collects the # metadata for each one and the resulting modified content # # @param content [String] already rewritten content or regular content # @param context [Hash] with information to inject to the parsers as context # # @return [Result] a Result object with the content rewritten and the metadata def self.parse(content, context) parsed = Decidim.content_processors.each_with_object(rewrite: content, metadata: {}) do |type, result| parser = parser_klass(type).constantize.new(result[:rewrite], context) result[:rewrite] = parser.rewrite result[:metadata][type] = parser.metadata end Result.new(parsed[:rewrite], parsed[:metadata]) end # This calls all registered processors one after the other and returns # the processed content ready to display. # # @return [String] the content processed and ready to display (it is expected to include HTML) def self.render(content) Decidim.content_processors.reduce(content) do |result, type| renderer_klass(type).constantize.new(result).render end end # Guess the class name of the parser for a processor # represented by the given symbol # # @api private # @return [String] the content parser class name def self.parser_klass(type) "Decidim::ContentParsers::#{type.to_s.camelize}Parser" end # Guess the class name of the renderer for a processor # represented by the given symbol # # @api private # @return [String] the content renderer class name def self.renderer_klass(type) "Decidim::ContentRenderers::#{type.to_s.camelize}Renderer" end end end