@javascript Feature: As a content editor type person In order to reuse content chunks I should be able to put snippets into regions Background: Given I am on an editable page And the editor won't prompt when leaving the page Scenario: A user can expect all this! # todo: these can't be one scenario because snippet.load doesn't find/replace existing ones Scenario: A user can drag and drop snippets into a full region Given the content of the full region is simple content And I make a selection When I open the snippet panel And I drag the example snippet into the full region Then the modal window should be visible And I should see "Snippet Options" within the modal title When I fill in "First Name" with "Jeremy" And fill in "Favorite Beer" with "Stella" And press "Insert Snippet" Then the modal window should not be visible And the contents of the full region should be "this is
Jeremy likes Stella
simple content" Scenario: A user can use the snippet toolbar to remove a snippet Given the options for the example snippet "snippet_42" are first_name: "Jeremy", favorite_beer: "Stella" And the content of the full region has that snippet When I hover over the snippet Then the snippet toolbar should be visible When I click on the remove snippet toolbar button Then the contents of the full region should be " content" Scenario: A user can use the snippet toolbar to edit the options of a snippet Given the options for the example snippet "snippet_42" are first_name: "Hipsters", favorite_beer: "PBR" And the content of the full region has that snippet When I hover over the snippet And click on the edit snippet settings toolbar button Then the modal window should be visible And the "First Name" field should contain "Hipsters" And the "Favorite Beer" field should contain "PBR" When I fill in "First Name" with "Jeremy" And fill in "Favorite Beer" with "Stella" And press "Insert Snippet" Then the contents of the full region should be "
Jeremy likes Stella
content" Scenario: A user can make changes to a snippets options, and they'll be versioned for undo and redo Given the options for the example snippet "snippet_42" are first_name: "Hipsters", favorite_beer: "PBR" And the content of the full region has that snippet When I edit the snippet And I fill in "First Name" with "Jeremy" And fill in "Favorite Beer" with "Stella" And press "Insert Snippet" Then the contents of the full region should be "
Jeremy likes Stella
content" When I edit the snippet Then the "First Name" field should contain "Jeremy" And the "Favorite Beer" field should contain "Stella" When fill in "First Name" with "Diesel" And fill in "Favorite Beer" with "Bells Hopslam" And press "Insert Snippet" Then the content of the full region should be "
Diesel likes Bells Hopslam
content" When I click on the "Undo" button Then the contents of the full region should be "
Jeremy likes Stella
content" When I edit the snippet # todo: this is a bug # Then the "First Name" field should contain "Jeremy" # And the "Favorite Beer" field should contain "Stella" When I close the modal When I click on the "Redo" button Then the contents of the full region should be "
Diesel likes Bells Hopslam
content" When I edit the snippet Then the "First Name" field should contain "Diesel" And the "Favorite Beer" field should contain "Bells Hopslam" When I fill in "First Name" with "Jen" And fill in "Favorite Beer" with "Miller High Life" And press "Insert Snippet" Then the contents of the full region should be "
Jen likes Miller High Life
content" # Scenario: When a user saves, the snippets should be gone from the html, but the options are serialized # Given the options for the example snippet "snippet_42" are first_name: "Hipsters", favorite_beer: "PBR" # And the content of the full region has that snippet # When I click on the "Save" button