require 'spec_helper' # WARNING if you're re-recording any of these VCRs, you must be running the # Docker daemon and have the base Image pulled. describe Docker::Container do describe '#to_s' do subject { described_class.send(:new, Docker.connection, 'id' => rand(10000).to_s) } let(:id) { 'bf119e2' } let(:connection) { Docker.connection } let(:expected_string) { "Docker::Container { :id => #{id}, :connection => #{connection} }" } before do { :@id => id, :@connection => connection }.each { |k, v| subject.instance_variable_set(k, v) } end its(:to_s) { should == expected_string } end describe '#json' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[true], 'Image' => 'base') } let(:description) { subject.json } it 'returns the description as a Hash', :vcr do expect(description).to be_a Hash expect(description['Id']).to start_with( end end describe '#logs' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => "echo hello", 'Image' => 'base') } context "when not selecting any stream" do let(:non_destination) { subject.logs } it 'returns the error message', :vcr do expect(non_destination).to be_a String expect(non_destination).to match /You must choose at least one/ end end context "when selecting stdout" do let(:stdout) { subject.logs(stdout: 1) } it 'returns blank logs', :vcr do expect(stdout).to be_a String expect(stdout).to eq "" end end end describe '#create' do subject { described_class.create({'Cmd' => %w[true], 'Image' => 'base'}.merge(opts)) } context 'when creating a container named bob' do let(:opts) { {"name" => "bob"} } it 'should have name set to bob', :vcr do expect(subject.json["Name"]).to eq "/bob" end end end describe '#changes' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[rm -rf /root], 'Image' => 'base') } let(:changes) { subject.changes } before { subject.tap(&:start).tap(&:wait) } it 'returns the changes as an array', :vcr do expect(changes).to eq [ { "Path" => "/root", "Kind" => 2 }, ] end end describe '#top' do let(:dir) { File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fixtures', 'top') } let(:image) { Docker::Image.build_from_dir(dir) } let(:top) { sleep 1; } let!(:container) {'/while') } it 'returns the top commands as an Array', :vcr do expect(top).to be_a Array expect(top).to_not be_empty expect(top.first.keys).to eq %w(UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD) end end describe '#copy' do subject { Docker::Image.create( 'fromImage' => 'base' ).run('touch /test').tap { |c| c.wait } } context 'when the file does not exist' do it 'raises an error', :vcr do skip 'Docker no longer returns a 500 when the file does not exist' expect { subject.copy('/lol/not/a/real/file') { |chunk| puts chunk } } .to raise_error end end context 'when the input is a file' do it 'yields each chunk of the tarred file', :vcr do chunks = [] subject.copy('/test') { |chunk| chunks << chunk } chunks = chunks.join("\n") expect(chunks).to be_include('test') end end context 'when the input is a directory' do it 'yields each chunk of the tarred directory', :vcr do chunks = [] subject.copy('/etc/vim') { |chunk| chunks << chunk } chunks = chunks.join("\n") expect(%w[vimrc vimrc.tiny]).to be_all { |file| chunks.include?(file) } end end end describe '#export' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[rm -rf / --no-preserve-root], 'Image' => 'base') } before { subject.start } # If you have to re-record this VCR, PLEASE edit it so that it's only ~200 # lines. This is only because we don't want our gem to be a few hundred # megabytes. it 'yields each chunk', :vcr do first = nil subject.export do |chunk| first ||= chunk end expect(first[257..261]).to eq "ustar" # Make sure the export is a tar. end end describe '#attach' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[pwd], 'Image' => 'base') } before { subject.start } context 'with normal sized chunks' do it 'yields each chunk', :vcr do chunk = nil subject.attach do |stream, c| chunk ||= c end expect(chunk).to eq("/\n") end end context 'with very small chunks' do before do Docker.options = { :chunk_size => 1 } end after do Docker.options = {} end it 'yields each chunk', :vcr do chunk = nil subject.attach do |stream, c| chunk ||= c end expect(chunk).to eq("/\n") end end end describe '#attach with stdin' do # Because this uses HTTP socket hijacking, it is not compatible with # VCR, so it is currently pending until a good way to test it without # a running Docker daemon is discovered it 'yields the output' do skip 'HTTP socket hijacking not compatible with VCR' container = described_class.create( 'Cmd' => %w[cat], 'Image' => 'base', 'OpenStdin' => true, 'StdinOnce' => true ) chunk = nil container.attach(stdin:"foo\nbar\n")) do |stream, c| chunk ||= c end expect(chunk).to eq("foo\nbar\n") end end describe '#start' do subject { described_class.create( 'Cmd' => %w[test -d /foo], 'Image' => 'base', 'Volumes' => {'/foo' => {}} ) } let(:all) { Docker::Container.all } before { subject.start('Binds' => ["/tmp:/foo"]) } it 'starts the container', :vcr do expect( be_any { |id| id.start_with?( } expect(subject.wait(10)['StatusCode']).to be_zero end end describe '#stop' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[true], 'Image' => 'base') } before { subject.tap(&:start).stop('timeout' => '10') } it 'stops the container', :vcr do expect(described_class.all(:all => true).map(&:id)).to be_any { |id| id.start_with?( } expect( be_none { |id| id.start_with?( } end end describe '#kill' do let(:command) { ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'while [ 1 ]; do echo hello; done'] } subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => command, 'Image' => 'base') } before do subject.start end it 'kills the container', :vcr do subject.kill expect( be_none { |id| id.start_with?( } expect(described_class.all(:all => true).map(&:id)).to be_any { |id| id.start_with?( } end context 'with a kill signal' do let(:command) { [ '/bin/bash', '-c', 'trap echo SIGTERM; while [ 1 ]; do echo hello; done' ] } it 'kills the container', :vcr do subject.kill(:signal => "SIGTERM") expect( be_any { |id| id.start_with?( } expect(described_class.all(:all => true).map(&:id)).to be_any { |id| id.start_with?( } subject.kill(:signal => "SIGKILL") expect( be_none { |id| id.start_with?( } expect(described_class.all(:all => true).map(&:id)).to be_any { |id| id.start_with?( } end end end describe '#delete' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => ['ls'], 'Image' => 'base') } it 'deletes the container', :vcr do subject.delete(:force => true) expect( be_none { |id| id.start_with?( } end end describe '#restart' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[sleep 50], 'Image' => 'base') } before { subject.start } it 'restarts the container', :vcr do expect( be_any { |id| id.start_with?( } subject.stop expect( be_none { |id| id.start_with?( } subject.restart('timeout' => '10') expect( be_any { |id| id.start_with?( } end end describe '#pause' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[sleep 50], 'Image' => 'base').start } it 'pauses the container', :vcr do subject.pause expect(described_class.get(['State']['Paused']).to be true end end describe '#unpause' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[sleep 50], 'Image' => 'base').start } before { subject.pause } it 'unpauses the container', :vcr do subject.unpause expect( described_class.get(['State']['Paused'] ).to be false end end describe '#wait' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[tar nonsense], 'Image' => 'base') } before { subject.start } it 'waits for the command to finish', :vcr do expect(subject.wait['StatusCode']).to_not be_zero end context 'when an argument is given' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[sleep 5], 'Image' => 'base') } it 'sets the :read_timeout to that amount of time', :vcr do expect(subject.wait(6)['StatusCode']).to be_zero end context 'and a command runs for too long' do it 'raises a ServerError', :vcr do skip "VCR doesn't like to record errors" expect { subject.wait(4) }.to raise_error(Docker::Error::TimeoutError) end end end end describe '#run' do let(:run_command) {'ls') } context 'when the Container\'s command does not return status code of 0' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[lol not a real command], 'Image' => 'base') } it 'raises an error', :vcr do expect { run_command } .to raise_error(Docker::Error::UnexpectedResponseError) end end context 'when the Container\'s command returns a status code of 0' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[pwd], 'Image' => 'base') } it 'creates a new container to run the specified command', :vcr do expect(run_command.wait['StatusCode']).to be_zero end end end describe '#commit' do subject { described_class.create('Cmd' => %w[true], 'Image' => 'base') } let(:image) { subject.commit } before { subject.start } it 'creates a new Image from the Container\'s changes', :vcr do expect(image).to be_a Docker::Image expect( be_nil end context 'if run is passed, it saves the command in the image', :vcr do let(:image) { subject.commit } it 'saves the command' do skip 'This is no longer working in v0.8' expect('pwd').attach).to eql [["/\n"],[]] end end end describe '.create' do subject { described_class } context 'when the Container does not yet exist' do context 'when the HTTP request does not return a 200' do before do Docker.options = { :mock => true } Excon.stub({ :method => :post }, { :status => 400 }) end after do Excon.stubs.shift Docker.options = {} end it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.create }.to raise_error(Docker::Error::ClientError) end end context 'when the HTTP request returns a 200' do let(:options) do { "Hostname" => "", "User" => "", "Memory" => 0, "MemorySwap" => 0, "AttachStdin" => false, "AttachStdout" => false, "AttachStderr" => false, "PortSpecs" => nil, "Tty" => false, "OpenStdin" => false, "StdinOnce" => false, "Env" => nil, "Cmd" => ["date"], "Dns" => nil, "Image" => "base", "Volumes" => {}, "VolumesFrom" => "" } end let(:container) { subject.create(options) } it 'sets the id', :vcr do expect(container).to be_a Docker::Container expect( be_nil expect(container.connection).to_not be_nil end end end end describe '.get' do subject { described_class } context 'when the HTTP response is not a 200' do before do Docker.options = { :mock => true } Excon.stub({ :method => :get }, { :status => 500 }) end after do Excon.stubs.shift Docker.options = {} end it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.get('randomID') } .to raise_error(Docker::Error::ServerError) end end context 'when the HTTP response is a 200' do let(:container) { subject.create('Cmd' => ['ls'], 'Image' => 'base') } it 'materializes the Container into a Docker::Container', :vcr do expect(subject.get( be_a Docker::Container end end end describe '.all' do subject { described_class } context 'when the HTTP response is not a 200' do before do Docker.options = { :mock => true } Excon.stub({ :method => :get }, { :status => 500 }) end after do Excon.stubs.shift Docker.options = {} end it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.all } .to raise_error(Docker::Error::ServerError) end end context 'when the HTTP response is a 200' do before { described_class.create('Cmd' => ['ls'], 'Image' => 'base') } it 'materializes each Container into a Docker::Container', :vcr do expect(subject.all(:all => true)).to be_all { |container| container.is_a?(Docker::Container) } expect(subject.all(:all => true).length).to_not be_zero end end end end