# Solidus ShipStation — Suvie fork [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/solidusio-contrib/solidus_backtracs.svg?style=shield)](https://circleci.com/gh/solidusio-contrib/solidus_backtracs) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/solidusio-contrib/solidus_backtracs/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/solidusio-contrib/solidus_backtracs) This gem integrates [ShipStation](http://www.backtracs.com) with [Solidus](http://solidus.io). It enables ShipStation to pull shipments from the system and update tracking numbers. This integration is a fork of [spree_backtracs](https://github.com/DynamoMTL/spree_backtracs) that adds Solidus and Rails 4.2+ compatibility. ## Installation Add solidus_backtracs to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'solidus_backtracs', github: 'solidusio-contrib/solidus_backtracs' ``` Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator: ```shell bin/rails generate solidus_backtracs:install ``` The installer will create a configuration initializer that you'll need to customize. The installer will also create a migration, which is required by the API integration. If you are going to use the XML integration, feel free to delete the migration file, as those columns won't be used by the extension. ## Usage This extension can integrate with ShipStation in two ways. ### XML integration The [XML integration](https://help.backtracs.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025856192-Custom-Store-Development-Guide) works by exposing a route in your Solidus application that generates an XML feed of all recently created and updated shipments in your Solidus store. #### XML integration: Configuration In order to enable the XML integration, make sure to configure the relevant section of the configuration initializer, and configure your ShipStation store accordingly: - **Username**: the username defined in your configuration. - **Password**: the password defined in your configuration. - **URL to custom page**: `https://yourdomain.com/backtracs.xml`. You can also configure your ShipStation store to pull the XML feed automatically on a recurring basis, or manually by clicking the "Refresh stores" button. There are five shipment states for an order (= shipment) in ShipStation. These states do not necessarily align with Solidus, but you can configure ShipStation to create a mapping for your specific needs. Here's the recommended mapping: ShipStation description | ShipStation status | Solidus status ------------------------|--------------------|--------------- Awaiting Payment | `unpaid` | `pending` Awaiting Shipment | `paid` | `ready` Shipped | `shipped` | `shipped` Cancelled | `cancelled` | `cancelled` On-Hold | `on-hold` | `pending` Once you've configured the XML integration in your app and ShipStation, there's nothing else you need to do. ShipStation will #### XML integration: Usage There's nothing you need to do. Once properly configured, the integration just works! #### XML integration: Gotchas There are a few gotchas you need to be aware of: - If you change the shipping method of an order in ShipStation, the change will not be reflected in Solidus and the tracking link might not work properly. - When `backtracs_capture_at_notification` is enabled, any errors during payment capture will prevent the update of the shipment's tracking number. ### API integration The [API integration](https://www.backtracs.com/docs/api/) works by calling the ShipStation API to sync all of your shipments continuously. Because ShipStation has very low rate limits (i.e., 40 reqs/minute at the time of writing), the API integration does not send an API request for every single shipment update, as you would expect from a traditional API integration. Instead, a background job runs on a recurring basis and batches together all the shipments that need to be created or updated in ShipStation. These shipments are then sent in groups of 100 (by default) to ShipStation's [bulk order upsert endpoint](https://www.backtracs.com/docs/api/orders/create-update-multiple-orders/). This allows us to work around ShipStation's rate limit and sync up to 4000 shipments/minute. As you may imagine, this technique also comes at the expense of some additional complexity in the implementation, but the extension abstracts it all away for you. #### API integration: Configuration In order to enable the API integration, make sure to configure the relevant section of the configuration initializer. At the very least, the integration needs to know your API credentials and store ID, but there are additional options you can configure — just look at the initializer! #### API integration: Usage Once you've configured the integration, you will also need to enqueue the `ScheduleShipmentSyncsJob` on a recurring basis, to kick off the synchronization process. Because every app uses a different background processing library, this is left up to the user. Here's what an example with [sidekiq-scheduler](https://github.com/moove-it/sidekiq-scheduler) might look like: ```yaml # config/sidekiq.yml :schedule: schedule_shipment_syncs: every: ['1m', first_in: '0s'] class: 'SolidusBacktracs::Api::ScheduleShipmentSyncsJob' ``` This will schedule the job to run every minute. This is generally a good starting point, but feel free to adjust it as needed. #### API integration: Gotchas There's one possible problem you need to be aware of, when integrating via the API. You should make sure the interval between your syncs is, on average, larger than your latency in processing background jobs, or you are going to experience sync overlaps. As an example, if it takes your Sidekiq process 10 seconds to execute a job from the time it's scheduled, but you schedule a shipment sync every 5 seconds, your sync jobs will start overlapping, making your latency even worse. This is a problem that is faced by all recurring jobs. The solution is two-fold: 1. Monitor the latency of your background processing queues. Seriously, do it. 2. Make sure your sync interval is not too aggressive: unless you really need to, there's no point in syncing your shipments more often than once a minute. ## Development ### Testing the extension First bundle your dependencies, then run `bin/rake`. `bin/rake` will default to building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs. The dummy app can be regenerated by using `bin/rake extension:test_app`. ```shell bin/rake ``` To run [Rubocop](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop) static code analysis run ```shell bundle exec rubocop ``` When testing your application's integration with this extension you may use its factories. Simply add this require statement to your `spec/spec_helper.rb`: ```ruby require 'solidus_backtracs/testing_support/factories' ``` Or, if you are using `FactoryBot.definition_file_paths`, you can load Solidus core factories along with this extension's factories using this statement: ```ruby SolidusDevSupport::TestingSupport::Factories.load_for(SolidusBacktracs::Engine) ``` ### Running the sandbox To run this extension in a sandboxed Solidus application, you can run `bin/sandbox`. The path for the sandbox app is `./sandbox` and `bin/rails` will forward any Rails commands to `sandbox/bin/rails`. Here's an example: ``` $ bin/rails server => Booting Puma => Rails application starting in development * Listening on tcp:// Use Ctrl-C to stop ``` ### Updating the changelog Before and after releases the changelog should be updated to reflect the up-to-date status of the project: ```shell bin/rake changelog git add CHANGELOG.md git commit -m "Update the changelog" ``` ### Releasing new versions Please refer to the dedicated [page](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/wiki/How-to-release-extensions) on Solidus wiki. ## License Copyright (c) 2013 Boomer Digital, released under the New BSD License.