- include_javascript 'admin/concurrent_draft'
- resource = "#{@controller.model.display_name}  #{@controller.model_class.to_s.downcase}"

- unless @controller.model.id == nil  ## resource has not been saved.
        %td.label Draft Controls >
          - if @controller.model.has_draft_promotion_scheduled?
            = link_to t('scheduled') + ' ' + @controller.model.draft_promotion_scheduled_at.strftime('%m/%d/%y %I:%M%p'), "#draft_options", :class => "action dropdown"
          - elsif @controller.model.publishable? && ! @controller.model.published?
            %em= link_to t('unpublished'), "#draft_options", :class => "action dropdown"
          - else
            %em= link_to t('draft_promotion_unscheduled'), "#draft_options", :class => "action dropdown"
          %ul.menu{:id => "draft_options"}
            - if @controller.authorized_user?
              %li.schedule_draft= link_to image('clock') + ' ' + t('schedule_promotion'), '#schedule-draft-popup', :class => 'popup'
                - form_for @controller.model, :url => {:action => 'schedule_draft_promotion', :commit => @controller.model_class.promote_now_text}, :html => {:method => :post} do |f|
                  = link_to_function image('tick') + ' ' + t('promote_now'), "$(this).up('form').submit();showStatus('Promoting #{resource}', true)"
              - if @controller.model.has_draft_promotion_scheduled?
                  - form_for @controller.model, :url => {:action => 'schedule_draft_promotion', :commit => @controller.model_class.cancel_promotion_text}, :html => {:method => :post} do |f|
                    = link_to_function image('cancel') + ' ' + t('cancel_promotion'), "$(this).up('form').submit();showStatus('Canceling scheduled promotion of #{resource}', true)"
              - if @controller.model.publishable? && @controller.model.published?
                  - form_for @controller.model, :url => {:action => 'unpublish', :method => :post} do |f|
                    = link_to_function image('page_delete') + ' ' + t('unpublish'), "$(this).up('form').submit();showStatus('Unpublishing #{resource}', true)"
              - if @controller.model.has_draft_promoted?
                %li.revert= link_to image('page_refresh') + ' ' + t('revert_draft'), '#revert-draft-popup', :class => 'popup'

- content_for :popups do
  - if @controller.authorized_user?
    .popup#schedule-draft-popup{:style => 'display:none'}
        = image('clock')
        = t('schedule_promotion')
      - form_for @controller.model, :url => {:action => 'schedule_draft_promotion'}, :html => {:method => :post, 'data-onsubmit_status' => "Scheduling promotion of #{resource}"} do |f|
          = f.datetime_select :draft_promotion_scheduled_at, :start_year => Date.today.year, :minute_step => 15, :twelve_hour => true
          = hidden_field_tag :commit, @controller.model_class.schedule_promotion_text
        %p{:style => 'text-align: right'}
          %button{:type => 'submit'}= t('schedule')
          = t('or')
          = link_to_function t('cancel'), "$(this).closePopup();"

  .popup#revert-draft-popup{:style => 'display:none'}
      = image('page_refresh')
      The draft has been replaced with the live content.  
      %em You must save the page for this to take effect.
      %span{:style => 'padding-left:8px'}= link_to_function 'OK', "$(this).closePopup();"

- content_for :page_css do
      float: right
      width: 300px
      background: #7E7E7E
        margin: -2px 0 0 0
        border: none
        tr, td.label, td.actions
          border: none
          padding: 0px
          background: #7E7E7E
          text-align: right
          padding-right: 6px
          width: 178px
          a.action, span.action.disabled
            color: white
            text-decoration: underline
            margin: 0
              color: black
              text-decoration: none
              background: #eee image_url('admin/buttons_background.png') repeat-x
              color: black
              text-decoration: none
              background: #c5e0f5