module LD::Patch::Algebra ## # The LD Patch `delete` operator (incuding `deleteExisting`). # # The Add operation is used to delete triples from the target graph with or without checking to see if the exist already. # # @example # (add (( ))) # class Delete < SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::Unary include SPARQL::Algebra::Update include SPARQL::Algebra::Evaluatable NAME = :delete ## # Executes this upate on the given `writable` graph or repository. # # @param [RDF::Queryable] queryable # the graph or repository to write # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options # @option options [Boolean] :existing # Specifies that triples must already exist in the target graph # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions] A single solution including passed bindings with `var` bound to the solution. # @raise [Error] # If `existing` is specified, and any triple is not found in the traget graph, or if unbound variables are used. # @see def execute(queryable, options = {}) debug(options) {"Delete"} bindings = options.fetch(:bindings) solution = bindings.first # Bind variables to triples triples = operand(0).dup.replace_vars! do |var| case var when RDF::Query::Pattern s = var.bind(solution) raise"Operand uses unbound pattern #{var.inspect}", code: 400) if s.variable? s when RDF::Query::Variable raise"Operand uses unbound variable #{var.inspect}", code: 400) unless solution.bound?(var) solution[var] end end # If `:new` is specified, verify that no triple in triples exists in queryable if @options[:existing] triples.each do |triple| raise LD::Patch::Error, "Target graph does not contain triple #{triple.to_ntriples}" unless queryable.has_statement?(triple) end end queryable.delete(*triples) bindings end end end