module Patriot module Util module DBClient # @abstract base class for DB connection class Base # close this connection def close() raise NotImplementedError end # execute a given statment with this connection. # @param [String] stmt SQL statement to be executed # @param [Symbol] type type of execution (return type) # @return [Array] a list of records if the type is :select # @return [Integer] a id of last inserted record if the type is :insert # @return [Integer] the nubmer of affected rows if the type is :update def execute_statement(stmt, type = :select) method = "do_#{type}".to_sym begin return self.send(method, stmt) rescue => e raise "Failed to execute #{stmt} : Caused by (#{e})" end end # insert value into a given table # @param [String] tbl the name of table where a row will be inserted # @param [Hash] value a Hash represents the inserted value # @param [Hash] opts # @option [Boolean] :ignore set true if set conflict strategy IGNORE (default false) # @return [Integer] a id of the last inserted record # @example the below invocation issues "INSERT INTO table (col) VALUES ('val')" # insert('table', {:col => 'val'}) def insert(tbl, value, opts = {}) query = build_insert_query(tbl, value, opts) return execute_statement(query, :insert) end # create a insert statement for given arguments. # Subclasses can override this method if necessary # @param [String] tbl the name of table where a row will be inserted # @param [Hash] value a Hash represents the inserted value # @param [Hash] opts # @option [Boolean] :ignore set true if set conflict strategy IGNORE (default false) # @return [String] insert statement expression def build_insert_query(tbl, value, opts = {}) opts = {:ignore => false}.merge(opts) cols, vals = [], [] value.each do |c,v| cols << c vals << quote(v) end return "INSERT INTO #{tbl} (#{cols.join(',')}) VALUES (#{vals.join(',')})" end # The method which issues an insert statement # @param [String] query an insert statement # @return [Integer] a id of last inserted record if the type is :insert def do_insert(query) raise NotImplementedError end # select records from a table # @param [String] tbl the name of table where the records are searched # @param [Hash] cond a set of conditons for each attributes # @param [Hash] opts # @option [Integer] :limit LIMIT nubmer # @option [Integer] :offset OFFSET nubmer # @option [ARRAY] :items a list of output items # @return [Array] a list of records # @example the below invocation issues "SELECT * FROM table WHERE col = 'val'" # select('table', {:col => 'val'}) def select(tbl, cond = {}, opts = {}) opts = {:items => ['*']}.merge(opts) query = "SELECT #{opts[:items].join(', ')} FROM #{tbl} #{cond_exp(cond)}" query = "#{query} LIMIT #{opts[:limit]}" if opts.has_key?(:limit) query = "#{query} OFFSET #{opts[:offset]}" if opts.has_key?(:offset) return execute_statement(query, :select) end # The method which issues a select statement # @param [String] query a select statement # @return [Array] a list of records def do_select(query) raise NotImplementedError end # delete records from a table # @param [String] tbl the name of table from which records are deleted # @param [Hash] cond a set of conditions on deleted records # @return [Integer] the nubmer of affected rows # @example the below invocation issues "DELETE FROM table WHERE col = 'val'" # delete('table', {:col => 'val'}) def delete(tbl, cond) query = "DELETE FROM #{tbl} #{cond_exp(cond)}" return execute_statement(query, :update) end # update records of a table # @param [String] tbl the name of table in which records are updated # @param [Hash] new_val a set of new values # @param [Hash] cond a set of conditions on update records # @return [Integer] the nubmer of affected rows # @example the below invocation issues "UPDATE table SET col = 'val2' WHERE col = 'val1'" # update('table', {:col => 'val2'}, {:col => 'val1'}) def update(tbl, new_val, cond) query = "UPDATE #{tbl} SET #{value_exp(new_val)} #{cond_exp(cond)}" return execute_statement(query, :update) end # The method which issues a delete/update statement # @param [String] query a delete/update statement # @return [Integer] the nubmer of affected rows def do_update(query) raise NotImplementedError end # get an expression used as values in insert statements def value_exp(val) raise "illegal type of value_exp #{val.class}" unless val.is_a?(Hash) return{|k,v| v.nil? ? "#{k} = NULL" : "#{k} = #{quote(v)}"}.join(",") end # get an expression of where clause def cond_exp(cond) cond ={|k,v| v.nil? ? "#{k} IS NULL" : "#{k} = #{quote(v)}"}.join(' AND ') if cond.is_a?(Hash) raise "illegal type of cond : #{cond.class}" unless cond.is_a?(String) cond = "WHERE #{cond}" unless cond == "" return cond end # quote a given value to use in SQL def quote(v) raise NotImplementedError end end end end end