require_relative 'ionoscloud_base' class Chef class Knife class IonoscloudCompositeServerCreate < Knife include Knife::IonoscloudBase banner 'knife ionoscloud composite server create (options)' option :datacenter_id, short: '-D DATACENTER_ID', long: '--datacenter-id DATACENTER_ID', description: 'Name of the virtual datacenter' option :name, short: '-n NAME', long: '--name NAME', description: '(required) Name of the server' option :cores, short: '-C CORES', long: '--cores CORES', description: '(required) The number of processor cores' option :cpu_family, short: '-f CPU_FAMILY', long: '--cpu-family CPU_FAMILY', description: 'The family of processor cores (INTEL_XEON or AMD_OPTERON)' option :ram, short: '-r RAM', long: '--ram RAM', description: '(required) The amount of RAM in MB' option :availability_zone, short: '-a AVAILABILITY_ZONE', long: '--availability-zone AVAILABILITY_ZONE', description: 'The availability zone of the server' option :volume_name, long: '--volume-name NAME', description: 'Name of the volume' option :size, short: '-S SIZE', long: '--size SIZE', description: '(required) The size of the volume in GB' option :bus, short: '-b BUS', long: '--bus BUS', description: 'The bus type of the volume (VIRTIO or IDE)' option :image, short: '-N ID', long: '--image ID', description: '(required) The image or snapshot ID' option :image_alias, long: '--image-alias IMAGE_ALIAS', description: '(required) The image alias' option :type, short: '-t TYPE', long: '--type TYPE', description: '(required) The disk type (HDD or SSD)' option :licence_type, short: '-l LICENCE', long: '--licence-type LICENCE', description: 'The licence type of the volume (LINUX, WINDOWS, WINDOWS2016, UNKNOWN, OTHER)' option :image_password, short: '-P PASSWORD', long: '--image-password PASSWORD', description: 'The password set on the image for the "root" or "Administrator" user' option :volume_availability_zone, short: '-Z AVAILABILITY_ZONE', long: '--volume-availability-zone AVAILABILITY_ZONE', description: 'The volume availability zone of the server' option :ssh_keys, short: '-K SSHKEY[,SSHKEY,...]', long: '--ssh-keys SSHKEY1,SSHKEY2,...', description: 'A list of public SSH keys to include' option :backupunit_id, short: '-B BACKUPUNIT_ID', long: '--backupunit BACKUPUNIT_ID', description: 'The uuid of the Backup Unit that user has access to. The property is immutable and is only allowed '\ 'to be set on a new volume creation. It is mandatory to provide either \'public image\' or \'imageAlias\' in '\ 'conjunction with this property.' option :user_data, short: '-u USER_DATA', long: '--user-data USER_DATA', description: 'The cloud-init configuration for the volume as base64 encoded string. The property is '\ 'immutable and is only allowed to be set on a new volume creation. It is mandatory to provide either \'public image\' '\ 'or \'imageAlias\' that has cloud-init compatibility in conjunction with this property.' option :nic_name, long: '--nic-name NAME', description: 'Name of the NIC' option :ips, short: '-i IP[,IP,...]', long: '--ips IP[,IP,...]', description: 'IPs assigned to the NIC' option :dhcp, short: '-h', long: '--dhcp', boolean: true | false, description: 'Set to false if you wish to disable DHCP' option :lan, short: '-L ID', long: '--lan ID', description: 'The LAN ID the NIC will reside on; if the LAN ID does not exist it will be created' option :firewall_type, long: '--firewall-type FIREWALL_TYPE', description: 'The type of firewall rules that will be allowed on the NIC. If it is not specified it will take the '\ 'default value INGRESS' def initialize(args = []) super(args) @description = 'This creates a new composite server with an attached volume and NIC in a specified virtual data center.' @directory = 'compute-engine' @required_options = [ :datacenter_id, :name, :cores, :ram, :size, :type, :dhcp, :lan, :ionoscloud_username, :ionoscloud_password, ] end def run $stdout.sync = true handle_extra_config validate_required_params(@required_options, config) config[:ssh_keys] = config[:ssh_keys].split(',') if config[:ssh_keys] && config[:ssh_keys].instance_of?(String) config[:ips] = config[:ips].split(',') if config[:ips] && config[:ips].instance_of?(String) print ui.color('Creating composite server...', :magenta).to_s volume = properties:{ name: config[:volume_name], size: config[:size], bus: config[:bus] || 'VIRTIO', image: config[:image], image_alias: config[:image_alias], ssh_keys: config[:ssh_keys], image_password: config[:image_password], type: config[:type], licence_type: config[:licence_type], availability_zone: config[:volume_availability_zone], backupunit_id: config[:backupunit_id], user_data: config[:user_data], }.compact), ) nic = properties:{ name: config[:nic_name], ips: config[:ips], dhcp: config[:dhcp], lan: config[:lan], firewall_type: config[:firewall_type], }.compact), ) server = properties:{ name: config[:name], cores: config[:cores], cpu_family: config[:cpu_family], ram: config[:ram], availability_zone: config[:availability_zone], }.compact), entities: volumes: { items: [volume], }, nics: { items: [nic], }, ), ) server_api = server, _, headers = server_api.datacenters_servers_post_with_http_info(config[:datacenter_id], server) dot = ui.color('.', :magenta) api_client.wait_for { print dot; is_done? get_request_id headers } server = server_api.datacenters_servers_find_by_id(config[:datacenter_id], puts "\n" puts "#{ui.color('ID', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Name', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Cores', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('CPU Family', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Ram', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Availability Zone', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Boot Volume', :cyan)}: #{ ? : ''}" puts "#{ui.color('Boot CDROM', :cyan)}: #{ ? : ''}" puts 'done' end end end end