module CurriculumGenerator module Util class LatexToPdf def initialize( input_file_name, input_dir, resources_pths, out_dir, log_file, halt_on_error=true, shell_enabled=true, interpreter='xelatex', additional_args=[]) @interpreter = interpreter @halt_on_error = !!halt_on_error @shell_enabled = !!shell_enabled @out_dir = out_dir @input_file_name = input_file_name @input_dir = input_dir @resources_pths = resources_pths @log_file = log_file @additional_args = additional_args.is_a?(Array) ? additional_args : [] end def generate # Store the starting resources for later cleanup starting_resources = resources_files # Create the command used to generate the PDF gen_pdf_cmd =, @input_dir, @log_file) # Create the command used to generate the bibliography gen_bib_cmd =, @out_dir, @log_file) Either.chain do bind -> { } bind -> { } bind -> { } bind -> { } bind -> { # ==> Cleanup resources files dirty_files = resources_files - starting_resources dirty_files.length > 0 ? system("rm #{dirty_files.join(' ')}") : false } end end protected def get_tex_cmd args = %w(-synctex=1 -interaction=batchmode) # default arguments args << '-halt-on-error' if @halt_on_error # halt on error args += %w(-shell-escape --enable-write18) if @shell_enabled # shell escape args << "-output-directory=#{@out_dir}" # output directory args += @additional_args # add the additional arguments to the computed ones args << @input_file_name "#{@interpreter} #{args.join(' ')}" # build the tex command and return it end def get_bibtex_cmd "BIBINPUTS=\"#{@input_dir}\" " + "bibtex #{@input_file_name}" # build the bibtex command and return it end def resources_files Dir.glob(@resources_pths) end end end end