# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ~/_plugins/lunr_index.rb # Creates an lunr index file (json) to be used by J1LunrSearch # # Product/Info: # http://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2021 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/J1 Template/blob/master/LICENSE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'fileutils' require 'net/http' require 'json' require 'uri' require 'execjs' require 'yaml' module Jekyll module J1LunrSearch #noinspection RubyTooManyInstanceVariablesInspection class Indexer < Jekyll::Generator def initialize(config = {}) super(config) @mode = config['environment'] @template = config['theme'] @module_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__)) @module_path.slice! "_plugins" @module_config_path = File.join(@module_path, config['data_dir'], 'modules') @module_config_default = YAML::load(File.open(File.join(@module_config_path, 'defaults', 'quicksearch.yml'))) @module_config_user = YAML::load(File.open(File.join(@module_config_path,'quicksearch.yml'))) @module_config_default_settings = @module_config_default['defaults'] @module_config_user_settings = @module_config_user['settings'] @module_config = @module_config_default_settings.merge!(@module_config_user_settings) @lunr_config = { 'excludes' => [], 'strip_index_html' => false, 'min_length' => 3, 'stopwords' => 'stopwords.txt', 'fields' => { 'title' => 10, 'tagline' => 10, 'tags' => 20, 'categories' => 20, 'description' => 20, 'body' => 1 } }.merge!(@module_config || {}) @module_dir = @lunr_config['module_dir'] @index_dir = @lunr_config['index_dir'] @index_name = @lunr_config['index_name'] # calculate the module path # if NO template GEM is used (dev system), @module_path points # in the project folder, otherwise (runtime system) to the Ruby # GEM installation folder! # if @template.nil? @module_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../', @module_dir) else @gem_path = `bundle info --path j1-template` @module_path = File.join(@gem_path.chomp, @module_dir) end @lunr_path = File.join(@module_path, 'lunr.min.js') raise "Could not find #{@lunr_path}" unless File.exist?(@lunr_path) lunr_src = open(@lunr_path).read ctx = ExecJS.compile(lunr_src) @docs = {} @excludes = @lunr_config['excludes'] # if web host supports index.html as default doc, then # optionally exclude it from the url # @strip_index_html = @lunr_config['strip_index_html'] # @strip_categories configuration # @strip_categories = @lunr_config['strip_categories'] @stripped_categories = @strip_categories.join(',').gsub!(',', ' ') # stop word exclusion configuration # @min_length = @lunr_config['min_length'] @stopwords_file = @lunr_config['stopwords'] end # Index all pages except pages matching any value in config['lunr_excludes'] # or with frontmatter settings (exclude_from_search: true) # def generate(site) @site = site index_dest = @site.instance_variable_get(:@dest) rebuild = @module_config['rebuild'] index_file = index_dest + @module_config['index_file'] if @module_config['rebuild'] == false if File.exist?(index_file) Jekyll.logger.info 'J1 QuickSearch:', 'recreate index disabled.' # Keep the index file from being cleaned by Jekyll # site.static_files << SearchIndexFile.new(site, site.dest, '/', @module_config['index_file']) return end end Jekyll.logger.info 'J1 QuickSearch:', 'creating search index ...' # gather posts and pages # items = pages_to_index(site) content_renderer = PageRenderer.new(site) # index = [] # rebuild = @module_config['rebuild'] index_js = open(@lunr_path).read # NOTE: all settings must be added within the index function # index_js << 'var idx = lunr(function() {' @lunr_config['fields'].each_pair do |name, boost| index_js << "this.field('#{name}', {'boost': #{boost}});" end items.each_with_index do |item, i| entry = SearchEntry.create(item, content_renderer) entry.strip_index_suffix_from_url! if @strip_index_html entry.strip_stopwords!(stopwords, @min_length) if File.exists?(@stopwords_file) doc = { 'id' => i, 'title' => entry.title, 'tagline' => entry.tagline, 'url' => entry.url, 'date' => entry.date, 'tags' => entry.tags, 'categories' => entry.categories, 'description' => entry.description, 'is_post' => entry.is_post, 'body' => entry.body } # remove unwanted categories (if any) # doc['categories'] -= @strip_categories unless doc['categories'] == nil index_js << 'this.add(' << ::JSON.generate(doc, quirks_mode: true) << ');' # reduce the size of the doc array by deleting the body key # doc.delete('body') @docs[i] = doc end index_js << '});' filename = File.join(@index_dir, "#{@index_name}") ctx = ExecJS.compile(index_js) index = ctx.eval('JSON.stringify(idx)') total = { 'docs' => @docs, 'index' => ::JSON.parse(index, {:max_nesting => false}) } filepath = File.join(site.dest, filename) # create data path if not already exists # FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(filepath)) File.open(filepath, 'w') { |f| f.write(JSON.dump(total)) } Jekyll.logger.info 'J1 QuickSearch:', "finished, index ready." added_files = [filename] # Keep the written files from being cleaned by Jekyll # added_files.each do |fname| site.static_files << SearchIndexFile.new(site, site.dest, '/', fname) end end private # load the stopwords (file) # def stopwords @stopwords ||= IO.readlines(@stopwords_file).map { |l| l.strip } end def output_ext(doc) if doc.is_a?(Jekyll::Document) Jekyll::Renderer.new(@site, doc).output_ext else doc.output_ext end end def pages_to_index(site) items = [] # deep copy pages and documents (all collections, including posts) # site.pages.each {|page| items << page.dup } site.documents.each {|document| items << document.dup } # process only files that will be converted to .html and only # non excluded files # items.select! {|i| i.respond_to?(:output_ext) && output_ext(i) == '.html' && ! @excludes.any? {|s| (i.url =~ Regexp.new(s)) != nil } } items.reject! {|i| i.data['exclude_from_search'] } # jadams, 2012-08-04 # TODO: List of excludes should (alternatively) be taken from # quicksearch.yml configuration items end end end end require 'nokogiri' module Jekyll module J1LunrSearch class PageRenderer def initialize(site) @site = site end # render item, but without using its layout # def prepare(item) layout = item.data['layout'] begin item.data['layout'] = nil if item.is_a?(Jekyll::Document) output = Jekyll::Renderer.new(@site, item).run else item.render({}, @site.site_payload) output = item.output end ensure # restore original layout # item.data['layout'] = layout end output end # render the item, parse the output and get all text elements # def render(item) layoutless = item.dup Nokogiri::HTML(prepare(layoutless)).text end end end end require 'nokogiri' module Jekyll module J1LunrSearch #noinspection RubyTooManyInstanceVariablesInspection class SearchEntry def self.create(site, renderer) if site.is_a?(Jekyll::Page) or site.is_a?(Jekyll::Document) if defined?(site.date) date = site.date elsif defined?(site.data['date']) date = site.data['date'] else date = '2021-01-01 00:00:00' end tagline = site.data['tagline'] tags = site.data['tags'] categories = site.data['categories'] description = site.data['description'] title, url = extract_title_and_url(site) is_post = site.is_a?(Jekyll::Document) body = renderer.render(site) if description.nil? || description.length == 0 description = 'No description available.' end if site.is_a?(Jekyll::Document) excerpt = extract_excerpt(site) unless excerpt.nil? || excerpt.length == 0 description = excerpt end end SearchEntry.new(title, tagline, url, date, tags, categories, description, is_post, body, renderer) else raise 'Not supported' end end def self.extract_title_and_url(item) data = item.to_liquid [ data['title'], data['url'] ] end def self.extract_excerpt(item) data = item.to_liquid parsed_data = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(data['excerpt']).text parsed_data.gsub!(/\n+/, ' ') parsed_data.gsub!(/^\s+/, '') parsed_data.gsub!(/\s+$/, '') end attr_reader :title, :tagline, :url, :date, :tags, :categories, :description, :is_post, :body, :collection def initialize(title, tagline, url, date, tags, categories, description, is_post, body, collection) @title, @tagline, @url, @date,@tags, @categories, @description, @is_post, @body, @collection = title, tagline, url, date, tags, categories, description, is_post, body, collection end def strip_index_suffix_from_url! @url.gsub!(/index\.html$/, '') end # remove anything that is in the stop words list from # the text to be indexed # def strip_stopwords!(stopwords, min_length) #noinspection RubyParenthesesAfterMethodCallInspection @body = @body.split.delete_if() do |x| t = x.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z]/, '') t.length < min_length || stopwords.include?(t) end.join(' ') end end end end module Jekyll module J1LunrSearch class SearchIndexFile < Jekyll::StaticFile # Override write as the lunr index file has been # already created # def write(dest) true end end end end module Jekyll module J1LunrSearch VERSION = '2021.1.24' end end