/*! * Aloha Editor * Author & Copyright (c) 2010 Gentics Software GmbH * aloha-sales@gentics.com * Licensed unter the terms of http://www.aloha-editor.com/license.html */ define( ['aloha', 'aloha/jquery', 'aloha/plugin', 'aloha/floatingmenu', 'i18n!list/nls/i18n', 'i18n!aloha/nls/i18n', 'aloha/engine'], function(Aloha, jQuery, Plugin, FloatingMenu, i18n, i18nCore, Engine) { var GENTICS = window.GENTICS; /** * Register the ListPlugin as Aloha.Plugin */ var ListPlugin = Plugin.create('list', { /** * Configure the available languages */ languages: ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'eo', 'fi', 'ru', 'it'], /** * default button configuration */ config: [ 'ul', 'ol' ], /** * List of transformable elements */ transformableElements: {'p' : true, 'h1' : true, 'h2' : true, 'h3' : true, 'h4' : true, 'h5' : true, 'h6' : true, 'ul' : true, 'ol' : true}, /** * Initialize the plugin, register the buttons */ init: function() { var that = this; // //register the workaround-handler keypress handler on every editable // Aloha.bind('aloha-editable-created', function(event, editable) { // editable.obj.keyup(function(event){ // deleteWorkaroundHandler(event); // return true; // }); // }); // the 'create unordered list' button this.createUnorderedListButton = new Aloha.ui.Button({ 'name' : 'ul', 'iconClass' : 'aloha-button aloha-button-ul', 'size' : 'small', 'tooltip' : i18n.t('button.createulist.tooltip'), 'toggle' : true, 'onclick' : function (element, event) { that.transformList(false); } }); // add to floating menu FloatingMenu.addButton( 'Aloha.continuoustext', this.createUnorderedListButton, i18nCore.t('floatingmenu.tab.format'), 1 ); // the 'create ordered list' button this.createOrderedListButton = new Aloha.ui.Button({ 'name' : 'ol', 'iconClass' : 'aloha-button aloha-button-ol', 'size' : 'small', 'tooltip' : i18n.t('button.createolist.tooltip'), 'toggle' : true, 'onclick' : function (element, event) { that.transformList(true); } }); // add to floating menu FloatingMenu.addButton( 'Aloha.continuoustext', this.createOrderedListButton, i18nCore.t('floatingmenu.tab.format'), 1 ); FloatingMenu.createScope('Aloha.List', 'Aloha.continuoustext'); // the 'indent list' button this.indentListButton = new Aloha.ui.Button({ 'name' : 'indent-list', 'iconClass' : 'aloha-button aloha-button-indent-list', 'size' : 'small', 'tooltip' : i18n.t('button.indentlist.tooltip'), 'toggle' : false, 'onclick' : function (element, event) { that.indentList(); } }); // add to floating menu FloatingMenu.addButton( 'Aloha.continuoustext', this.indentListButton, i18n.t('floatingmenu.tab.list'), 1 ); // the 'outdent list' button this.outdentListButton = new Aloha.ui.Button({ 'name' : 'outdent-list', 'iconClass' : 'aloha-button aloha-button-outdent-list', 'size' : 'small', 'tooltip' : i18n.t('button.outdentlist.tooltip'), 'toggle' : false, 'onclick' : function (element, event) { that.outdentList(); } }); // add to floating menu FloatingMenu.addButton( 'Aloha.continuoustext', this.outdentListButton, i18n.t('floatingmenu.tab.list'), 1 ); // add the event handler for selection change Aloha.bind('aloha-selection-changed', function ( event, rangeObject ) { var i, effectiveMarkup; // Hide all buttons in the list tab will make the list tab disappear that.outdentListButton.hide(); that.indentListButton.hide(); that.createUnorderedListButton.setPressed(false); that.createOrderedListButton.setPressed(false); for ( i = 0; i < rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart.length; i++) { effectiveMarkup = rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart[ i ]; if (Aloha.Selection.standardTagNameComparator(effectiveMarkup, jQuery(''))) { that.createUnorderedListButton.setPressed(true); // Show all buttons in the list tab that.outdentListButton.show(); that.indentListButton.show(); break; } if (Aloha.Selection.standardTagNameComparator(effectiveMarkup, jQuery('
    '))) { that.createOrderedListButton.setPressed(true); // Show all buttons in the list tab that.outdentListButton.show(); that.indentListButton.show(); break; } } if (Aloha.activeEditable) { that.applyButtonConfig(Aloha.activeEditable.obj); } // TODO this should not be necessary here! FloatingMenu.doLayout(); }); // add the key handler for Tab Aloha.Markup.addKeyHandler(9, function(event) { return that.processTab(event); }); }, /** * Applys a configuration specific for an editable * buttons not available in this configuration are hidden * @param {jQuery} obj jQuery object of the activated editable */ applyButtonConfig: function (obj) { var config = this.getEditableConfig(obj); if (Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart[0]) { // show/hide them according to the config if (jQuery.inArray('ul', config) != -1 && Aloha.Selection.canTag1WrapTag2(Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart[0].nodeName, "ul") != -1) { this.createUnorderedListButton.show(); } else { this.createUnorderedListButton.hide(); } if (jQuery.inArray('ol', config) != -1 && Aloha.Selection.canTag1WrapTag2(Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart[0].nodeName, "ol") != -1) { this.createOrderedListButton.show(); } else { this.createOrderedListButton.hide(); } } }, /** * Process Tab and Shift-Tab pressed in lists */ processTab: function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 9/*tab*/ ) { if (event.shiftKey) { return this.outdentList(); } else { return this.indentList(); } } return true; }, /** * For the current selection, get the DOM object, which will be transformed to/from the list * @return dom object or false */ getStartingDomObjectToTransform: function () { var rangeObject = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject, i, effectiveMarkup; for ( i = 0; i < rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart.length; i++) { effectiveMarkup = rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart[ i ]; if (this.transformableElements[effectiveMarkup.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) { return effectiveMarkup; } } return false; }, /** * For the current selection, get the nearest list item as dom object * @return dom object or false */ getNearestSelectedListItem: function () { var rangeObject = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject, i, effectiveMarkup; for ( i = 0; i < rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart.length; i++) { effectiveMarkup = rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart[ i ]; if (GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isListElement(effectiveMarkup)) { return effectiveMarkup; } } return false; }, /** * Transform the current selection to/from a list * @param ordered true when transforming to/from an ordered list, false for unordered lists */ transformList: function (ordered) { var domToTransform = this.getStartingDomObjectToTransform(), lastLi, i, jqNewLi, jqList, selectedSiblings, jqParentList, newPara, jqToTransform, nodeName; // visible is set to true, but the button is not visible this.outdentListButton.show(); this.indentListButton.show(); if (!domToTransform) { // wrap a paragraph around the selection Aloha.Selection.changeMarkupOnSelection(jQuery('

    ')); domToTransform = this.getStartingDomObjectToTransform(); if (!domToTransform) { if ( Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startContainer.contentEditable ) { // create a new list with an empty item jqList = ordered ? jQuery('
      ') : jQuery(''); jqNewLi = jQuery('
    1. '); jqList.append(jqNewLi); var li = jqNewLi.get(0); var editable = Aloha.getActiveEditable().obj; //IE7 requires an (empty or non-empty) text node //inside the li for the selection to work. li.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")); /* if ( jQuery.browser.mozilla ) { li.appendChild(document.createElement("BR")); }*/ editable.append(jqList); editable.focus(); var range = Aloha.createRange(); var selection = Aloha.getSelection(); range.setStart( li.firstChild, 0 ); range.setEnd( li.firstChild, 0 ); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange( range ); Aloha.Selection.updateSelection(); return; } else { Aloha.Log.error(this, 'Could not transform selection into a list'); return; } } } // check the dom object nodeName = domToTransform.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName == 'ul' && !ordered) { // first check whether the list is nested into another list jqList = jQuery(domToTransform); jqParentList = jqList.parent(); if (jqParentList.length > 0 && GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isListElement(jqParentList.get(0))) { // when the list is nested into another, our list items will be // added to the list items of the outer list // find the place where to put the children of the inner list if (jqParentList.get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'li') { // inner table is nested in a li (this conforms to the html5 spec) jqParentList.after(jqList.children()); jqList.remove(); } else { // inner table is nested in the outer list directly (this violates the html5 spec) jqList.children().unwrap(); } } else { // we are in an unordered list and shall transform it to paragraphs // transform all li into p jqToTransform = jQuery(domToTransform); jQuery.each(jqToTransform.children('li'), function(index, li) { newPara = Aloha.Markup.transformDomObject(li, 'p', Aloha.Selection.rangeObject); // if any lists are in the paragraph, move the to after the paragraph newPara.after(newPara.children('ol,ul')); }); // unwrap the li (remove the enclosing ul) jqToTransform.children().unwrap(); } } else if (nodeName == 'ul' && ordered) { // we are in an unordered list and shall transform it to an ordered list // transform the ul into an ol Aloha.Markup.transformDomObject(domToTransform, 'ol', Aloha.Selection.rangeObject); // merge adjacent lists this.mergeAdjacentLists(jQuery(domToTransform)); } else if (nodeName == 'ol' && !ordered) { // we are in an ordered list and shall transform it to an unordered list // transform the ol into an ul Aloha.Markup.transformDomObject(domToTransform, 'ul', Aloha.Selection.rangeObject); // merge adjacent lists this.mergeAdjacentLists(jQuery(domToTransform)); } else if (nodeName == 'ol' && ordered) { // first check whether the list is nested into another list jqList = jQuery(domToTransform); jqParentList = jqList.parent(); if (jqParentList.length > 0 && GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isListElement(jqParentList.get(0))) { // when the list is nested into another, our list items will be // added to the list items of the outer list // find the place where to put the children of the inner list if (jqParentList.get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'li') { // inner table is nested in a li (this conforms to the html5 spec) jqParentList.after(jqList.children()); jqList.remove(); } else { // inner table is nested in the outer list directly (this violates the html5 spec) jqList.children().unwrap(); } } else { // we are in an unordered list and shall transform it to paragraphs // transform all li into p jqToTransform = jQuery(domToTransform); jQuery.each(jqToTransform.children('li'), function(index, li) { newPara = Aloha.Markup.transformDomObject(li, 'p', Aloha.Selection.rangeObject); // if any lists are in the paragraph, move the to after the paragraph newPara.after(newPara.children('ol,ul')); }); // unwrap the li (remove the enclosing ul) jqToTransform.children().unwrap(); } } else { // we are in something different from a list and shall transform it into a list // get the also selected siblings of the dom object selectedSiblings = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.getSelectedSiblings(domToTransform); // create a new list jqList = ordered ? jQuery('
        ') : jQuery(''); // add a new list item jqNewLi = jQuery('
      1. '); // add the li into the list jqList.append(jqNewLi); // append the contents of the old dom element to the li jQuery(domToTransform).contents().appendTo(jqNewLi); // replace the old dom element with the new list jQuery(domToTransform).replaceWith(jqList); // update the selection range if (Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startContainer == domToTransform) { Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startContainer = jqNewLi.get(0); } if (Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endContainer == domToTransform) { Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endContainer = jqNewLi.get(0); } var lastAppendedLi = jqNewLi; // now also transform all siblings if (selectedSiblings) { lastLi = false; for ( i = 0; i < selectedSiblings.length; ++i) { if (GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isBlockLevelElement(selectedSiblings[i])) { if (lastLi) { lastLi = false; } // transform the block level element jqNewLi = Aloha.Markup.transformDomObject(selectedSiblings[i], 'li', Aloha.Selection.rangeObject); jqList.append(jqNewLi); lastAppendedLi = jqNewLi; } else { if (selectedSiblings[i].nodeType == 3 && jQuery.trim(selectedSiblings[i].data).length === 0) { continue; } if (!lastLi) { lastLi = jQuery('
      2. '); jqList.append(lastLi); lastAppendedLi = lastLi; } lastLi.append(selectedSiblings[i]); } } } // merge adjacent lists this.mergeAdjacentLists(jqList); //use rangy to change the selection to the contents of //the last li that was appended to the list var li = lastAppendedLi.get(0); if (GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isEmpty(li)) { var range = Aloha.createRange(); var selection = Aloha.getSelection(); //IE7 requires an (empty or non-empty) text node //inside the li for the selection to work. li.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")); range.selectNodeContents( li.lastChild ); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange( range ); Aloha.Selection.updateSelection(); } } // refresh the selection this.refreshSelection(); }, /** * Indent the selected list items by moving them into a new created, nested list */ indentList: function () { var listItem = this.getNearestSelectedListItem(), i, jqNewList, selectedSiblings, jqOldList, jqItemBefore; if (listItem) { jqItemBefore = jQuery(listItem).prev('li'); // when we are in the first li of a list, there is no indenting if (jqItemBefore.length === 0) { // but we handled the TAB keystroke return false; } jqOldList = jQuery(listItem).parent(); // get the also selected siblings of the dom object selectedSiblings = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.getSelectedSiblings(listItem); // create the new list element by cloning the selected list element's parent jqNewList = jQuery(listItem).parent().clone(false).empty(); jqNewList.append(listItem); // we found a list item before the first selected one, so append the new list to it jqItemBefore.append(jqNewList); // check for multiple selected items if (selectedSiblings) { for ( i = 0; i < selectedSiblings.length; ++i) { jqNewList.append(jQuery(selectedSiblings[i])); } } // merge adjacent lists this.mergeAdjacentLists(jqNewList, true); // refresh the selection this.refreshSelection(); return false; } return true; }, /** * Outdent nested list items by moving them into the outer list */ outdentList: function () { var listItem = this.getNearestSelectedListItem(), i, jqNewPostList, jqListItem, jqList, jqParentList, wrappingLi, selectedSiblings, lastSelected; if (listItem) { // check whether the list is nested into another list jqListItem = jQuery(listItem); jqList = jqListItem.parent(); // get the parent list jqParentList = jqList.parents('ul,ol'); // check whether the inner list is directly inserted into a li element wrappingLi = jqList.parent('li'); if (jqParentList.length > 0 && GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isListElement(jqParentList.get(0))) { // the list is nested into another list // get the also selected siblings of the dom object selectedSiblings = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.getSelectedSiblings(listItem); // check for multiple selected items if (selectedSiblings && selectedSiblings.length > 0) { lastSelected = jQuery(selectedSiblings[selectedSiblings.length - 1]); } else { lastSelected = jqListItem; } // check whether we found not selected li's after the selection if (lastSelected.nextAll('li').length > 0) { jqNewPostList = jqList.clone(false).empty(); jqNewPostList.append(lastSelected.nextAll()); lastSelected.append(jqNewPostList); } // now move all selected li's into the higher list if (wrappingLi.length > 0) { wrappingLi.after(jqListItem); } else { jqList.before(jqListItem); } // check for multiple selected items if (selectedSiblings && selectedSiblings.length > 0) { for ( i = selectedSiblings.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { jqListItem.after(jQuery(selectedSiblings[i])); } } // finally check whether there are elements left in the list if (jqList.contents('li').length === 0) { // list is completely empty, so remove it jqList.remove(); } // check whether the wrapping li is empty now if (wrappingLi.length > 0 && wrappingLi.contents().length === 0) { wrappingLi.remove(); } // refresh the selection this.refreshSelection(); } return false; } return true; }, /** * Refresh the current selection and set to focus to the current editable again */ refreshSelection: function () { Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.update(); Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.select(); Aloha.Selection.updateSelection(); }, /** * Merge adjacent lists (of same type) into the first list * @param jqList jQuery object of a list * @param allTypes true if all types of lists may be merged, false if only same types may be merged */ mergeAdjacentLists: function (jqList, allTypes) { // first get the first previous sibling of same type var firstList = jqList.get(0), jqNextList; while ( firstList.previousSibling && firstList.previousSibling.nodeType === 1 && this.isMergable(firstList.previousSibling, firstList, allTypes) ) { firstList = firstList.previousSibling; } jqList = jQuery(firstList); // now merge all adjacent lists into this one while ( firstList.nextSibling && ( ( firstList.nextSibling.nodeType === 1 && this.isMergable(firstList.nextSibling, firstList, allTypes) ) || ( firstList.nextSibling.nodeType === 3 && jQuery.trim(firstList.nextSibling.data).length === 0 ) ) ) { jqNextList = jQuery(firstList.nextSibling); if (firstList.nextSibling.nodeType == 1) { jqNextList.contents().appendTo(jqList); } jqNextList.remove(); } }, /** * Check whether the given DOM element toCheck is mergeable into the DOM element mergeInto * @param toCheck DOM element to check * @param mergeInto DOM element into which toCheck shall be merged * @param allTypes true if all types of lists may be merged, false if only same types may be merged */ isMergable: function (toCheck, mergeInto, allTypes) { if (allTypes) { return toCheck.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ul' || toCheck.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ol'; } else { return toCheck.nodeName == mergeInto.nodeName; } } }); /** * */ Engine.commands['insertorderedlist'] = { action: function(value, range) { ListPlugin.transformList(true); if (range && Aloha.Selection.rangeObject) { range.startContainer = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startContainer; range.startOffset = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startOffset; range.endContainer = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endContainer; range.endOffset = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endOffset; } }, indeterm: function() { // TODO }, state: function() { for ( i = 0; i < rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart.length; i++) { effectiveMarkup = rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart[ i ]; if (Aloha.Selection.standardTagNameComparator(effectiveMarkup, jQuery(''))) { return false; } if (Aloha.Selection.standardTagNameComparator(effectiveMarkup, jQuery('
          '))) { return true; } } return false; } }; Engine.commands['insertunorderedlist'] = { action: function(value, range) { ListPlugin.transformList(false); if (range && Aloha.Selection.rangeObject) { range.startContainer = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startContainer; range.startOffset = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startOffset; range.endContainer = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endContainer; range.endOffset = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endOffset; } }, indeterm: function() { // TODO }, state: function() { for ( i = 0; i < rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart.length; i++) { effectiveMarkup = rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart[ i ]; if (Aloha.Selection.standardTagNameComparator(effectiveMarkup, jQuery(''))) { return true; } if (Aloha.Selection.standardTagNameComparator(effectiveMarkup, jQuery('
            '))) { return false; } } return false; } }; Engine.commands['indent'] = { action: function(value, range) { ListPlugin.indentList(); if (range && Aloha.Selection.rangeObject) { range.startContainer = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startContainer; range.startOffset = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startOffset; range.endContainer = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endContainer; range.endOffset = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endOffset; } }, indeterm: function() { // TODO }, state: function() { // TODO return false; } }; Engine.commands['outdent'] = { action: function(value, range) { ListPlugin.outdentList(); if (range && Aloha.Selection.rangeObject) { range.startContainer = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startContainer; range.startOffset = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.startOffset; range.endContainer = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endContainer; range.endOffset = Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endOffset; } }, indeterm: function() { // TODO }, state: function() { // TODO return false; } }; /** * A key handler that should be run as a keyup handler for the * backspace and del keys. keyup fires after the browser has already * performed the delete - this handler will perform a cleanup if * necessary. * * Will work around an IE bug which breaks nested lists in the * following situation, where [] is the selection, if backspace is * pressed (same goes for the del key if the selection is at the end * of the li that occurs before the selection): * * *


            * * The browser behaviour, if one would presses backspace, results in * the following: * * * * which is invalid HTML since the